
Timelord observer. Naruto world.

What 3 wishes no such thing, follow the travels of a newly transmigrated Timelord. While he adventures through a war torn barbaric world ,of naruto. He will start weak, but will gain power as fast as he can without breaking his foundation. He starts with only 1 wish, anybody of his choosing; and to be transmigrated to any world of his choosing. This Is a fanfiction and therefore is unofficial. It contains characters and concepts that derive from Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles. I do not own these characters and concepts that are from Naruto. They are owned by their writer and illustrator Masashi Kishimoto and Published by Shueisha. This is not an accurate depiction of how their characters or concepts work, but an alteration based on an immersion of an earthling into this world. If you wish to get an idea of the real characters, then check out the source. He owns the rights to all characters. I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

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12 Chs

Secret test. Nova and his transformation.


Sakura, Sasuke and I jump back, and hide in the bushes and trees. Crouching on a branch you watch Naruto fight Kakashi. 'Since I know what this is about, I don't really have to fight; just watch out for when I can go help them'. Seeing Naruto tied up and Kakashi slightly out of breath, I quickly jump down to help Naruto. Taking out a kunai I cut the rope he was hanging from and undid his binds, "Naruto, if we fight him together I bet we can get a bell!" Naruto shook his head and stood up, "Sorry Nova. I want to prove myself, so I have to get one myself! Then I'll be one step closer to Hokage!" With that he dashed off. 'This is going to be troublesome' Sighing and shaking my head I hear a blood curdling scream, 'There's Sakura' I run over to her and see her shaking, with tears flowing down her face. Crouching down I performed the correct hand signs, "Release!" I shout. Sakura looks around then to me, 

"We need to find Sasuke! He's hurt!"

"Sakura it was just a gen-" She took off before I could finish. 'useless pink banshee' I followed her, knowing she'd lead me to Sasuke. Running though the trees I spot a familiar head and a recently fainted Sakura. 

"And that's my teammate." Sasuke said annoyed.

"Correction, that's our teammate, the one and only useless pink banshee." I said he chuckled a little.I walked into the clearing squatting down to his level. "Just get me out of here" He growled at me. "Now that's not how to ask for help, Duckbutt." He "tsked" and looked to the side, "Please?" I smiled a bit before digging away the dirt around him, enough for him to wiggle out. Pulling him up as he got out a little at a time. 'I could just use an earth release jutsu, but I think he will want to prove himself.' He started to walk off before I grabbed his arm, "Sasuke, hes a joinin we can probably get a bell, if we team up together" He yanked his arm back and said while taking off, "No, I touched one earlier, besides I want to put my training to use. Plus I'd only be held back if I had to always rely on you." He responded blandly before turning off the other way. 'Good keeping to that old skit. To bad its not what I need right now.' Sakura woke up at that moment, and seeing Sasuke walk off she jumped up and went after him. 

"He certainly has become one with the stick. That was supposed to happen differently. " I growled out while kicking the dirt,  "That's true" Hearing the familiar voice I turned around to see Kakashi looking more pale while resting on one foot and of course reading his make out paradise. "People change over time... hopefully." I responded , being coy.. He shrugged, "True, but will it hurt you or your teammates first. Now aren't you going to try to take a bell? I hope you go easy on me, as sasuke and naruto haven't. " I relaxed and shook my head, "No, I know the real reason for this test, even if these buffoons don't, so there's no need for me to fight you" He looked somewhat surprised.

"Whats the reason?" I simply rolled my eyes. "It's teamwork.Ninjas need to look underneath the underneath, and I've never heard of a two man gennin squad." He started to chuckle, "You're a smart one, I do have to say I'm not surprised, but no one has figured it out before. If I didnt know you I would be." He complimented. Just then we heard the alarm go off, signaling that it was noon. "Well, looks like it's time for phase 2?" I ask. Not answering he walked forward towards the stump. I quickly fall in line with him ,and we have a peaceful silence between us. Almost nearing everybody, I decided something, "I'm gonna call you freckle-sensei"

He looked at me from the corner of his eye, "Why? I don't have any freckles" I smirked and turned to him, pointing at a spot below my lip, "Yes you do, because you just lied" His eyes went to the widest I've ever seen and stopped walking. I laughed and ran to everyone. Kakashi went back to his normal self ,and stood in front of us. "Well, I've decided that I'm not going to send any of you back to the academy" Everyone started cheering, except me, knowing what hes going to say next, "I've decided that the three of you, will be dropped from the program, permanently!" Naruto looked shocked, Sakura gasped and Sasuke was livid. 

"The three of us, but Nova didn't get the bell either!" Sakura added. Before he could answer her Sasuke lunged at him. Kakashi quickly countered by using his sharingan grabbing his arm, twisting it behind him and pushing him to the ground, with his foot on Sasukes head. "And don't step on Sasuke like he's a bug!" Sakura finished. 

"You are correct, he didn't get a bell, but he understood the meaning of the exercise. Plus he could always become a medic ninja."

"The meaning?" Naruto questioned. 

"It's so basic, teamwork. Why do  you think the academy puts you in teams?" Kakashi replied.

"But there were only three bells!" Sakura exclaimed.

"To pit you against eachother, to see if you would over come that and work together, clearly I was wrong" Sakura froze at the realization, "Naruto! You wanted to do everything on your own, even brushing off Nova's as if he was nothing, I thought he was your friend?" Narutos eyes widened, and he spun his head over to me, looking at me for forgiveness. I quickly smiled kindly at him, reassuring him hes done nothing wrong."Sakura, you were just worried about Sasuke the whole time, even when Nova got you out of a genjutsu" Sakura looked down in shame,"And Sasuke, you thought everyone else was not even worth your time, if Nova wasn't there to help get you out, you'd still be in the dirt. Although you and naruto are strong ,that's not all it takes to be a ninja." Kakashi finished as he got off of Sasuke, and pushed him towards us. He started walking towards the memorial stone, explaining what it was and what it represented. 

"I wanna be on that stone!" Naruto shouted.

"No you don't Naruto, all the names on there are KIA, Killed In Action" I explained to him, once I said killed in action he paled and took back his statement. Kakashi turned back to us, 

"I'm going to give you one more chance. You will have three hours to get the bells. For now everyone may eat, except Naruto. If I catch any of you feeding him, there will  be punishment, understand?" We all nodded, and with that Kakashi poofed off and left us. Grabbing another fruit out of my pocket ,I cut it up and held it up to Naruto. He looked at me in surprise, "What are you doing Nova-ni? You'll get in trouble!" I shook my head and held it closer to his mouth,

"Naruto, you're the hungriest out of all of us, plus, what kind of friend would I be to let the future Hokage starve?" I laughed. He gasped, but soon got teary eyed, "Thank you nisaan!" and quickly ate the food in my hand. 

"Here" I see a pair of chopsticks to the left and see sasuke feeding Naruto, looking over and seeing Sasuke I smirked, "Aww, look who's helping, its Duckling" He quickly grew a tick mark, "I'm only helping because we have another chance for the bells tch!" Sakura, noticing that Sasuke is helping jumped up and held her own sticks. Soon a large dark cloud with lightning sets over us, turning around we see an ominous Kakashi. 

"You dare to brake the rules?! Any last words?!" Kakashi yelled. Standing in front of Naruto with my hands on my hips I reply, "Damn right we do! We're a team! All for one and one for all!" "Yea! We're a team!" "If we go down we go down together!" 

"YOU...Pass" Kakashi finished with a smile. Everyone is stunned except me.

 "Oops, sorry about that, I was excited. Hey! Lets go get ramen!" Everyone agreed and I cut Naruto down. As we all started walking towards the stand I remembered something, "Freckle-sensei?" Kakashi turned to me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the bells. Everyone stopped and turned to me with widened eyes. "When did you get those?!" Kakashi asked in disbelief. "Lets just say. I mastered the substitution jutsu." I replied coyly. Putting them back into my pocket ,I continue on my way towards the shop leaving a baffled team in the dust.

After eating me,naruto take off to the training area, while sasuke heads to his compound; then switched places with his clone.

When we are all there we start to train once more. For me its flying, for them its air walking, but I get inturrupted when my bloodclone runes to me. "Its ready for you." he says I nod and take off to the chamber ,while he replaces me and stays here.

(Underground lab somewhere under konoha)

*Commencing merging sequence*

I feel an injection go into my arm, I then feel immensive pain go throughout my body. I try to turn of my pain receptors, but I cant for some reason. So I grit through it ,I've felt worse beforehand so it's not a big deal. After what felt like hours of fighting through it ,I fell asleep because I was exhausted.

(Meanwhile at a spa house, in the hidden hot water village.)

Currently enjoying the spa was Itachi uchiha and Izumi Uchiha; now known as Aratana hajimari. To the akatsuki she uses just her new first name, Aratana. They are both Kage plus level wanted ninja, going by the name Tsuinkarasu in the bingo book.This is because they both use crow summoning, and genjutsu. When ever she uses her sharingan, its hidden by a rune seal on her face. It makes people see darkness cover her ,and inside they see what looks like souron's eyes. They have been enjoying this, for a couple of days.

"Ahh this is the life and to think, it's all due to us meeting eachother." she says coyly Itachi jist says "Hn.". However after he says this ,a figure emerges from the ground. Its zetsu ,whom looks like a venus fly trap. "Itachi And Aratana, Pain needs your presence now." Itachi grunts and gets up to get dressed and leave. Izumi follows in his steps.

'What a cold hearted human to find a new girl, so soon after his girlfriend was killed. It doesnt matter ,so long as they serve their purpose.'

Zetsu then disappears into the ground.

(Meanwhile in the hokages office)

"Lastly Kakashi report on team 7's test." The hokage said taking a puff of his pipe.

"Team 7 has passed with flying colors." Kakashi said surprising everyone but gai inturrupted

"So finally my rival ,has found himself some students. Yosh now we can have them compete, to see who is the better teacher." Gai says with a smile that blinds everyone. While kakashi hold up his hand and says "Let me finish. At the start sasuke,sakura,and naruto showed signs of being total failures as ninja... However at the same time Nova already figured out the purpose of the test, and since he couldnt get them to co-operate he didnt bother. Now although I said they were terrible ,they showed tremendous skill in their chakra control. I beleive they have tremendous potential ,as future ninjas. The all passed phase two of the test, also without me finding out Nova stole the bells from me." This got everyone to be surprised but the hokage spoke up "How is that?" everyone looked at kakashi intrigued.

"I'm not sure but he gave a hint, he mastered the substitution jutsu. I'm guessing he made it so, you can replace objects with other objects."

Everyone gasps.

"I see.. Well normally this would be a C rank jutsu but... This could be used against any wealthy people to commit, never seen before theft. If you include the fire daimyō ,we must classify this as a rank SS secret kenjutsu."

Everyone is shocked ,as they now see the implications of such a jutsu.

"Isnt that a bit much?" Asuma steps in

"I'm afraid not, it's worse then that. I wont explain why ,but let's just say we cant let this get out. In fact block the doors, and exits, and search for any hidden intruders!"

The jonnin check ,and actually find noone this time and the hokage sighs.

"Thank Goodness, if this got out the daimyō could have my head." The third hokage says.

While everyone else is wondering ,what could they possibly use this for. Then kakashi speak up "You dont mean they could -" The hokage covers his mouth and says "Yes indeed. Dont tell a soul.

'To use this for kidnapping the daimyō's family, this would cause choas across the world.'

"I dont get it what could they do with it?"

Azuma said

The hokage thinks up an excuse, to satisfy Azumas curiosity.

"Steal the original manuscript of icha-icha series." With this everyone nods ,while kurenai and gai just sweatdrops. Then she just shakes her head and deadpans "Seriously?" she says

Kakashi sees what the hokage did ,and backs him up all smug and proud. "Do you know how many Ninja lives ,will be ruined without icha-icha. I bet even the daimyō is a big fan of the series, this would be a travesty." Gai drops to the ground downcasted saying "Is there really that many unyouthful people, reading that. Yosh I must cleanse the world of its unyouthfulness, and show then the ways of youth!!" He then gets back up, with shiny teeth and fire burning in his eyes. Everyone else sweatdropped ,except kakashi he was hugging his book tightly protecting it. The hokage seen this ,and stealthfully locked his drawer.

"Cough Well now if that's all I would like to dismiss everyone." The hokage said

"Wait! Kakashi did you say that your teaching Nova?" Gai said looking at gai with envy in his eyes.

"Yes? Why do you ask?"

"He is the most youthful child I ever met, even Lee is having a hard time catching up to his youthfulness. You see this it's a seal that he made himself, it increases gravity on your body up to 100 times. You just have to put more chakra in it ,and to lower it you put chakra into this one. It has security ,so only your chakra will work with it." Gai shows it off, while the hokage inturrupts.

"How much does he have that you know of?"

"Well I seen him last a year ago, it was currently at 1.4 times gravity. So by now id say at least double, as he also wears weights."

Everyone's jaws open wide while the hokage says. "I see. Well consider this an SS class secret, tell noone. As we dont want such a promising student, to be grabbed by its roots; before it grows to better konoha."

As he said this a few of them understood, the hiding meaning. While the others didnt ,but who are they to disobey a direct order.

"Is this why we dont make him an anbu? As it's a bit suspicious ,to have a kid in an anbu outfit."

Asuma speaks up getting a nod of understanding from everyone and the hokage replies. "Indeed. If there were spys, who know what they would do to get such a promising student."

"Wouldnt that be unfair during the chunnin exams?" kurenai asks while the others nod at this. The hokage takes a hit of his pipe and sighs.

"Yes that's true, but he seems to help others that are friends with him. Perhaps if your students went for help, he would teach them."

Asuma inturrupted "You cant be serious? I mean hes just a kid, how could he help others more then us?"

"Well let's just say, he is the worlds expert on chakra control.He also makes new techniques, every now and then."

"Yes and I've even tried some of his more difficult methods, in fact his waterfallwalking technique; I might take another 6 months to master. That's just going up it to go down, it would take me another year maybe. It uses the waterwalking and treewalking to do so. By the way he didnt learn these ,he recreated them himselfs." Kakashi inturrupted.

Everyone looked shocked and gai says "I knew my youthful ex-student was smart but to this level, hes a genius on par... no greater then itachi uchiha."

"Yes and for your information ,it all started because he found out his chakra ;can make leaves stick to him. So he wanted to stick to trees ,like a lizard and climb up them." the hokage adds chuckling at the end.

"Seriously?!" The rest of them all facefall.

"Yep then he wanted to walk on all terrain. He is still making new things ,to better control his chakra still. Even though he has diverged from his original idea a bit." He continues

After this everyone looked stunned, but kakashi and the hokage. They all looked at eachother and nodded ,to try and have their students be friends with this nova boy. Except gai as Lee is already friends ,but maybe tenten would benefit from this. However, he felt it would be wrong to just benifit without giving something in return. So he decided to teach that youthful boy Nova, his family's technique.

<Beep Beep Wake up new observe notifications>

I wake up to this incessant beeping, when I heard what it was I quickly checked it.

<Observe: Notifications

Greedy intent towards host found.

All the Naruto animes teams teachers want you to befriend ,and teach their students their ways.

Positive intent towards host from Gai-sensei.

In return for helping Tenten and maybe Neji ,he will reward host with his family eight gates technique.As he felt it would only be right after, all the help you have and will give his students.>

"Hmm that's nice. Wait-my voice is diffrent. Jeeves a mirror please."

*Beep Mirror bots serves his master*

I look at mirror bot ,and see that I have grown to 21 years of age. I have paler white skin and horns comming out of my head. I also notice I have two rinnesharingan where my eyes are. I have no third eye ,and these dont look the same as a regular rinnesharingan. They are golden and have a blue glowing iris ,with a swirled pattern and tomoe; so it looks like the normal rinnesharingan. However, it seems I need to unlock my tomoe as I only have one currently.

looking around it seems it gives me future prediction, and improved memories more so then before. I gained the memories I lost of my past life ,as it's been years.

"This is not good I need to make an improved henge jutsu ,or an illusion that will fool everyone." I concentrate on the henge jutsu, as I Make the hand signs.I try to solidify it to be more real.But it fails, so I try to just cast an illusion with my new visual prowess. I need to make sure it works ,so I head off to find my bloodclone. Before I take off I'm onturrupted by mirror bot *Creator I have a question. What is my purpose in life?* I stare at him and say "To reflect imagines of things or people."

This little robot looks devastated ,and looks down depressed."My life is worthless."

He looked so adorable when brooding, so I decided to make him happy.

"Well you could also help me in battle."

The robot looks up with tiny hope but says sadly "How? If that's all I can do?"

"Well you see my eyes if I add some mirror drones on you, they will see my eyes and get caught into a genjutsu. You will command them helping me. Although I wont be using you, for battle at least for a while."

The little mirror bot looks up and says "Really?! I can be useful to you in battle." He says happily

"Yes but not yet, I have important things to do and places to be. Have jeeves help you out with your design."

*Alright master i wont fail you now*

I head off to see, if they are at the training ground. Luckily I find them here, I go swap with my clone and I say "Sasuke!" He hops down from the air he was walking on.

"Tch. I almost had it what do you want?" he asks grunting

"I am going to see if your EMS is ready ,so I'm going to unseal it for a little bit. When I do, I need you to look at me. Then tell me if you notice anything different." He activates his sharingan ,and looks at me but says nothing.

I then unseal his mangekyou, but it was still not ready to turn into an EMS.

"Noth- wait I see a genjutsu on you but I cant see through it. Kai! Nothing. Wow that's Incredible, an illusion I cant see through."

I then activated my rune "Now can you see it still?" He then says "See what still?"

"Great it works. I'll need a clone to test if this works on a hyugas byakugan. Your EMS is not ready yet ,thanks for testing my genjutsu for me. <shadow clone jutsu>" I then seal his mangekyou.

"Wait what genjutsu, I didnt see anything. Did you just make a genjutsu ,the mangekyou cant see through?!"

"Unfortunatley not, I had to add a rune to make those who notice any genjutsu forget about it, and they see something normal instead."

Sasuke nods and says "No wonder I didn't see anything I forgot, but why would you need this."

"Well my family's bloodline kicked in 100%, and I got their dojutsu. It has 9 stages more then the sharingan, but noone has gotten past 6. I'll tell you later ,when I unlock its abilities as a surprise. It also have seems to have made, my chakra more powerful or plentiful."

Sasuke looks at me again and says "Now that you mention it, it seems to be condensing from gas-like state to liquid. Just what you need more chakra. You do know, this will mess up your chakra training exercises." He elaborates

"I know.... it pains me but there isnt much I can do about it. Besides having more chakra is better then having ,sakura's tiny amount of chakra." Sasuke gains a tickmark mark when I said this "Tch. If you gain anymore chakra, people might start thinking your a tailed beast.Speaking of sakura ,naruto brought her to train at cliff-kun. It took him a while to convince her,but when I stepped in; saying I dont want a useless teammate. She gained the will to train to better herself, she is actually really good at the chakra excersises. She finished the waterwalking and treewalking fast. Also I enjoy watching her fall from the cliff, but naruto keeps saving her. Its pitiful really she gets mad that he helps and poofs his clone. He still helps her anyways, if she was slower I would just yell at naruto;for wasting his time. Hopefully she quits being a ninja ,when she gets to the lava-walking excersise." He chuckles at this.

"She could be more useful to us in time, medic ninja maybe." I elaborated while sasuke hummed in thought.

"Why not, at least then she will be less of a dead weight." He snorts then says

"Well I'm almost done with air-walking, maybe I'll best you with flying first." He laughs

"Oi- you cheeky little bastard. Just you watch I'll catch back up in no time <Shadow clone jutsu>

*Poof* Sasuke's jaw dropped ,as he sees I have Over 9,000 clones!

"You know what to do!" They all take off starting with treewalking then working up.

"Y-you cheating Monster!" Sasuke says looking at me in great envy. I grip my head in pain

"Ahhgh. Damn it. I didnt suspect this would happen." Sasuke laughs at me

"What cant handle it you cheater! That's what you get."

"No it seems my bloodline made it ,so I share my knowledge with then all at once." Sasuke's smug face facefalls into the ground. I had to reduce the number to 1000, as that was way to much."Much better I can handle 1k of then without, the head exploding pain. Hehe if I didnt heal myself ,I would have died." Sasuke just points at me and says "I-I give up on trying to beat you. You win!" He throws his hands up in the air ,and storms off.

(Meanwhile at the cliff-kun training ground)

<Rumble rumble> Naruto and sakura looks in the distance ,as they see a dust cloud heading straight towards them.

"Is it a stampede of those monsters that live here?" Sakura says shaking. Naruto shakes his head and says "No it sounds like footsteps we might be under attac-" Just then he sees my clones facial features, as they then rush towards the clif-kun and start practicing.

Naruto looks confused while samura has her jaw dropped.

"Ni-saan what are you doing here ,I thought you finished this." A clone looks at him and responds "Recently got more chakra, I'll explain later at home. So my chakra training, is all messed up, dont worry it shouldn't take us long."

Naruto just nods and says "Cool! but to redo all that work you spent must be horrible." Naruto says concerned.

"Yes but it's seems easier this time around, maybe it's because I've done it before I dont know. By the end of the week I should be back to normal. Hopefully sasuke doesnt surpass me till then." Naruto nods but sakura inturrupts

"My sasuke, is already better then you. So he doesnt need to surpass you!!" Sakura says

We just sweatdropped.

"You see each clone learns something ,then it gets transferred to me. To do this you need insane amounts of chakra, so you can consider this cheating if you want. In this world you must do anything you can to survive, so just you watch." Sakura didnt know what to say, so she just huffs and goes back to what she was doing.

"Whatever." Naruto makes sure she doesnt get hurt.

(Meanwhile back at the volcanoe training area)

"So gai sensei is looking for me I might as well say hi." I leave sasuke and the others behind, while still being bombarded with information from my clones.

I find Gai-sensei training his students in their training ground. When I walk up Neji stopped his battle with Lee. Tenten also looked at me wondering why i came here. While gai-sensei greets me. "Oh if it's not the most youthful Nova-kun! What brings you here?" When he said this Neji and tenten ,looked at me in a new light.

"I've heard of your most youthful technique ,and I must say I'm intrigued. Perhaps if I see it, I can improve it too lessen the damage it causes."

Gai-sensei is stunned ,while ten-ten groans and says "Not another one." Neji just looks more intrigued.

"To think you would be so youthful to help me out, with such a difficult proublem. But it's most likely impossible ,as I've tried everything.That's got to be just how the technique is, so you cant avoid it. But if you insist I will show you, the explosion of youth! 1st gate of opening, 2nd gate of healing, 3rd gate of life ,4th gate of pain,5th gate of limit open." I observe the differences of each one ,and subtly scan with my sonic screwdriver.

"Hmm it's as I thought..." As gai hears this he falls to the ground. He's gets up ,thinking maybe he didnt actually figure it out.

"Your doing it wrong." Everyone sweatdropped except lee he yelled "Nova! How can you say that to gia-sensei! This has to be a joke right?"

"Nope. I'm serious you see how when your in your first gate ,you extrude less of your aura then in the others. Well the way your supposed to do it ,is to keep all the energy inside your body. However to do this your body needs to be strong enough to endure this. Otherwise it would make you as breakable as glass." I explain this and Gai-sensei hums in thought.

"Perhaps it's like you say, let me try to do it with the first gate. As your gravity seals helped me greatly in training." He goes back down to the gate of opening, and tries to bottle it up inside.

He succeeds and says "Its really difficult but-" Pa-Pa-Pa he throws punches and kicks letting out gales of wind; that he normally gets from gate 3 and up.

"- Increadible it's as you say, not just that but it makes my first gate as strong as the third."

He says admiring the results and looks at me with burning eyes and says "That's it I've decided. I will teach you my hidden gates technique!" Ten-ten, Neji and Rock lee look at their sensei astounded.

"Thank you Gai-sensei, in return I will share a chakra exercise technique ,with your students. When or if, they have done the Water and treewalking techniques yet. As thanks."

"Oh what youthfulness to share your knowledge with others!!" Lee Hops in and hugs him and says "Gai-sensei!!" "Lee!" "Gai-sensei" "Youth!"

"Okay here is a copy of my family scroll destroy it when your done, dont share it with anyone. Till you grow old, and you want to spread your flames of youth by taking on ;the most youthful apprentice you can find."

He tosses me a scroll I read it and burn it. Then activate the first gate, but contain all the energy effortlessly. Gai-sensei has his mouth open wide, as I just did what he did;with no effort at all. "Hmm it seems my training has paid off."

He recollected himself and says "Y-you just are so youthfull I cant fathom your limits."

"Oh maybe it's because of my birth defect, I have two hearts not just one."

Neji says "Yes I was going to ask about that."

"W-wait does this mean you could open 9 gates?" Gai-sensei ponders

"Hmm that depends, if the 8th gate opens up both of my hearts chakras. I have a feeling if my body was strong enough, I would be able to open the 8th gate without death."

"T-that would be a site to see, and would be the peak of youth!!"

"For youth!!" I add in

Then we all say "Youth!" under the sunset jutsu.

While tenten is depressed. Neji just Hope's he doesn't stay to long, as Lee and gia is enough.

"Here is a scroll for the cliff walking technique exercises ,it has two parts. It has a special seal on it that when you memorize it, the scroll will set its self on fire. Enjoy!" I said "Wait I want to fight you." Neji says while having his dojutsu activated. "Okay but I must warn you, right now I'm mentally strained after my special training.

So I might be a bit sloppy with my fighting."

Neji just nods and says "That's fine anyways, as I'm sure with the power of 3 gates ;you would win." He says shocking me that he isn't being stuck up about it ,saying he will beat me with fate or his all seeing eyes. 'Perhaps he could see the power behind gai-sensei punches.'

"Yosh! I will referee this youthful battle!" Gai-sensei says and then we take distance and he says "Begin!" I take off heading straight for him while he laughs and says "Your within my range of sight! 6 Palms,16palms, 32 palms, 64 palms." I dodged each one of them ,then I started blocking them all without much effort. When he hit 64 palms, I appeared behind him chopping the back of his neck ;knocking him out. He noticed he was outmatched, when it was too late.

"Nova wins by knockout! What a youthful battle, but with his first gate opened ;Neji was not his match."

Lee ran up to me and said "I will beat you one day ,my youthful rival!" he said with a thumbs up and a smile "I wouldnt have it any better. Taley-ho" I disappear in fashion. Leaving using a genjutsu ;to look like I was summoned by Heimdall. While I just shushinned away, leaving behind a stunned Gai-sensei, Rock lee and tenten.

"What was that?" Rock lee said with stars in his eyes

"Well I assume it's a shushin, but with a pillar of light instead. I'm not sure actually, but it was the most youthful exit I've ever seen. His flames pf youth must have shined so bright! It caused a new type of shushin; I'll call it the youthful version." They both then start their sunset genjutsu while tenten was on the ground from their words and antics.