
Chapter 7

Late afternoon came and Saya arrived at the kendo dojo looking for Saeko. Entering, one of the students greeted her and showed her where she could sit and watch as the practice wrapped up.

Saya settled in and looked around with interest, as she had never been in a dojo before. She was impressed with the shine of the floors and how everything was in a precise place. She watched as several students loudly clashed in the center of the floor, slamming their bamboo swords together as they practiced.

Over to one side she saw Saeko standing with a different type of wooden sword. She knew this was called a bokken and was solid, unlike the ones the students in the middle were hitting each other with. She watched with narrowed eyes as Saeko stood for a moment, and then began to dance.

Saya knew that was not what it was; only some kind of sword routine, but the way Saeko did it, it looked like dancing. The tall girl slid across the floor, wooden blade slicing left, right and forward, sometimes one-handed, sometimes two. She reached a point and spun, going back the direction she had come, this time spinning several more times, seeming to get faster and faster as she went.

Saya was sure that if this is what Takashi had seen in his dream, it was no wonder he had fallen for this dark-haired beauty.

Saeko finished in a flurry of strikes and then spun to face Saya, her sword overhead, ready for a downward strike that was surely a killing blow. Here she stopped, and Saya saw Saeko's true face, the face of a samurai in a battle trance that was terrifying, yet beautiful to see.

The sword came down slowly to the on-guard position. Saeko's features softened as she went through the ritual of sliding the wooden blade through her hand and slipping it softly into the sash she wore. Striding over, she knelt down and bowed to Saya.

Saya bowed in return and before Saeko could say anything, said, "Senpai, I think I just fell in love with you."

Saeko paused, wide-eyed at this declaration, and then suddenly broke out in a gale of laughter. Covering her mouth to control her mirth, she calmed and replied, "Well thank you, Takagi-san, but I'm sorry to inform you I don't 'swing that way'."

They both laughed at the joke and Saya said, "Really though, I've never seen anything like that before! It was like a dance, but I knew that if it was a real sword…well I understand what would have happened to anyone in your way."

"Thank you again, Takagi-san," Saeko said as she bowed slightly. "Now, please give me a minute to change and we will go where ever you wish, to talk."

Saya nodded as Saeko headed for the changing rooms.


Saya had Mac drive them to a shopping area with a nice cake shop she knew. She and Saeko ordered and then made small talk while waiting.

"Um, if I may ask, Takagi-san, has something happened between Komuro-san and Miyamoto-san? I received several glaring looks today that seemed more than just her being upset about finding me talking to Komuro-san yesterday."

"Ah…" Saya said. "Well…really not my place to say, but they split up yesterday afternoon." She watched as Saeko processed this information.

"Was my talking with him the cause of this?" the girl asked quietly.

"No senpai it was not. Her being mad might have brought it to a head, but Komuro made the decision himself. He has his reasons, and I agree with most of them."

Saeko frowned, "Still…if I was part of the cause I should apolo-"

"No senpai!" Saya interrupted. "You have done nothing to apologize for. I think this has been coming for a while now, Takashi just advanced the time line a bit."

Saeko nodded, "Alright, if you say so, I will let it lie unless confronted about it."

They paused and thanked the server as she placed their orders on the table. Tasting their cake they talked about that for a minute before Saeko changed the subject.

"So Takagi-san, what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Hmm," Saya hummed as she savored the sweet on her fork. "Well Senpai I wanted to know what you knew about killing zombies."

Saeko paused mid-bite as Saya cut another piece of cake and put it in her mouth. "I will assume you are talking about the movie type monsters in this case?" Saeko said.

Saya nodded as she sipped her tea. "I'm doing some research and I'm asking people with different expertise how they would go about surviving a zombie apocalypse. I've investigated different types of zombies and I've talked to different people about weapons. Hirano-san had some great ideas about guns, but when it came to swords or blade weapons he was not a sure. So I thought of you, if anyone knew anything about sword use and defense it would be you."

Saeko raised one eyebrow, "I'm not sure I can be of much help. To be honest I have never put any thought in the subject."

"Well if you would like to think on it some and talk about it later that would be fine. It's not like this is a project that has a deadline…" Saya paused as someone tapped on the window next to them.

Looking the girls found the smiling face of Shizuka looking back at them. The buxom woman bounced up and down and then headed for the door of the shop. A moment later she was next to them.

"Takagi-san! Busujima-san! Are we having a good time this evening! Oooo…cake! I want some! Can we join you?"

A stunned Saya nodded slightly as Saeko smiled at the child-like antics of the nurse. Then they noticed another woman behind Shizuka. She was about the same height, but darker skin and purple hair. Lean and trim, but well built, she gave off an almost manly air about her.

Saya's eyes narrowed as she looked the woman over. A shiver went up and down her spine, as if she already knew who it was. If that is who I think it is, this will change everything, she thought.

The woman sighed and shook her head as Shizuka bounced off to find the server. "Sorry ladies, if you know her at all you know how she gets sometimes. Please excuse us; I'm Minami Rika, Marikawa's best friend."

The girls introduced themselves and Rika's head twitched slightly at Saya's name, "Takagi? Are you any kin to Don Takagi the politico?"

Saya nodded, "That would be my father."

Looking towards Saeko, Rika said, "And Busujima, it seems I've heard that name before also."

Saeko nodded her head slightly, "My father is Busujima Kage, martial arts teacher and sword master of the Busujima Dojo."

"Ah, that's where I know the name from. I saw him in a competition a couple of years ago. Very impressive man."

"Please have a seat, Minami-san. I'm sure Nurse Marikawa will return in a moment," Saeko said.

Nodding, Rika sat down in the booth next to Saeko. Saya watched her as she moved with a smooth grace that told of control.

She is very sure of herself, Saya thought, and there is a sign of contained power, power like…Saeko-chan's. Muscles ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. I need to know more about her, but I can't just out and out ask.

Shizuka flounced back to the table and plopped down next to Saya. "So what are we talking about? Boys?" she asked with a grin.

Saya face palmed as Rika sighed and Saeko snirked and smiled.

"Oh, Takagi-san, how is Komuro-san today? I didn't see him at all," the nurse asked.

"Ah, he's fine. He's dealing with other things right now. I'll tell him you asked about him," Saya replied.

"Tell him to come see me! I like him, he's cute!"

Rika leaned over and thumped the blond on the forehead.

"OW! Why did you do that?" Shizuka whined.

"I told you no playing with the high school boys. I don't want to have to arrest you for child molestation," Rika replied with a smirk.

"I don't play with them, but they are all so cute! They come in the infirmary all wide-eyed like kids out of a manga. Anyway Komuro is a patient; I have to keep a check on him."

The other three women snorted, knowing just why all the high school boys were coming in wide-eyed to see the bimbo nurse.

"Minami-san you said arrest? Are you with law enforcement?" Saeko asked.

Saya froze, a bite of cake half-way to her mouth. Her breath quickened as she waited for the answer.

Rika nodded, "National police force. I'm with a special unit though, not a patrol officer."

"Would that be the Special Assault Team?" Saya asked as she placed her fork back on her plate. Her stomach got queasy and she felt cold again.

"Yes…how did you know that, Takagi-san?" Rika asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Saya shook her head, "Just a good guess. Something I was talking about to Hirano earlier today. He brought it up and when you said it the way you did…well it just sounded right."

"If I can ask, what were two high school teens talking about that the SAT got brought up?" Rika asked as she looked down to where Shizuka was stealing little bites of her cake after the blond had finished her own.

"Ah…I bet it was zombies," Saeko said before Saya could answer.

This brought Rika's attention back from the cake thief and to the girls. "Zombies? You mean like undead, eating your brains zombies?"

"That is correct," Saeko replied. "Takagi-san is doing research on the creatures and how to survive a zombie apocalypse. She was questioning me about using swords."

"OW!" Shizuka cried as she snatched her hand back from across the table, where Rika had stabbed it with a fork. "Meany!"

"If you want more cake, Shizuka, order more. So what brought up the zombie apocalypse, Takagi-san?" Rika asked, "Somebody watch one to many a movie or something?"

Saya shrugged, not sure how she was going to get out of this conversation without revealing too much. "A friend had a very vivid dream and it disturbed him a lot. He told me about it and I got interested, then I just started doing research. Um, how would you do it, Minami-san? Survive I mean."

Rika shrugged, "Rifle at long range I would think. Pistol at close, but you would need a lot of ammo."

Saya nodded, with a smile, "That's what Hirano-san said, 'Rifle to be safe, pistol to get away' to be exact."

"Sounds like a smart young man there," Rika said with a smile.

"I'm beginning to see that," Saya replied.


After they had finished and parted ways, Saya and Saeko got back in the car and headed toward Saeko's home.

Saya sat quietly looking out the window, deep in thought for a while before Saeko spoke up.

"Takagi-san? Do you feel alright?"

Saya looked at the other girl and nodded, "Sorry Senpai, I was thinking about something and got lost in thought."

Saeko thought for a minute, "Takagi-san I know we are not exactly friends, but if you need to talk to someone about something, I will make myself available to you."

Saya smiled, "You know, Sempai, except for Komuro, I really haven't had many friends. I admire you, your strengths and grace, your knowledge of your art. I think I would like for you to be my friend, can you do that, Senpai?"

Saeko smiled, "I too have not had many close friends myself, Takagi-san. I think we could do that. You can start by calling me Saeko."

"Then call me Saya, Saeko-san, well away from school of course."

"Of course," Saeko said as her smile broadened. "One must keep up appearances after all."

Saya looked at her hands for a minute and then asked, "Saeko-san, what do you know of reincarnation?"

Saeko raised one eyebrow and thought for a minute before answering, "Well I know the basics, when you die your soul comes back into another body to live again."

"What about karma? Isn't that part of it?" the pink haired girl asked.

Saeko nodded, "Karma is the weight of your deeds on your soul, if I understand it correctly. The good and bad you do must balance out, or when next you come back you may have a hard life if your karma is bad. Why this sudden interest in this, Saya-san? First zombies and the undead, now reincarnation and karma; has something happened that leads you to believe you have been reincarnated?"

Saya sighed, "I don't know what I believe at the moment, Saeko-san. I…" She paused, thinking before taking a breath. "Like I told Minami-san, I have a friend that had a dream about the end of the world and it involves zombies. Now, he insists it was nothing more than a vivid dream, but since then he has met several people who were in his dream that he had never met before. How does he know everything about these people before he meets them? Another thing is he has been predicting the outcome of some things and being right almost one hundred percent of the time."

The swordswoman stared at the pink-haired girl. Her mind trying to process the information she just heard. That Saya believed what she was saying, Saeko was sure of, she could see it in her eyes. She could also see the worry, worry for the person she was speaking of and the story they had told.

"I'm going to take a guess we are talking about Komuro-san?" Saeko said.

Saya nodded, "Please don't say anything to him. He's confused and stressed over this because he just can't understand what is going on."

Saeko looked out the window as they arrived at her house. "Saya-san, if you have time, please come in and let us talk about this more."

Saya glance at Mac who looked at her over his shoulder, "I need to fill the car with fuel, Mistress, and I can grab a bite to eat while I wait. Just page me whenever you are ready to go home."

Saya smiled at the man, "Thank you, Mac. I know some of this sounds crazy and you're putting up with a lot of sitting around while I visit."

Mac laughed, "Don't worry, Mistress; I know you're worried about your friend and if you can find a way to help him…well it's worth it."

She nodded and followed Saeko out of the car.


"This is beautiful," Saya said as they walked through entrance way of the home.

"Thank you, Saya-san," the other girl replied.

The house was traditional Japanese inside. The wooden floors shined from proper care and made Saya want to slide over them in her sock covered feet. After putting on house slippers she followed Saeko around the shoji* screen that blocked sight from the entrance to the great room.

The great room itself was about the size of twelve tatami* mats with wooden walking area around the edges. A large hearth, the size of a single mat, was in the center, with hardware over it for holding pots or kettles. There was a tokonoma* to the right side with doors next to it that Saya assumed led into a hallway. The left side had two doors, in one of which stood a small grey-haired woman bowing as they came in.

"Konnichiwa, Lady Saeko," the woman said.

"Konnichiwa Metsu-san," Saeko replied. "This is my friend Takagi-san, daughter of Don Takagi. Please treat her kindly."

"Konnichiwa Lady Takagi," the woman said.

"Konnichiwa," Saya replied.

"Is everything ready for tonight, Metsu-san?" Saeko asked.

"Yes my lady. I have everything laid out for you and the master. Shall I add more for Lady Takagi?"

Saeko looked at Saya, "Stay for dinner, Saya-san?"

The pink-haired girl shook her head, "Umm, not tonight, I have a ton of homework to do and I want to do more research on the subject we were speaking of. Another time though for sure."

Saeko smiled, "We can plan for a weekend before too long. Then we can relax and just enjoy ourselves." Turning back to the woman Saeko said, "No Metsu-san I think that will be it for today. Please be careful going home to see your grandchildren."

The woman beamed, "Thank you, Lady Saeko. Have a good evening!" With that she bowed again and went back into what Saya could now see was a nice sized kitchen.

"Let's go to my room," Saeko said as she opened the door next to the tokonoma.

They walked down the hall and took a left at the end. Saya could tell the right wall was to the outside and if she had to guess, there was a long porch out there.

Saeko opened the third door on the left and bid Saya to enter. Inside she found a room more like her own, but with a futon bed instead of a western style.

"Wow, your house is a nice size, Saeko-san," Saya said as she settled in the middle of the room.

Saeko grimaced a little before responding, "It is a bit large for just my father and I, but it is our family home, and has been the Busujima clan's residence for many years. It is on one Cho* of land and the compound is enclosed by a wall. The house and dojo are surrounded by gardens that take a crew of gardeners working three times a week to keep it up."

Saya nodded, "I understand. Ours is about twice that size, but the house is much bigger and then we have the garage and other buildings taking up space. Sometimes I wish I lived in one the size of Komuro's or Hirano's."

Saeko raised one eyebrow at this, "Oh you've see Hirano-san's house, Saya-san?"

Saya suddenly blushed, "Just from the street. He rode home with Komuro and I one day since they live near each other."

Saeko placed her book bag and bokken on the floor next to her dresser. "Let me get us some tea. If I know Metsu-san, she has already started a pot even though I told her she could go."

Saya nodded as the other girl left the room. Looking around Saya tried to get an impression of the sword girl from the things she had. The room was clean and orderly with a chest of drawers and a set of shelves. On the shelves Saya could see manga of several styles including a love story and…! Saya's eyebrow rose as she focused on a series she had heard rumors about. It was a story about a high school girl and boy that were childhood friends, but had gotten into a bondage relationship that they had to hide from everyone.

Saya had just flipped open the first book when Saeko walked back in carrying a tray with tea on it. The older girl paused as her eyes widened. She blushed and sat the tray down between them as she knelt down.

Saya tried not to laugh as Saeko poured the tea and tried not to be embarrassed. Finally Saya spoke, "Ah, quite an interesting selection of manga, Saeko-san, if I do say so myself."

"Have you read that one before, Saya-san?" Saeko asked with a smirk.

Saya shook her head, "No, I've…heard stuff about it, but have never seen it until now."

"You should try it. It has a really sweet underlying love story about two people who want to be closer together, but because of certain things, can't admit to it. In fact you may borrow that one if you like."

Saya thought about it for a minute before nodding and placing the book into her bag. "I'm willing to gather some knowledge. You never know when I might need to abuse some baka."

With that, they both broke out in laughter.

"So Saya-san," Saeko said as she lifted her tea cup. "Tell me what is wrong and I will try to help."


An hour later the two girls sat thinking after Saya had told Saeko everything she felt she could without giving information away, like the fact Takashi said he and Saeko were a couple when his dream ended. Saya knew Takashi was not telling her the whole story, but she understood why he had left parts out.

"So the clincher for you that this is something more than a dream, is when you met Minami-san this afternoon?" Saeko asked.

"That's correct," said Saya. "I had my suspicions before, but when she introduced herself a cold shiver went up and down my spine, and when she told what she did for a living…my brain reeled like Takashi says his has been doing."

"I can understand why!" Saeko replied. "To think he described someone to you down to her hair color and profession is…scary in one way and amazing in another." Saeko shook her head, "Like you Saya-san, I don't think you can say, 'this was a dream' anymore, but the question is…what was it? A vision? A prophecy? Also, how do we figure out what is what? And why of all people did he only faint when meeting me?"

At this question Saya blushed and turned her head. When she looked back Saeko was watching her. The dark-haired girl paused for a moment before speaking again, "Ah…now I get the feeling you are not telling everything, Saya-san."

Saya looked down at her hands, "I can't, Takashi refused to tell me certain things because he felt he might 'jinx' something if it really did turn out to be true. So there are a few things that I don't think I should say either. Please…don't be upset at me for this."

Saeko sighed and nodded, "I'm not, and I even think I understand why. The question is; where do we go from here?"

"More research I guess…" Saya started to say as a light knocking came at the door.

"Saeko-chan? Are you in?" asked a deep throated voice.

"Yes father, please come in," the girl replied.

The door slid open to reveal a man Saeko's height with wide shoulders and dark hair with greying streaks pulling back over both ears. He had a thin mustache and eyes that looked to smile as he focused on Saya.

Ohhh…he's very distinguished looking! thought Saya.

He was dressed in the same type of clothes Saeko had been in when she was practicing at the school dojo earlier.

"Ah, I'm sorry, daughter I was not aware you had company!" the man said as he stepped in.

"Father, please allow me to introduce Takagi Saya, daughter of Don Takagi. She is a school mate of mine."

"I am pleased to meet you Busujima-sama. Please take care of me," Saya said as she bowed low to the sword master.

"I am pleased to meet the daughter of my student and his beautiful wife. Welcome to our home, Takagi-chan. I am Busujima Kage."

Saya smirked and looked at Saeko, "Oooo…he's a charmer, isn't he?"

Kage rumbled with a deep throated laughter as Saeko smiled and nodded in acknowledgement. "Well I don't want to interrupt the two of you; I just wanted you to know we were done in the dojo for the day, daughter."

"Yes father," Saeko said. "I will get supper started in a minute. Metsu-san has everything ready so all I have to do is put it together."

"No rush, I will be in my office doing some accounts until then. It is a pleasure to meet you, young one, and please give your parents my regards."

Saya bowed again, "I will, Busujima-sama."

He nodded and slipped out, closing the door behind him.

"Eh I guess I better go." Saya said looking at the time on her phone. "I'm going to do more research and see what else I can come up with. If you think of anything please email me."

Saeko got up to see the pink-haired girl out. "I will, and in the meantime I will think on what we discussed."

At the door Saya slipped on her shoes, "Well I'll see you tomorrow then, Saeko-san. Thank you for having me."

"Sleep well, Saya-san," Saeko said as she watched the girl climb into her car.

Closing the door Saeko paused for a moment, mind racing at the information she had. What Saya is not telling me…does is have something to do with my growing interest in Komuro? She wondered. Shaking her head she headed for the kitchen.