
Dipper's POV

Bill's friends came over to see me as soon as Bill left. They started talking amongst themselves about whether or not they should take me out and pet me or not. It went something like this. "You guys, I don't think we should take him out. Bill might get mad." "ha!Only if we hurt his pet, I say we should pet him. he's harmless anyway."

They grabbed me roughly out of my cage and tossed me around for a minute, when I started crying from fear of being dropped one snatched me away from the one throwing me around and petted me. Bill came back with grunkle Ford wrapped in chains, he looked at my open cage and yelled. "WHERE IS PINE TREE!!!" I was set on the ground and I ran to Bill, he scooped me into his hand and patted my head. Just then Gideon was brought in, Bill glared at him and he swallowed hard.

"Gideon," Bill growled angrily. "I gave you exactly what you wished for..... and you BETRAYED me." Gideon was visibly trembling now. "As punishment I think you should have to d o cute dances until I rule the world!" Bill snapped his fingers and Gideon was in a bird cage above Bill's throne. I looked down an thought. 'Is Bill tired of me now? I'm I a bad pet?'

Bill lifted me up to his eye and said. "Pine tree, Gideon is not my pet, he's being punished. You are my pet, my ONLY pet. Now stay in the room until I get you." He then teleported me to a room filled with books, my lion, my favorite blanket, and some video games. I wrapped my lion and I in my blanket and started reading. 'Wonder what Bill is doing.' I thought. 'probably nothing important.'