
Titan shifter in Bnha

A boy born in the world of Boku no hero academia gained powers from another world, watch as he learns to use them and how to control them, will he lose his sanity as a Titan and become the greatest villain or will he keep his humanity and save countless people?

Justsomedude · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: birth

It was a completely normal day, well for some at least, today was the day when the son of one of the greatest businessmen in japan, no scratch that, one of the greatest in the world would be born.

Both the family of the mother and father were anxiously waiting for the child to be born some of them even had to be taken away by security because of how stressed they were.

This was because the mother of the newborn child was very sick and weak, this was the cause of a poisonous quirk that was used on her when she was still a hero, she was actually the number 2 hero in the whole world only behind All Might himself sadly when she was fighting against a very strong villain she got poisoned and almost lost her life.

Although she kept her life she became very sick and weak and because of this she had to stop being a hero, this was also when she met her husband Morimoto Ryo the wealthiest man in japan or at least one of them, while she wasn't poor she gave most of her money to charity and only kept a little to herself.

Her name was Aoki Kumiko her family had a line of heroes who were all female and some people even wondered if they could only give birth to a female and not to a male, so when they heard that they would be having a son they were incredibly surprised but even happier because this meant that they would get a male inheritor to the family business and not a female, Morimoto was overjoyed when he heard this.

Anyway after a very long and tiring night with multiple times where they had to restart the heart of Kumiko they finally managed to get the baby out, they were very lucky that the head came out first and not its legs because it could have proven to be fatal if that happened.

After that, they cleaned the baby and allowed Morimoto to enter the room.

The next couple of moments would be burned into their hearts until their death.

"He's beautiful, just like you," said Morimoto with a loving smile

Kumiko smiled at this and said, "So, what will we name him?"

"What about Mori Ryo?" said Morimoto

"I like it," said Kumiko smiling even brighter than before.

Now looking at the baby, he was a lot larger than other baby's, when they weighed him they were extremely surprised, the average baby weighed 3.5 kg but Mori weighed 10 kg an abnormal amount, although these days it wasn't too rare, he was also larger than other baby's but he wasn't particularly fatter than other's, only larger.

After all the other family members saw Mori, they headed home much to the relief of the hospital.

The first couple of weeks were hard for both Kumiko and Morimoto, first of all, they had to deal with all kinds of problems concerning security and had to make sure that the business kept on going smooth, Kumiko couldn't take care of the child all day, and after a particularly sleepless week where Mori kept on crying and only slept a very small amount, they invited some of the best doctors to check out what was going on, and much to their shock Mori was developing teeth and his bones were also growing at an incredible pace.

But if you overlooked his large body then Mori was just like any other baby, he slept, cried, ate and played the same way any other would, but he mastered puzzle games in a couple of hours, some even under an hour, but this was only when he was 5 months old, he started crawling much, much earlier than other.

After some time Morimoto had an idea to check if Mori had already developed a quirk, and much to their surprise he had! So after intensive research, they only deduced a small part of his quirk, which was extreme growth rate, this also included an increased regeneration, when Mori had accidentally cut his finger, his finger started steaming and the wound healed at a visible rate, but it did leave a small scar so it didn't heal all of his body because if it would have then it wouldn't leave a scar, they also noticed how sharp his teeth were, they literally shredded through meat and even left dents in some of his iron toys.

One of the more unpleasant things discovered was that he often acted on bestial instincts often lashing out at people, surprisingly he got along very well with animals, it seemed like it was another part of his quirk, but in reality that was just because he smelled more like a beast rather than a human.

Now you could see a child that looked around 3-4 years old running in a very large garden but this was actually the 1 and a half-year-old Mori, there were multiple deer running along with him, although when he first did this he got Morimoto very worried because who wouldn't be?

~~~1-st person POV of Mori~~~

'From a very early age I knew that I was more intelligent than others, I often noticed people staring at me longer than I liked so I did what my instincts told me and attacked them, and my body always hurt like hell, so I decided to ask one of the people always watching me why I was always hurting,'

So I did the most logical thing and called out to the dude in a weird costume that was always hiding from me, for some reason he looked very startled when I called out to him, so startled that he almost fell off the tree, luckily he landed in a very weird way, he folded up like he was made of paper and gently swayed down to the ground, I just stared at him with my mouth wide open.

After both of us got over our surprise, he walked up to me and sat down in front of me.

"So kid you finally noticed me I was wondering how long it would take you to realize that I've been watching you," said the guy in the word costume but internally he was completely freaking out.

I looked at him with my head slightly tilted to the side and spoke out with a very cute voice "Uhm Mister why are you always watching me? Are you one of those people that others call a stalker?" when I asked a large tick mark appeared on his head and looked like he was very pissed off.

Luckily he quickly calmed down and introduced himself "First of all I'm not a stalker, and second of all I'm the pro-hero Edgeshot ranked number 4, and I've been tasked by your mother to protect you" as he said this he smiled at me though I couldn't see it because of his facemask, I could feel that he was smiling, so I smiled back.

"So you know mom!?" I asked with an excited smile

He quirked an eyebrow at this and said: "Of course we were in the same class as hero's and we are good friends, but why are you so excited about me knowing your mom?" as Edgeshot asked this he noticed the sad look on Mori's face.

And with a sad voice, Mori said: "Well I only get to meet her once every week in the hospital and even then I can only stay for a couple of hours" as I said this I had to try very hard to hold back my tears.

Edge shot could only look at this with sad eyes and then he got a great idea.

"Say Mori-Kun how about we become friends?" when I said this he looked up to me with wide surprised eyes and said: "Wait you don't think I'm scary like those people in the outfits?" when I heard what Mori said I got truly angry.

"Say Mori-Kun who says that you are scary?" I asked him which made his mood immediately plummet again.

"Well, almost everyone, but I act like I don't hear this but whenever I'm a little further away they always start whispering again," said Mori

"Can you tell me who doesn't whisper bad things about you?" asked Edgeshot

Mori nodded and said the names of two people "Well there is the woman who always helps me with the things I do Mary-san and there is also you."

"Well Mori I have to apologize but I have to leave and have a little chat with your father," said Edgeshot, the weird thing was that Mori flinched when he heard me say the word father another thing I have to look into, thought edgeshot.

So... the first chapter not too long only 1470 words, so this is obviously a crossover between Attack on Titan and My hero academia.

I'm a beginner in stuff like this so I welcome criticism.

Anyway if you have read this far then I hope you liked it!

Justsomedudecreators' thoughts