
Tired of living, became a snake

Once known as the greatest evil, a woman gets brutally killed. She then spends eons in the abyss and gets mysteriously summoned to another plane. Becoming a snake. What will that evil bastard do, now that she is alive once again? First world- Reincarnated as a slime. (Around 18 000 years before canon.) *Note*- MC is evil. The degree of her malice and evil will get progressively worse. Additional tags: #Fast paced; #Evolution; #Overpowered; #FemaleMC

GlassFrame · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Kingdom's matters

The kingdom of Eridia has been very busy, ever since I was crowned. The country's coffers are emptying steadily, as there are multiple projects being carried out simultaneously.

The biggest one of them being, the construction of a new capital city, Rhongomyniad. The project is certainly the boldest and most extravagant undertaking yet.

I've been planning on building a capital and a palace, ever since I was prime minister. Now that I can finally make it, I'm not holding anything back.

The whole project will cost us about 50% of the entirety of the royal coffers. Considering the huge amount of wealth we have amassed, this amount being spent on a city is not just a bit much. Conversely it's absolutely insane. The amount of wealth I'm pouring into it's construction is enough to buy a few countries that are the size of my kingdom.

The reason it's so expensive is very simple. The materials used to build the palace are insanely expensive. Around half of the palace will be constructed with different magic ores and precious metals. Even the normal materials are all picked out to be on the expensive side.

The architecture of the palace will be absolutely stunning. I'm aiming to make the best palace in the world after all. A literal heaven on earth. A place befit of a god...

Also because I want the palace and the city to be completed in only 10 years. The workforce is another hole to throw money at. Millions of people are working on it's construction. If you count in the logistical transport of the materials, food and tools as well... It's a black hole of recourses of money and materials.

Another project I'm working on is the selective breeding project. This is a secret project, that hasn't technically started yet. Right now they're only constructing the building for it.

The project in essence is an experiment. I will pool together all of the best of the different races and have them breed. Then they will train themselves rigorously and I will continue breeding the best of the best. I want to see if I can create someone outstanding over a thousand years.

I'm also putting a lot of money and focus on hiring scientists and researchers into my country. The technological level is pretty low and I want to change this. This time I will enjoy the comforts of development.

I'm also changing the country into a meritocracy. Obviously I'm facing resistance from the nobles, who inherit their wealth and power. However it's only a matter of time before I succeed.

Though it's a better system than the aristocratic system. Meritocracy also has it's problems. The most prominent being the worship of strength and the rejection of weakness.

If I won't actively govern the change, then without doubt, my country will turn out like that as well. Honestly I wouldn't care, if it didn't mean that lots of smart people would get repressed. After all usually scientists aren't strong. Prompting the country into a technological decline, being full of meatheads and battle maniacs.

So I'm implementing a regime, where strength only matters in certain fields. On fields where strength has nothing to do with the topic, the competence of the person matters.

This means that a competent person, even if he's not strong, can attain more status, wealth and power than a strong person. It would be quite difficult to implement such a regime for a human king. Since each field will have it's own system, deciding the best of the best. And since I excel in all fields, it won't pose a threat to me.

Though how exactly I'll implement this system is still a work in progress...

Right now I'm sitting on the throne, in the audience hall. Wearing the same black and gold dress I wore on my coronation. With a golden crown on my head. Looking down on some fools, with a bored expression.

"P-please you majesty. Give me a chance!" The fool pleads, while kneeling a little distance in front of me.

"You were caught with embezzling money and drug trafficking. I don't see a point in listening to you. You are stripped of your belongings and executed. Carry it out immediately." I drawl out, while supporting my head on my hand.

The fool in question right now is a count, that was making some suspicious moves. So I investigated him and found some interesting things. It seems an infestation is taking place in my kingdom. Today is the day I'm cleaning house.

As soon as I give the command, one of the knights steps up to the count. Without hesitation he draws his sword and chops off the counts head, right then and there.

A wet thump is heard, as the counts head falls on the ground and his decapitated body starts spraying blood. The knight then sheathes his sword and steps back into his original position.

"Next." I call out. Not caring about the bleeding corpse in front of the platform my throne is on.

The guy who's in charge of the audience hall doors nods to me and ushers in the next person that has a meeting with me.

The next one is also a man. I don't know what he did, or who he is, but that's what the guy beside me is for.

"Your majesty, this person is the leader of the biggest gang in the capital, Leonardo Dicaprio." The man beside me informs.

"Mm." I mumble as a sign of awknowledgement. I remember calling all the gang leaders for a meeting with me. After all I need to regulate them. I could have them disappear, but what then? I'm not so naive to believe that I can suddenly abolish all gangs.

Gang leader Leonardo walks up to the podium and stares at the decapitated corpse for a second. Then makes the correct choice and ignores it, while kneeling in front of me.

"Greetings, your majesty." He says with a strong voice.

For a few minutes I don't say anything, just lazily gaze at the man who's kneeling and looking down.

"...Raise your head." I call out. He immediately does so. I see his eyes widen a bit as he looks at me.

"Leonardo I called you here today to lay down certain rules that you must implement for your gang. What do you think about this?" I speak.

"I think it is natural that you do so. I had a deal with the previous king as well." He responds. His response causes me to smirk.

"Of course I know about that. I was the one who told the previous king to make the deal with you after all..." I say with a smirk. Even back then, as the prime minister, it wasn't arrogant to say that I had as much power as the king. Even the bloody king himself was technically my creation.

We discuss the new terms and then I send him away. I didn't make any changes to the rules. I already handled the gangs when I was a prime minister and the gang situation is much the same right now.

Rather I proposed a deal with him in the new capital I'm constructing. Since Leonardo is a man I can get along with and a kingpin. Why not have him handle all the underworld troubles in the new capital, as a pseudo government worker.

It's genius! Absolutely majestic and amazing. Of course it is, as it was I who came up with the idea.

"I'm so amazing..." I accidentally mumble out... Or perhaps intentionally.

"Pardon me, your majesty?" The information guy beside me asks, as he didn't hear me. Stupid humans have dull hearings.

"Nothing. Next!" I call out.

The next one to enter the hall is another man. As the first one, he is similarly a criminal and gets decapitated as well.

This trend continues, until there are no more people scheduled to meet me. By the end, the floor is covered with so much blood, that the last ones were kneeling in it. A healthy amount of over a dozen corpses is in front of me. All criminals, all executed. Why didn't I execute them in a separate place? All to declare to the next ones that losing your life is all too easy in this place.

"Dismissed." I announce and walk down from the throne. When I pass the knight who did the executing, I throw him a gold coin and say. "Good job."

I uncaringly walk over the bodies, my heels stepping in the puddle of blood. It's like I don't even notice the bodies. It's like they're not even there.

I walk out of the hall, not knowing that this action and similar actions in the future, will start a rumor. That will give every person who will walk into the audience hall subconcious anxiety, for thousands of years to come...