
Tired of living, became a snake

Once known as the greatest evil, a woman gets brutally killed. She then spends eons in the abyss and gets mysteriously summoned to another plane. Becoming a snake. What will that evil bastard do, now that she is alive once again? First world- Reincarnated as a slime. (Around 18 000 years before canon.) *Note*- MC is evil. The degree of her malice and evil will get progressively worse. Additional tags: #Fast paced; #Evolution; #Overpowered; #FemaleMC

GlassFrame · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

What the fuck just happened?..

After our time at the hotel, 20 years has passed.

As promised, we quit travelling and made a home. It's a big victorian style, 2 story house with a large yard. We also have 3 servants who take care of it.

At first after the completion of our home, we were very lazy. Since we didn't have anything other than creating a home in our plans, we initially just spent time together and had lots of sex.

Eventually after a while, it got boring. So we started aquiring hobbies. I started creating and practising mystic arts and everything related to combat. While Nadia got interested in wildlife and plants.

With progressing in combat, it feels endless. Everytime I develop a new technique, another path shows itself. So I improve and improve without stopping and without end in sight.

While I have a huge amount of aura techniques from my last life. Just combining them with magic and skills makes basically an unlimited amount of variations. I've been patiently assembling, creating and testing all kinds of mystic arts and finally producing the most effective ones.

This is an incredibly time consuming process, as I have to create the art, then master it, then create another art and then combine the two. Or three, or more. Or I'll just find something much better and ditch the created technique all together.

Just to take a break from this incredibly taxing hobbie, I started to train the maids we hired for fun. It started when I hit a wall with a technique and couldn't get any inspiration. So I just took one of the maids and started teaching her the basics. Next thing you know I came up with all kinds of ideas. This is when I started to teach them during my breaks.

Right now as well, I'm training two of the maids, as the third one is doing her tasks.

"Sera you must turn your body more." I say and show her what she did wrong.

The maids have gotten decents at the basics. They could even be considered pretty good, for children. It's not like they're talented though. They're really average in talent, so they could only become sort of strong during their lifetime, if they trained.

Well it doesn't matter to me. I'm just doing this for myself.

For some reason, the more I train, the more I feel something trying to awaken inside me. I can't yet understand what it is, but I feel like if I have one more evolution, the thing will reveal itself...

After a few more hours of training, I finish up and return to our house. I eat some food and try to find Nadia, but she's nowhere in sight. I look for her in the backyard, where I find her training some horses.

Our backyard can't really even be called that, as it's a huge patch of 20 square kilometers. We created a bunch of barriers around it, so that no random monsters would invade.

I watch her and wait until she finishes up. She moves towards me, while I lean on a tree and eat an apple.

"Why are you spying on me?" She asks with fake curiosity.

I don't answer her, instead I slap her ass. A brisk smack is born as I do so. Then I carry her inside the house and we have sex...

The next morning I go out to train again. The same as every other day, I start with myself and train a maid during my break.


After a whole day of training, I return to the house and have a drink. While drinking, I search for Nadia, but can't find her.

"Weird." I ask the maids, but they say that she hasn't returned yet. I just shrug my shoulders and go to the bathroom to have a bath. While soaking and relaxing in the warm water, I suddenly freeze.

For the first time since I can remember, I feel fear...

"What the fuck..." I whisper. The soul connection between me and Nadia has just snapped...

I quickly get out of the bath and put on some clothes and grab a sword. Then I jump out the window, creating a massive boom, which leaves half of our house destroyed from the sheer force of my jump.

Without paying mind, I fly towards the spot where I last sensed her. I can't teleport since I don't have an exact location.

I fly among the sea of trees and soon reach the place I last felt her. I have a vague spot in mind, so from now on I have to manually look for her.

"F̴̧̛͖̪̮̏̓̒͜i̵̡̢̱̳̪̹̱̘̰͍͈͔̹͒̎͋͐́͗̄̇͗̂͗͠͝n̸̨̧̨̛̖̜̬͓̹̦͕̗̙̈́͒̇̂̂̏̕d̸͚̥̮̅̈ ̶͓̩̘̆̒͑̀̎͗̊͗͘N̵̟̗̈́̎̈́͒͛̊͂̽́̋ą̶̱̣͎̯͛̈́̃̈́́͋̋̍̎̇̚̚͝ḑ̴͔̻̦͕̮̼͙͂̓̿̌̿̍̽̉̄̚į̴͘å̶̠͇̫." I use my ability.

A spot lights up. I immediately fly towards it. From above I see the roof of some kind of small house, or a shed. It's surrounded by a bunch of magic circles.

I land in front of it and without hesitation, demolish my way through door. What I see shocks me to my core. I see an wizard looking old man standing inside.

He's holding Nadias severed head...

I just stare at her head. Feeling all kinds of emotions, but none of them are announcing themselves.

There are so many at once, that I can't process them...

While I stare at the scene in shock, the old wizard discoveres and turns towards me.

"Hmm? Another one? This forest should be abandoned though..." He says as he scratches his beard with his free hand.

I walk towards him, some kind of barrier stops me form reaching him, but I slash it apart with force.

"Oh..." He widens his eyes in suprise, but before he can do anything else, I appear in front of him and slash at his hand.

"Gaah." He groans as his hand goes flying, along with Nadias head.

I catch her head and look at it. Her eyes are still open, but lifeless. Her skin is pale, but still warm.

I feel a deep sense of pain when I look at her severed head. My eyes get blurry and tears come out. I feel like I want to scream. I have never felt this horrible ever before.

"You! I'l make..." The geezer starts ranting something, but I ignore him.

My breathing becomes ragged and I feel a sense of weakness come over me, like my body wants to collapse. A sense of panic overtakes me. What is this?..

I store the head in my storage space and grit my teeth to get some control over my emotions back, but it doesn't work.

*Boom* Some kind of spell hits me and sends me flying out of the house. It hurts like hell, but I barely care.

Once my momentum gets broken by the ground, I stand up again and look at the source of the attack through my blurry vision. The wizard hovers in the sky looking down on me.

"Of course... I forgot. There's irrational violence... So this is how all those idiots felt when they came after me..." I mumble.

[Notice. The unique skill (Darkness), has reached the conditions and evolved into (Demonic Darkness)]

I'm in no state to fight right now, but I can't afford to not fight because I'll die. Forced by the situation, I just give my everything to repress whatever I feel. Doing my best to get my focus back. I finally manage to gain back control once I activate my newly evolved demonic darkness.

Once I toggle my darkness, all of my emotions get erased and a deep, murderous feeling arises in their place. My tears stop and instead a deep frown replaces them. A violent murderous aura swirls around me. Along with a chaotic cluster of darkness.

"Who are you?" I ask in an emotionless and cold voice. The wizard balks at the crippling intencity of my murderous intent and malice. He starts shaking like a child and is at the verge of pissing himself. However he manages to cast a spell and regain his composure quite quickly.

"Hou? Since when did you become so calm? You were crying like a baby just a second ago." The geezer makes an observation.

"Stupid human. When I ask something you answer." I appear above him and punch his head. He gets flung to the ground, but his barrier protected him.

The old man looks like he didn't even get a scratch from that. I didn't hit him with my all either, but still... This old man is very strong.

"Youngsters always so impatient to get answers..." He continues to babble as he shakes some dirt off. I stand with my arms crossed in the sky.

"If you don't have anything useful to say, just die." I say and grab my sword from storage. Then I start to fly towards him, but get stuck in something in the sky. It looks like a cloud is gripping me.

Then the geezer fires a nuclear spell at me and it results in a huge explosion in the sky.

"This is what I'm saying. Youngsters are never careful enough." The geezer shakes his head and mutters self importantly. Assuming I've died. However the next second his old bones shiver with danger and he quickly leaves his current position.

Just a fraction of a second later, a huge wave of hellfire rains down on where he was just standing. The sheer ferociousness of the attack leaves a lake sized crater in the ground.

This wizard is strong, around S rank. He hasn't gotten serious yet and has already managed to damage me.

The wizard looks at me with an indignant face while holding his staff. Even though it looks like he's not doing anything, he's actually setting up multiple spells.

I form a cruel smile. "See if you can entertain me." My voice contains mockery, yet remains utterly cold.

This angers him and his expression turns dark. He casts some kind of spell that shoots out thousands of balls of electricity.

These things form a circle around me. I move lightly, but find that I'm again bound by something incorporeal. These electrical spheres also seem to be part of a binding spell, as I feel the hold on me tighten.

Next huge magic circles start forming below and above me. They start glowing with an orange light and the temperature around me starts to rise.

"So you want to finish me with one spell huh." I smile, seemingly relaxed and amused.

"Avantheim." The geezer yells. The magic circles start rapidly humming and exchanging lights, suggesting that the spell has activated. I feel an insane amount of magic being channeled through the circles. This spell actually has the potential to one-shot me.


"Ḅ̴̤͑͊̎͆̅̊̋̍̈́́͊r̸̢̨̙͉̬̹̩̭̠̉̎͑̒͒̏̐e̸̼̬̼͚̭̔͛̍̇̊̚̕a̵̢̰̪̙̘͖͚̭̔̏̏͂̈́́̉̔̄͜͜k̸̯͔̯̘̲̗̒͠ͅ" I use my unique skill. My voice echoes through the area in an incomprehencible language.

*CRASH* A tremendously loud crash sound echoes, like a glass breaking.

Following this, my bindings are instantly broken and so are the magic circles around me. Due to the magic circles being broken, the mana that was containd in them flies everywhere, wrecking the surroundings.

Meanwhile the Geezer recieves backlash and is looking up towards me with his eyes wide, not understanding what happened.

Shortly after he deduces that I somehow altered reality.

While he's still in shock, I appear behind him and slash at him. His 3 barriers for some reason don't protect him at all. They part like butter under a hot knife, as I slash at the geezer.

I slice off his legs and within the same movement, take both his arms as well.

"Ghaaaaaa." He lets out a pathetic cry, as the pain hits him, along with the ground.

Once he's down, I step on him and reach down. Then I insert my hand inside his back and grip his spine. Bit by bit I start pulling it out, from the bottom up.

"See if you can cast spells now." I smirk with cruelty and malice. As I slowly rip out his spine.

"AAAAAAAAHHH." The wizard screams violently, The pain is worse than anything he has ever felt.

I take my time with ripping it out, making him feel all of it. Then I conjure a blade with my darkness and decapitate him. I also use the new effect, that allows me to damage souls, to destroy his soul completely, with my darkness.

Once he's dead, I quickly ditch my clothes, transform into my dragon form and eat him. A geezer he is, but he's also an S class meal.

Once done, I put on my clothes again and simply gaze at the scenery of destruction.

After eating the wizard, I return to his cabin. Thankfully that is undamaged.

When I killed him, I also took all the stuff I had on him. Now I'm planning to do the same with whatever is in his house.

I enter the shitty shed and look around. There are a bunch of creepy things there. For example jars of organs and such. However there are also magic books and research journals, so I bag those.

While looting, I stumble upon a fresh body. I immediately recognise it, as I know every curve and crevice of that body. It's Nadia.

I gaze at it emotionlessly. I feel almost nothing towards her, neither do I care that she's dead. For a second I think how insane my darkness ability is. It completely takes away any attatchment, emotion, or care that I have. Replacing it with cold rationality and a murderous impulse.

The only reason I even came back for her is because I rationally know of what she means to me...

I store her body, then take anything valuable and torch the shed.

Once I burn it to the ground, I conjure wings made out of darkness on my back and fly away.



A few hours later, I arrive at a cliffside. The view is absolutely beautiful from the top of it. It's just before dawn, so the sun is beginning to rise.

I silently gaze at the amazing view, with my matte black emotionless eyes, that shine with a purple hue. The deep frown I have seems to be stay there permanently.

I take out Nadias head and set it down on the ground, then sit next to it.

After a while, I turn off my darkness skill. My expression softens and my irises turn back to pale gold. The mark on my forehead also disappeares and the evil, murdrous aura around me vanishes.

I feel my emotions return to me, yet everything is silent. My head is empty and nothing is coming up. I just sit silently next to the head of my dead...

I pick her head up and caress her head slightly. When I look at her face, I can't recognize it. It looks like an alien. A completely incomprihencible being...

I just continue to stare at the head, until finally something starts to dawn on me. This is Nadia and she's now dead.

Suddenly I recognize her face again and a massive wave of pain and sadness comes up within.

Tears start falling on her face. So I just hug the head and silently cry...




Time passes, the sun has already fully risen.

I take Nadias dead body and bury it on top of the cliff.

"Atleast I can bury you in an incredible place."

I mark the grave and gaze at it once more, before walking away to the edge of the cliff.

As I gaze down at the huge cliff, I feel my tears slowing down and drying up. My sadness calms down and allows my vision to clear up. Everything becomes silent. My mind is empty...

However it doesn't stay that way for long. What replaces that silence is anger. A deep and visceral fury!

I feel so angry that I want to destroy everything and take the world with me! The raw negativity that I have is so intense that I feel like I'll explode.

So I quickly teleport away from the cliff, in order to not destroy it.

This time I completely let go of my emotions. With everything coming down on me in a huge wave.

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!" I feel my darkness activating. Yet at the next second I black out.

For those of you who liked the romance, I can already predict the screams... Just know that the situation is not a simple thing... All I can say for now.

GlassFramecreators' thoughts