


Camilla Medilton

1 year later..

/"Yes Camilla, yes.. Sexy Beautiful.. Yes!/" The photographer said and I kept posing with the LV bag

/"Change!/" I changed the bag and continued the photoshoot

/"I have a dinner with my family tonight/" I said to my manager

/"I know, do you want to go straight there or home first?/" She asked as she gave me my bag

/"Just straight there/"

/"Here's your coffee/" I smiled as she gave me my favorite coffee. I woke up early and went to a commercial shoot. Yesterday, I went home late.

/"Thank you Vero/"

/"Welcome/" I walked out from the studio and got into my car. I quickly drove to the dinner place. Apparently it's in Hilton Hotel, I drove into the lobby and gave the key to the valet chauffeur.

I walked into the lobby, I sighed looking at the stairs. The restaurant is on the 2nd floor and I'm too lazy to go to the back for the lift. I walked up and since I'm too tired my legs started to betray me.

I kept walking and walking until I stepped on the wrong step. Making me slip and fall down. I cursed at myself and groaned big time. I slowly got up when suddenly someone helped me.

/"Thank you.. I-/" I froze to see the guy who saved my ass 2 times. His looked at me and held my waist helping me to get up

/"You're wearing a red dress again/" He stated as he looked down. I pushed him slowly

/"Thanks/" I said awkwardly

/"You know I got you 3 times when you're in this unlucky situation and you wear red dress/" He said and I looked down to see my heels broke. I hissed and took it off.

/"Thank you for saving my ass again for the third time and since I promised you that I will-/"

/"Repay?/" He cut me and I looked up to him

/"Right../" I nodded

/"I don't need-/"

/"Blane!/" He turned to the side and he looked at me

/"I need you repay now/" He said

/"Wha-/" He crashed his lips to mine, he cupped my face and kissed me deeply. I was shocked at first but I was drown in the kiss because I swear I never felt this sweet feeling before

/"Blane!/" Someone pulled him and the girl glared at him big time. She turned to me and her eyes widen

/"Camilla Medilton?/" She said my name

/"Get lost Clara/" The guy said and she stomped her foot angrily. Tears came out from her eyes and she ran away.

/"So your name is Camilla? You know her?/" He looked at me raising his eyebrows

/"I'm a model and you? Blane?/" I asked

/"Blane Samuel/" My eyes widened, why didn't I notice that?

/"Shocked?/" He asked and I nodded. I held my heels

/"You have 2 wish left/" I said

/"You're not going to ask what just happened?/" He asked

/"It's your privacy, at least I can help you since you helped me/" I smiled and continued to walk up

/"Camilla Medilton/" He called me and I turned my body to him. I looked at him waiting for him to talk

/"Pretend to be my girlfriend then/" What?!

/"Now?/" I asked disbelief

/"Yes/" Since he saved my ass, I sighed. I took out my phone and texted my brother Zion that I can't join because I still have work to do

/"On what occasion?/" I asked Blane as I texted Zion


/"Here?/" I asked in horror

/"Yeah but in a private room, have any problem?/" He asked

/"My family were planning to have a dinner together/"

/"I'll go explain it to them later on, yo-/"

/"Not need to worry about that, now let's go,/" I said as I put my phone back into my bag. I put my heels on again and he walked up until he stood in front of me

/"You know what this means right?/" He asked

/"Just act like I'm yours tonight/" I said

/"You sure?/"

/"For show only right?/" I asked shrugging

/"Yeah, let's go/" He slipped his hand to mine and held it. I looked at it and found it warm and just.. weird

/"Where do we meet?/"

/"1 year ago at the launching party/" Blane answered

/"Okay.. How long have we dated?/"

/"5 months/" He answered and I nodded. I knew that he has a twin and a sister. That's the only thing I know. He slipped his arm around my waist making my breath hitch. He turned to me and I froze seeing him this close.

He looked mysterious but in a good way. It's sexy though.

/"Ready?/" He asked as we stood in front of a big room

/"Yeah/" I said and he smirked. He kissed my cheek and opened the door. I turned and I froze.

It's a full team of 7 Gold Lifes and his family. Everyone's eyes were all on us.

/"Sorry I'm late, I picked up Camilla first/" Blane said and I smiled to them

/"You're not kidding?/" His twin asked and Blane pulled me with him. I smiled politely at everyone since they looked at me with confusion.

/"Wait.. I've seen you before/"

/"Camilla Medilton right?/" Kayla asked

/"Kayla?/" I met her 3 times when we're working in the same project

/"Oh my gosh/" Kayla stood up and hugged me

/"Please take a sit first/" Nicholas Lemiere said and I can't believe I'm seeing them. I mean my dad knew them but I never involved any of it.

/"You're Dave Medilton's daughter right?/" Aaron Samuel asked

/"Yes/" I answered

/"We met her father only/" Sky Locason said and I nodded

/"Yes, he's an active businessman along with my brother Zion and Elenor/"

/"I see, take a seat and order the food/" Alex said and Blane lead me to the 2 empty seats

/"I thought you were joking/" Axel said and Blane chuckled

/"Joking about what?/"

/"I thought you're dating Clara/" Clara was the girl from earlier. Blane pulled my seat closer and he kissed my cheek, smiling to me like he was madly in love with me. I decided to act the same

/"Nice to meet you Camilla, I'm Joan/" She's a beauty

/"Nice to meet you too/" I smiled widely

/"Baby let's order first/" Blane whispered and I turned to him

/"Okay../" We both looked at the menu and Blane explained it to me about it. I ordered a steak and so was he.

/"So how long have you been together?/" Cailey asked

/"Around 5 months/"

/"How come you never tell us?/" Cailey turned to Blane

/"Why should I?/" Blake answered Cailey


/"Glad that you have moved on/" Dylan Lemiere said in a cold tone. Blane pulled me closer

/"Why? Do you want me to snatch Lauren from you?/" I gulped hearing it. So Lauren Hastington was with Blane at some point?

/"Dylan stop!/" Lauren hissed at her boyfriend. The whole America knew that Lauren and Dylan are a power couple but I didn't expect Blane was with Lauren before

/"Blane, I'm here/" I turned to him and he looked at me

/"Right, sorry/" He leaned to me and kissed my cheek

/"Please don't talk about the past,/" I said, trying to be sad. Blane wrapped his arm around me and smiled

/"I'm sorry/" He gave me a peck on my lips

/"I hate you/" I hissed and he chuckled

/"You love me babe/" Why am I feeling that this felt like a real thing? It felt so real until I was enjoying the roll..