
Time Together

Kirishima and Bakugou wake up in a forest that is foreign to them after they had just been in a fight against a new villain. While alone in this plethora of green, will they finally admit how they feel?

EmilySchneider0995 · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter One

-Kirishima's POV-

I had a throbbing headache as I sat up, hearing a chirping sound nearby. Looking around I could see tons of trees and different plants. Not too far to my right I could see Bakugou, laying facedown on the ground. I quickly made my way over to him, checking on him to see if he was alright. I could feel a pulse and see him breathing so he seemed to be fine. Looking around some more I couldn't help but feel on edge, nothing around here looked familiar.

I carefully grabbed Bakugou and put him over my shoulder so that I wouldn't leave him as I walked forwards. I had no idea where I was going, just that I needed to get there soon if I wanted to find shelter. Even if I hadn't seen any threats I could tell this was a dangerous place. There were times when the birds would cut out on their sounds, making me pause so that my steps didn't attract attention.

I continued this way for hours, finding a stream and spotting and evading a leopard. I was currently trying to find a cave or something, having found out our quirks don't work here. I had a barely wrapped claw mark along my back luckily having missed Bakugou when the leopard attacked me. Though I knew my luck would run out eventually as the sun began to set. Finally though I managed to find a cave when I felt someone hit me in the back. I fell to the ground, dropping Bakugou who stood up and backed up facing me.

"Shitty hair? Why the hell were you carrying me? What happened to your back? Where are we?" he asked, sounding kind of scared.

"You were unconscious, I got attacked by a leopard, and I have no idea. All I know is our quirks don't work here." I replied, carefully getting back up and wincing at the pain.

"We must be in some parallel plane or something, we need to get you cleaned up so go lay down in there and I'll find some water." he ordered, turning and looking around us.

"There's a river about a few hundred yards that way." I stated, pointing from the direction I had been walking from.

"Do you think that you'll be alright on your own?" he asked as I carefully sat against one of the walls.

"I'll be fine, be careful out there though." I answered, wincing at a small wave of pain through my back.

I saw Bakugou nod before heading outside quickly, running off in the direction that I pointed. The pain in my back was beginning to numb slightly against the cold wall making me realize how tired I was. I slowly nodded off feeling my entire body get heavier as I gave in to exhaustion.

"KIRISHIMA!!" I heard Bakugou yell, sounding scared.

I jumped slightly, opening my eyes to see Bakugou right in front of me with tears in his eyes. I gave him a weak smile as he looked over me. I could see the terror still in his eyes as he glared at me.

"Damn idiot! I thought you died, stay awake moron." he stated, voice cracking slightly.

"Sorry Bakubro, just so tired." I mumbled out, giving another weak smile.

"Shut up, you can sleep after I clean you up alright? Fucking idiot." he muttered.

I sat quietly, moving when Bakugou yelled at me to try to help him. After maybe ten minutes I had a new bandage on, back against the wall as I fought off sleep. Bakugou was pacing around while glancing at me from time to time, probably making sure I was still breathing. I felt fuzzy for a few moments before falling back to sleep, a dull quietness.


"Do you think they'll wake up soon?" someone asked, sounding worried.

"It's likely that they won't wake for quite some time, scans show the absolute minimum brain function." another replied.

"Kacchan and Kirishima won't be awake for a while? How long exactly?" a whiny voice asked, silence filling the room.

"It's likely that they will be awake in two years, anything before that would be a miracle." the man replied, someone sobbing shortly afterwards.

"My baby, please can't you do anything?" the sorrowful voice asked, barely a flicker of hope in their voice.

"If we pull them out of this early, it could send them into extreme shock and kill them. The safest option is to either wait…or pull the plug. The latter is only a last case scenario, we will be doing everything we can in the meantime." the man stated, followed by more crying.

I heard sniffling near me, followed by a cold wet drop of something landing on my arm. I flinched at the cold, the room going near dead silent. I could feel someone gripping my hand tightly and lifting it to what I can guess is their cheek.

"Wait, Kiri flinched. Isn't that a good thing?" a monotone person asked.

"Nurse! We need to do a scan, something may have changed." the man replied, slowly growing quieter.

"Kiri! Can you hear us?" someone yelled though it sounded very quiet.


I jolted awake, seeing Bakugou sitting across from me chewing on his nail. I sat up more with a groan of pain, looking back up to see Bakugou in front of me, looking concerned.

"Are you alright? Does anything hurt? Do we need to change your bandage again?" he asked, quickly.

"Kat, 'm fine. Just a bad dream, you don't need to worry too much." I answered quietly with a smile.

Honestly, I was very dizzy and kinda loopy. My back also felt like someone ran razors against it, but I don't think that would calm Bakugou down in the slightest. I was a little confused though when he looked at me for a moment before turning slightly red and looking away.

"Fine, well as long as you're alright then whatever. Tch." he grumbled, looking like a pouting child.

"I'm glad that you care so much Kat, but really I'm fine. Let's go try to find some food, ok?" I offered, smiling lightly at him.

"I'll go find some food, you're staying here so you don't get injured again." he huffed, walking off before I could say anything else.

I noticed as he walked off that the tips of his ears were red which made me smile a bit. He was so adorable when he was being caring or gentle. His soft side was really nice, but he only seemed to show it briefly or when alone with me. I really loved that about him, though I couldn't ever work up the courage to tell him that.

-Bakugou's POV-

That idiot scared me, first by carrying me around while he had blood all along his back, then by sleeping after I went to get water to clean him up with a giant wound. He's gonna be the death of me I can just tell. That wouldn't be too bad though, he's the only one to actually hang out with me without judging my aggressive nature. It was even better that he looked amazing when changing in the locker room.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself, shaking my head.

Continuing on my search for something edible wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Many of the things here didn't look like any food I've ever seen. It was difficult but I managed to find stuff that seemed safe, heading back with my shirt, which I took off to make a bag of sorts, full. I got back to find Kiri asleep again, though still breathing. Another short trip outside let me get a bunch of sticks and broken limbs from trees to burn.

I started to make a fire, noticing Kiri shift around before waking up again. He sat silently for a moment or two before slowly coming over to sit near me.