
Titanfall in Marvel

A soldier who died in war was reincarnated in the Marvel universe with a titanfall system after his "training". This isn't your avarage pushover. The mc will do whatever it needs to be done to achive his goals. While trying not to be edgy or cringe. Warning: Gore and heavy language

The_Puffer · Movies
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25 Chs

Near death and Emily

-After 1 month-

"Did the ships spawned?"

"Yes Captain. Sorry for calling you everytime for this."

"No problem. Actually let me have a look if I can let you buy them."

System can I let him use the shop?

[The sent shop will only Contain Ships. Do you accept?]


"Can you check it?"

"Hmm. Yes sir I can use the shop function."

"By the way how many harvesters we have?"

"80 sir. With 60 of them are being used in different planets and moons."

"How about planet harvesters?"

"We have 3 of them. They are waiting because we didnt discover any planets worth using. They are currently in pieces in the hangar as they are quite big."

"Great. If you find any planets that has really high amounts of metal, just use it. But leave one for just in case."

"Of course sir. By the way, what did Ancient one said?"

"She agreed to teach. But refused to let others teach outside of the Kamar-Taj. Her reason being, we had no books about magic."

"Seems reasonable."

"They dont have too much space for us so only 30 men will be taught at a time. So we might need to exchange soldiers between bases."

"That can be arranged easily sir dont worry."

"Anyways. That was all for today I think. Have a nice day Mr.Kendal."

A smile apears on old man's face. "You too Captain." He is like the grandpa I never had.

{Call ended}

"Eve please call Emily."


"HALO CAPTAAIIIN! Here to give this poor little girl more work? Ah I thought Child labor was illegal but I was wrong! How cruel of you captain. Whats next? You want my body too? Kyaaa! Captain is such a pervert! Getting turned on by a Childs body!" She says while faking a sad expression. I swear to god one day I am going to kill her.

"Dont be an idiot and add Red Room to the hit list."

She Returns to normal, if thats even normal. "Red room? I believe they are... Wait a sec... Ah yes. They are operational for 15 years now. But why order it now?"

"I just wanted to see their response. Maybe they would bring some widows back to protect themselfs. That way we dont have to search the world to get them. But do you know who is behind the red room?"

"Give me a minute... Okay wow. These guys are old. I cant find anything. The only thing left is to search the boring documents scanned from the hydra bases. Ugh. I hate this job."

-After few minutes-

"I did it! Okay lets see... AHA! Department X! What a lame name."

"Great add them to the list too. None of them leaves alive. Am I clear?"

"Clear as the sky Captain!"

"Dont forget to Capture Widows alive."

"Yes Yes I will let you expand your harem dont worry." She is out of the line, but she would make a great wingman.

"Shut up or I will Come up there and kick your ass. What about the Mutants?"

"Hmm. They are more Active in recent years. They are mainly divided into groups to increase their survivability."

"Capture the stray ones that are creating problems in the world. Nobody will care when the bad guys are gone. Make sure to restrain them properly. First choose the ones with physical powers so they cant create any problems when restrained. Then send them to the research department and tell them to make a device that can disable their powers. I dont care if Its a serum or a collar. Make two versions, one that can disable their powers, other that can erase their powers completely if thats possible."

"Okay. Anything else?"

"No. Thats all."

"Byeee Captain!"

{Call ended}

{Captain it is 5 AM. Time for training}

"Okay. Okay. I am going."

-Training area-

-3 hours later-

"In 1 month, you have already mastered many things and You have wonderful combat Abilities. But still lack experience about fighting Monsters. You can only win properly againts humans and those big things, robots as you called." The ancient one said and made a 3 meter golden lion. (imagine a lion that can touch a basketball rim with its head without any issiues)

I just did a heavy training for hours and now she wants me to fight a lion?! I mean yea I fought againts an army but I couldn't get tired there! The lion attacked me without waiting. I rolled to side and it passes near me in an incredible speed. it slows down to turns around.

"COME ON YOU BIG PUSSY!" I made a magical great sword while taunting it.

It rushes at me which I defend myself with stabbing the ground with the great sword. The lion crashes into my sword but doesnt stops. The sword lifts from the ground and now I feel the full force of the lion. I lost my grip and the sword flies elsewhere .

It attacks me with its claws, trying to cut my head clean off. I bend behind and see the claw nearly took my nose with it.

I kick the lion in the chin and roll backwards. The lion gets angry and roars at me. I quickly made another great sword and took my stance. It rans towards me once again.

It jumps on me which I block with my sword. It starts to push me with its front paws while trying to bite my head. It roars at me again and this time it hurts my ears and I feel lightheaded.

"AAAAAAA!!" I use everything I have and push the giant lion a little bit. Me and the lion push eachother like animals trying to assert dominance.

The Ancient one sees, and thinks that she just trained me for no reason if I am just going to use brute force.

But I let go of the giant sword and make two daggers. I quickly get under the lion and cut two of its tendons and get out.

The lion falls down but refuses to give up. It tries to crawl towards me.

"Let me end your suffering." I made a great sword and put it above my head. I gather enough energy into it to cut down a Mountain. At least I like to think it like that.

In one Swift motion, the lion gets cut in two and it dissapears into magic particles.

"Great. How about 3 of them?" she spawns 3 of them! I make 2 normal swords and wait for them.

Oh shit! One of the lions jumps on me. I quickly duck under and try to cut its front paw. But it doesnt work. Looks like these ones are more durable. I move to the other one. I rush towards it with a great speed and stab its eye. The sword doesnt goes all the way so I fail to hit the brain. But the lion gets angry. And bites my leg!

FUCK! It hurts like a bitch! Before I retaliate, the other lion grabs bites my arm! I give up on those limbs and just shove my hand inside the other eye of the lion that bit my leg.

I reach and grab anything I can and them pull it out! The lion cries in pain but I will not give it a moment to rest. Just when I was going to go for an another one, I hear a loud crack on me left. Motherfucker just broke my arm on half! I probably cant feel anything because of adrenaline so I make my hand into a fist and just punched it hard on the nose. It did not flinch so I did it again, again and again! Just when it was about to let go, I hear an another sound.

But this time, it was a different sound. Almost like, something was torn. Then it hit me. I looked at my leg and saw that It wasnt there! The Motherfucker was trashing my leg without its eyes. Just there swinging it side to side.

I made fire with my right hand and pressed it against the torn place.


The smell of burning flesh came to my nose. But the pain I feel now couldn't be compared to what I felt inside the simulation.

While my hand was still burning Hot, I grabbed the lion that bit my arm from its nose. It tried to let go but my hands were already inside its flesh with the heat. I used all my strength and smahed its head in the ground. I let go of its nose and thrust my hand inside its eye like I did to the other one.

But the difference this time is that I am going to burn him from inside! "AAAAAAA!! TAKE THIS FUCKER!" I start to throw fire balls inside its skull. The fire starts to Come out from its eye sockets and soon the lion colapses.

Fuck. It is finally over. I let out a huge sigh.

"There is one more." I hear the ancient ones voice. Oh shi-

The lion tackles me to the ground. I cant fight because I just spend nearly my entire energy on that fire. Shit. I was too stupid. I got too used to lose no energy when fighting that I almost forgot how a real battle goes. I dont even have my gadgets now.

The lion was just about to bite my head, a headbut it. It seemed confused as I bet no animal on the ground that was about to die headbutted it before. Well, they were created a moment ago but they are exacly like real lions.

I quickly use the opening and used the last bit of my energy to make the heaviest and smallest sword I can make above the lion. The lion goes in for a kill. The sword falls down quickly and stabs the lion on the neck. It goes all the way through, stabs me in my stomach and goes into the ground. Great. I just made a very big shish kebap. The lion dissapears because I think I just cut its every nerve.

"Congratulations." The ancient one comes near me as I smile at her with blood in my mouth.

"Lets fix you up shall we?" she brings my leg and puts it near where it seperated. Then casts a healing Spell which helped me to re attach my limb and stop bleeding. The hole in my stomach was closed and my broken arm was healed. Not fully but at least now I can put a cast on it and wait for it to heal. Else I wouldn't be able to do that.

"In the next test. We will see how you mix your gadgets and guns with Mystic arts." give me a break woman. cant you see I just stabbed myself to survive? She probably saw my face which was begging for a break. "That is, when you finish healing of course." yea yea.

4 soldiers came and took me to my room. I couldn't even move right now so they just put me on the ground because I didnt wanted to dirty my bed. We are cleaning them ourselves by the way.

Ahh. I Hope I finish training here soon. As I was trying to fall asleep, I heard some gigling behind my door.

"Did you see captains condition?"

"Yes. He is so Hot even when he is injured."

"He is the strongest. I wonder what kind of monster could've injured him like that."

"3, 3 meter lions tall lions." said a fimiliar voice. "Now If you have anything better than talking how Hot captain is, you better go do that." Girls got scared and quickly ran away. Ahh I was listening to how sexy I was.

*Knock knock*

"Can I Come in?"

"Yea sure."

Emily opens the door and comes in.

"Emily? What are you doing here?"

She closes the door and sits beside me.

"I saw your fight."

"I am not sure what you mean."

"Why?" she, starts to cry?! "W-Why are you doing this to yourself?" tears starts fall down from her cheeks.

"Look emily I-" I was about to explain to her. But she interrupted me.

"SHUT UP! ... When I was in that disgusting universe, I never had anybody to save me. The person who taught me hacking was just trying to use me to gain more money. *Hic* So I escaped. But She just put a bounty on me and sent her best men to catch me. I tried everything *Hic* I could but one Day, every technological device shut down. The defence I built in my safehouse stopped working. And then they came in. *Hic* they took me and r-raped me infront of her! When I begged for to stop, do you know what she said? *Hic* She said that only If I were to satisfy 20 men! She never really cared about me. She just wanted to gain money and a broken doll that does everything she says. But when I took my own life, I finally felt as if I was free."

"Emily, I am so sorry for what they did to you there. But you are safe here." I tried to consult her.

"I know you idiot! This is my safe place now. How do you think I felt when I saw you in that condition! *Hic* When I heard that Dr.kermin tortured you in the simulation, I nearly killed him! Few broken bones were not enough! I-I just dont want to see anybody I care in pain. *Hic*"

"I understand. I will be carefull not to get hurt."

"T- Thanks." she just silently whispered at me.