
day two

Bill's pov

I sat on my throne and grabbed Pine tree out of his cage roughly. "wha-" he yelped as he was awoken to me holding him upside down. "Pine tree," I growled angrily. "Do you know anything about the shield surrounding Gravity Falls?" He shook his head.

"Are you certain?" I demanded. He nodded again with fear in his eyes, I then held him closely and petted him gently. "That is the only thing I wanted to know." I whispered soothingly. "Hush my precious little pet, I'm sorry."

"Bill, Gideon let Wendy go! She's headed for Mabel's bubble now!" Yelled one of my friends. Pine tree perked up when he heard that. I petted him some more and said.

"That's the most sinister trap I ever made! you'd need a will of titanium to resist it! Get Gideon and take the day off!" He left to do as ordered and I kept petting Pine tree.

I put Pine tree in his cage and grabbed sixer,who was now gold, and yelled. "I'll be back soon! If any of you hurt Pine tree I'll have you BEGGING for death!" I then phased through the ceiling to talk to my old pet. I hope my friends heard me correctly.