


Camilla Medilton

/"You're really sweet and funny/" Jean said a.k.a Blane's mom is a really beautiful human being. She's so sweet and just perfect

/"Thank you/" I smiled

/"So how is Blane treating you?/" She asked excited.

/"He's so sweet, just a perfect boyfriend/" Lies

/"He must taking over his dad's romanticness/" Jean chuckled

/"Maybe/" I said

/"Mom can I have my girlfriend now?/" Blane walked to me and Jean smiled to her son

/"Of course/" She said and Blane held my hand

/"I want to show you something/" He said and pulled me out from the room. He pulled me out to the corner of the building and there's a big balcony at the west side of the building

/"Thanks./" He said and he let go of my hand. I looked down and I was hoping he could hold it a lot longer. Camilla get in your sense, it's all an act

/"I don't understand why you need me there/" I said