
To be reborn as a porcelain doll

When I opened my eyes again in a lavish and gold-leafed display case, I was bewildered. Furthermore, I couldn't comprehend why I was inside the thin glass, and when I tried to move my body to open the glass, it felt as if my arm, seemingly weighing thousands of kilos, hadn't budged an inch. While pondering that I might have been kidnapped, a shock overwhelmed me as I turned my eyes to my arm—a porcelain doll's arm. Later, my reflection in the golden vase to my right caught my eye. The reflection of a red-haired, red-eyed baby, whose gaze was turned to the side, appeared. It was quite eerie, and I realized that I had reincarnated into the body of a porcelain doll. Then, a blue screen appeared in front of me. According to what it said, if I could fulfill the desires requested of me, I would gain strength. It emphasized that if I wanted to escape from this body, which could break at any moment, I had to fulfill these requests. It was for my own survival!

DaoistZiVMzm · Others
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19 Chs

To be reborn as a porcelain doll Part 12

"Can you tell me about the gods of Krutal and the other continents, and the Eight Great Gods?"

"Huh, I don't understand. Why would the archangel ask about this?"

Alyysia didn't think that someone who introduced themselves as an archangel would be unfamiliar with the gods, so she felt a hint of suspicion.

Mary continued to speak, "In the worship held yesterday, I neither saw nor heard of the god I encountered in the Garden of the Gods. Moreover, the Eight Great Gods I serve have never mentioned such a god to me." Alyysia was shocked by Mary's words and muttered, "So, the god of the Past and the Ancestors might not be real?"

Mary didn't speak, only responding with a thoughtful "Hmmm." Then Mary continued, "It might be possible, but reaching a definite conclusion is impossible. Perhaps when you humans make prophecies, you might have misnamed that god."

Alyysia thought this made sense and placed her hand on her chin, saying, "Archangel, what should we do if it's fake?"

Mary responded in an angry and irritated tone, "The sinners should be punished!" Alyysia, fearing Mary's angry state, immediately knelt down and pleaded for her not to get too angry. She assured Mary that she would investigate the matter when she became Empress. Alyysia promised to help Mary punish the infidels once she resolved the issue.

Mary opened her mouth and spoke again, "Tell me the creation story of this world."

Alyysia responded respectfully, "Okay, Divine angel," and began narrating the creation and myth of this world.

"When everything was in infinite darkness, a being emerged from a fragment that broke away from the darkness. With its birth, a light pierced through the darkness; it was so bright and pure, illuminating as if it were stealing away all the darkness. Its first thought was to enlighten this universe, and thus, creating the first star, it allowed the universe to meet light. It began to create other stars one by one, and the universe was no longer composed of darkness.

As it continued to illuminate the infinite darkness of the universe, it as it goes time by began to feel a void within itself, and that emptiness grew. At first, it couldn't comprehend this, but then it felt a sudden pain in its body. It was as if the first star it created came to mind. When it went to check on the first star, it realized that it had long extinguished its light. A profound regret engulfed it because it couldn't even bid farewell. Departing with regret, it felt a life energy, turning around to find that a new being had emerged from the first star it created.

The entity born from the extinguished star's remains was so beautiful. It had jet-black hair reminiscent of the initial darkness of the universe, and its eyes resembled the light that tore through the darkness during the birth of the first star. Because this newly born being reminded it of the initial darkness of the universe, it named them Nyphx. With Nyphx's birth, the entity finally found an end to its loneliness.

As time went by, Nyphx and the entity had become accustomed to each other, and they had even started to feel something for each other emotionally. When the two lovers finally united, their union gave birth to a barren planet of gray hue.

As life scattered into the universe from Nyphx and their union, the barren planet benefited from the life energy dispersed in the first circumstellar region. Life slowly began to flourish on this once barren planet.

The entire planet became covered in a blue liquid, and from these waters, rocky formations began to emerge. The once barren planet now had soil particles forming, and these soil particles transformed into a green hue. Over time, living beings emerged from these green soil particles. These beings inscribed Nyphx's and the entity's essences onto walls and stones, worshipping them.

They elevated and bestowed names upon them. They called Nyphx, reminiscent of the night, the Goddess of Darkness, and the entity guiding and preserving the continuity of life, banishing both darkness and morning, was named Xearix, the God of the Sun. They also referred to them as the "First Creators."

Believing that everything and everyone originated from them, they worshipped Xearix and Nyphx. Xearix and Nyphx felt satisfaction towards the beings who constantly praised and exalted them, and they were given the name "Humans" by the worshippers, the beings who first recognized the essence meanings of the gods . Blessing the humans, they continued to guide them. However, this peaceful environment did not last long. Chaos awoke from its deep slumber and surveyed the universe.

It was surprised to find that the familiar universe, which existed solely from darkness, had changed. Light and darkness coexisted harmoniously. Curious about the cause, Chaos approached the most prominent light and saw Xearix and Nyphx. Influenced by Nyphx, Chaos began to harbor feelings for her, but Npyhx loved Xearix. Envious, Chaos attacked them, causing the death of many of the humans who first recognized the essences.

While trying to protect humanity, Xearix and Nyphx also took precautions to protect themselves. Grateful to these gods who protected them, humans vilified Chaos, insulting and labeling it as "The Devil," blaming and they gave the name that means disrupting order and unity. This war lasted for millions of years, and humanity survived the constant threat of extinction but gradually regressed. The victor of this war was Chaos.

This was because Chaos was older and more powerful than both Xearix and Nyphx. Chaos imprisoned Xearix in the fragment of the star that illuminated the Earth.

Additionally, Chaos trapped each of Xearix and Nyphx's five children in different constellations. As for Nyphx, Chaos forced her to be with him, resulting in the creation of three more gods from this union.

When Nyphx managed to wound Chaos, the first magic spread throughout the universe. Realizing that Nyphx would not belong entirely to him, Chaos imprisoned Xearix and Nyphx, preventing their reunion. To make them suffer, he placed them around the world they loved so much. Now, the world no longer turned into night for Nyphx to listen to humans or radiated light for Xearix to aid human progress. The day-night cycle emerged, and humans called it the cycle of night and day. Trapped, humans named to Xearix the Sun and to Nyphx the Moon.

The Sun chased the Moon to be able to reunite with it, and the Moon chased the Sun for the same reason. However, in the endless cycle, they never managed to reunite. Only some inscriptions and images that knew the truth survived. This knowledge was passed down to future generations, and they worked diligently to repay their debt to Xearix and Nyphx, who saved them. They would try every possible way to free them from their prisons".

Mary nodded as if contemplating while Alyysia respectfully bowed and left the room. Mary hadn't obtained exactly what she wanted; she still didn't know the names of the eight gods, and the other lesser gods were also included in this.