
Titan shifter in Bnha

A boy born in the world of Boku no hero academia gained powers from another world, watch as he learns to use them and how to control them, will he lose his sanity as a Titan and become the greatest villain or will he keep his humanity and save countless people?

Justsomedude · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: savage

Edgeshot quickly left to find Morimoto and to find out why Mori was scared of his father, and he quickly found him in his usual place, in his office, once Morimoto noticed edgeshot enter he smiled at him kindly not noticing the fury behind Edgeshot's eyes.

"So Edgeshot what brings you here?" asked Morimoto

"I've noticed how your maids and butlers view your son as a monster care to explain why?" asked edgeshot

To this question, Morimoto looked extremely confused and furious, "They do what!?"

Edgeshot was relieved when he saw Morimoto's reaction, and he did believe that Morimoto truly didn't know about all of this happening, although it was suspicious, he always knew when to trust someone and right now that feeling was screaming at him to trust Morimoto.

"Also Mori seems to be scared of you?" asked Edgeshot

When Morimoto heard this a sad expression appeared on his face and sighed "Well yes, I don't know why that is, I suspect it has something to do with his quirk or that he thinks that I'm the one who made sure that the maids think of him as a monster, and sadly he wouldn't listen to me no matter what I did" said Morimoto

Now Morimoto had a dangerous glint in his eyes, "Edgeshot, I believe I have some business to deal with," as Morimoto said this he stood up and left the room

Morimoto called all of the maids and butlers to be in the same place namely: in the living room.

"I'm glad every one of you is here, and I have some good and bad news, the bad news is... you are all fired, and the good news is... you are all fired! Now please leave, I have some urgent matters to deal with and I can't tolerate people like you being in my vicinity, especially if you guys view my son as a monster." Morimoto said this with complete rage visible in his eyes.

Some of the maids started making a ruckus and even demanded to know how he got hold of that information.

Especially Mori's personal maid Mary, she looked completely furious.

"You fool! I have been taking care of that monster for as long as it had been born, I had to put up an act in front of it" Mary said this to Morimoto and after this, she turned to the other butlers and maids and said: "And you worthless pieces of shit, you couldn't even keep your mouth shut! could you?"

Unfortunately or more like fortunately, she didn't notice Morimoto walking up to her, once Morimoto reached arm distance he slapped her as hard as possible, which knocked her off her feet on to her back, this completely shocked everyone in the room because Morimoto was known to be the kindest man, he never got angry and never hurt someone.

"Edgeshot! take her away!" said Morimoto with a new kind of anger in his voice and even his quirk was acting up so he was growing in mass almost becoming twice as big as he was before.

This was his quirk: Enlargement, it allowed him to increase the size of anything he touched including himself.

So if before he looked like a swimmer now he looked like a bodybuilder on steroids but without all the extra muscle only the size.

When the maids and butlers saw him and the ninja hero: Edgeshot standing next to him they quickly ran away fearing for their lives.

'And I trusted them, I was such a fool!' Morimoto was berating himself for his incompetence and he also realized that he had to go and have a serious talk with Mori.

So he headed to the garden where the forest that he owned was located and unsurprisingly Mori was there along with someone else, Mary... she was there with him and she had a knife in her hands slowly walking up to Mori.

"Hey there! Mary-san!" Shouted Mori with a bright smile

"Uhm Mary-san, why are you carrying a knife?" asked Mori with his head tilted to the side

Mary smiled with a sadistic look in her eyes and once she was close to Mori slashed at him with her knife.

Fortunately, Mori could react fast enough not to be hit but unluckily the knife expanded and cut hi right cheek, Mary then continued to slash at him and hit him multiple times, in just a couple of seconds around 10 cuts could be seen on Mori's body.

Mori was already crying after the first cut and was now looking at Mary with wide eyes.

"I- I thought we were friends..." said Mori in a very silent whisper while looking down sobbing silently

Mary just huffed at this, "You think I would be friends with someone like you!? You are just a monster! Just like the rest of your family!" Mary shouted at him with a crazy smile.

"You, I trusted you!" Shouted Mori

And something very surprising happened, Mori started glowing orange, and Lighting seemed to be sparking off of his body, and a large orange lightning bolt came out of his body spreading outwards creating a small explosion which blasted Mary away from Mori.

And now a ten-meter tall silhouette could be seen standing in the smoke.

A thunderous roar was heard by the whole house it was very deep and inflicted a sort of primal fear in the body of whoever heard it.

Once the smoke cleared both Mary and Morimoto who was already rushing towards him to help got incredibly shocked.

What stood there was a ten-meter tall humanoid figure, incredibly muscled yet it had a lean physique, his previous short and spiky white hair was now elongated along with his ears, and tongue, a prominent nose, deeply sunken eyes, a ragged mouth without any skin on its cheeks, you could see a mouth full of sharp teeth, and the previous cuts that he received also enlarged into large scars.

All in all, Mori couldn't be recognized if it weren't for the scars and white hair, he also looked bloody terrifying.

Mori let out another roar and stepped forward towards Mary, who was now begging on her knees, but Mori didn't pay any mind to this, he cocked his fist back and punched... only to hit his fist next to Mary who already fainted.

Then His whole body started steaming until you could only see Mori with bloodied clothes on him.