
Tired of living, became a snake

Once known as the greatest evil, a woman gets brutally killed. She then spends eons in the abyss and gets mysteriously summoned to another plane. Becoming a snake. What will that evil bastard do, now that she is alive once again? First world- Reincarnated as a slime. (Around 18 000 years before canon.) *Note*- MC is evil. The degree of her malice and evil will get progressively worse. Additional tags: #Fast paced; #Evolution; #Overpowered; #FemaleMC

GlassFrame · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

A romantic day

I wake up to the familiar scene of me hugging Nadia. As I move slightly, I discover that we're glued together with dried cum. On further inspection, I see that the whole bed is covered in dried cum, dried pussy juices and who knows what other liquids.

I scrunch my face in disgust and rip myself off Nadia, waking her up as well.

"Morning." I kiss her, then get out of bed.

"Good morning." She responds and stretches herself lazily.

I head to the bathroom and take a quick shower, then soak myself in the huge bath. I feel weird not having long hair. Now that my hair is only neck length, I feel as if my tail has been cut off. Like there was something trailing me, that I lost.

After a bit of time, I get out of the water and dry myself off. When I return back to my bedroom, I find Nadia fallen back asleep

"Tch." I click my tongue as I watch the girl sleep like a pig. I walk over to her and knock on her head.

"Nadia wake up." She frowns for a second, then her expression relaxes and her eyelids start to flutter.

"Artoria your foot is so naughty~" She mumbles something just before she opens her eyes.

"My what now?" I smirk as I stare at her. Is she dreaming of last night?

"...Good morning Artoria." She says.

"You already said that. Get up now." I tell her, then find her nipple and give her a titty twister.

"Kyaaa." She squeals at the sudden pain and is up within a second. I smile as I watch her go. She looks at me with anger and seemingly can't find any words to express herself.

"Humph." So she just ignores me and walks out of the room. Once she leaves, I call the hotel workers to come and clean the room. I also get some breakfast.

Around 15 mintues later, Nadia enters the living room, dressed in a simple bathrobe, same as me.

"What's for breakfast?" She asks.

"Just the usual. I got a bit extra since we had some exercise yesterday." I say and point at the mountain of food on the foodcart.

"Hehe. You never cease to amaze me with your apatite." She chuckles and sits down next to me. We start eating and chat from time to time.

"Let's make a home somewhere." I say suddenly. She looks at me with suprise.

"What brought this on?" She asks.

"I'm just tired of constantly traveling and spending time in random places. I want to experience what it's like to have a home." I explain.

"Uehheheh. I suppose we could do that." Nadia giggles with a happy expression.

"You should also take my family name." I tell her. Her vision of the perfect future is cut, as she hears an unfamiliar topic.

"Family name?" She tilts her head in curiosity.

"Yes. A name that unifies us as family." I tell her. My face lights up in red by the end, as I feel ashamed of what I just told her. I feel like a weak bitch, saying such a warm and fuzzy thing.

Contrary to my own feelings, she gives me a happy smile, but that changes to a teasing one, once she sees how embarassed I am.

"Heee... I never thought that you can be so romantic Artoria. If you suggested this now, then you have already been thinking about this for quite a while huh?" She teases me. I'm so embarassed that I simply turn away from her and don't let her see my face. She's right...

"Nee, nee." She pokes at my side with her finger. "Tell me more about this family name thing."

Her gloating is starting to piss me off, so I turn around, push her down and sink my fangs in her neck.

"Haaahnn." She moans at the familiar sensation.

After a minute of drinking her blood, I get over my embarassement, so I let her go.

"My last name Pendragon will also be your last name." I tell her, ignoring her flushed face.

"... Umm. It's a good name." She nods and says, not fully back to normal yet.

"So I'll name you and you'll name me. Your name is Nadia Pendragon now." I say. Not much changes outwardly on her. She's an elf so this is normal.

"Your name is Artoria Pendragon." Nadia says. As soon as she says that, I can feel myself starting to evolve, so I instantly teleport out of there.

I appear in a field and emit a bright glow. Once it fades, I'm in my drake form, but I feel very different. To start, I am much bigger than I was before.

I'm about 200 meters long, from head to the tip of my tail. So 4 times bigger than before. My head is now much more dragon-like than before. I also have two horns on my head and huge dragon wings. My scales look much more pronounced as well and have a purple hue to them. I look just like a huge, blackish purple western dragon now.

I transform back into my human form and find changes in this form as well. I'm taller than before. If I was 154 cm before, then now I'm 171 cm. My breasts have also grown by a lot, now sitting at F cup. Funnily enough my musculature has decreased. I look a bit fit now, where as before I had clearcut muscles.

**A/N- Image of her in the paragraph comments. Also in chapter comments.**

The biggest change however are the 2 obsidian horns on my head and the tail I have. My two, compound horns come out of my forehead and point backwards. My tail is the same colour as my horns and is covered in scales. It's a thick tail, but it's thinner than a dragons tails should be, leaning more on the demonic side. Other than that, there are no more changes.

I feel much stronger now, especially physically. This must be because I gained a skill to boost my strength. I open my status.

[Name]- Artoria Pendragon

[Threat level]- Special A

[Race]- Corrupted Dragon

[Common skills]- (Spring) (Choke) (Steel Body) (Sonic wave) (Steel claws) (Steel teeth) (Serrated teeth) (Camoflage) (Double jump) (Thought communication) (Corrosion resistance) (Farsight) (Pain resistance) (Physical attack resistance)

[Extra skills]- (Universal thread) (Fire manipulation) (Slither) (Physical amplification) (Titans strength☆) (Lethal venom) (Holy magic resistance) (Steel muscles) (Multilayer barrier)(Magic manipulation) (Abnormal Condition Nullification) (Ultra speed regeneration) (Thought acceleration) (Hellfire☆) (Purple flame) (Purple lighting) (Blue lightning) (Thermal nullification) (Poison nullification) (Electricity nullification) (Elemental resistance) (Analitical Appraisal) (Haki) (Size alteration) (Perfect memory) (Control space) (Electrokinesis) (Elemental manipulation) (Humanoid transformation) (Gravity manupulation) (Blink) (Universal sense) (Adamant scales☆) (Penetration☆) (Weight manipulation☆)...

[Unique skill]- (Pilfer) (Skill mananger) (Darkness) (Dragon tongue☆) (Mana burst☆)


There are a bunch of skills I gained now. All of them are very strong skills. Still the most insane has to be (Dragon tongue).

Dragon tongue is basically a breath skill, but instead of breathing out fire or whatever, it lets me alter reality through some kind of magical language.

I can still breathe out elements, in a destructive breath attack. But I can now also alter reality with just a few words. The skill has given me knowledge of a sort of langue that I can use. Through this, I just have to say what I want and I'll change reality.

**A/N- You can think of this as something like a mix of Thu'um from Skyrim and cursed speech from JJK.***

I decide to try it out.

"F̴̢̤̂̽̆͘į̶̪͎͓̰̦͚̭̪̔̽̍̅̿̑̂͊̐̌̌̊́̀͜͠ͅn̷͕̺̞̻̗̘̺͕̗̩̳͉͒͗̇̿͜d̸̗͈̏̋͌̑̇̈́͐̀̈́̏͗̍̇̈͝ ̶̢̢͓̙͍͔̜̩͎̈́͋̊̎̀͒͛͆͋̓͘͘N̴̥̪̬̣̟̻̖͖̫̎͒͊̈́͘͜ͅa̶̛̤̰̣͖̟̹̥̽̽͒̇̎̃̎̒͐̏̓̓̄ͅḑ̵͖͖̻̘̗̺̰͋̒̊́͂̔͛͒̽̈́̈́̌͒̎͘i̶̬͖̤̯̰̝͙͔̱͕̲̲̮̖͊͋̈́͊̅͊̏̅̐̕ͅa̸̡̢̻̪̮̯̬͓̪̔͗" I say. My speech echoes out unnaturally. After I've said it, I see a spot in the distance light up, as if it became a star. I can also tell how far she is.

I cancel the effect and try out my other skills. All of them are really strong, but since they're extra skills, they have limits. I imagine when I can upgrade them, they will become incredble.

I teleport back to the hotelroom, where Nadia is patiently waiting for me. As soon as she sees me, her eyes go wide

"Wow." She exclaims and quickly comes up to me. Then she starts touching my horns and my tail. When she's done admiring my new features, she moves on to others.

"Even these became bigger." She says as she grips my breasts.

"Yep." I say, while waiting for her to finish inspecting me. We're practically the same height now.

Soon she gets used to my changes and then remembers that we have the same family name now.

She detaches herself form me and shuffles around a bit. "So... We have the same family name now..." She says. Behaving suspicious.

Not getting where she's going with this, I respond questioningly. "Yes?"

"So uuh.. Are we like... Married now?" She asks shyly.

"Huk..." I freeze. Without answering I teleport away.

"Haah." Back at the room, seeing that Artoria has left, Nadia sighs. She should have known that she'll scare Artoria away by saying that. That's just how awkward the woman is with emotional stuff. Her eagerness got the best of herself.