
Time Stop Hijinks (Worm Fanfic)

Another Worm Story I'm just now posting on HF. In which the side character Clockblocker/Dennis, who in canon has the power to stop time for things he touched, has a much more serious time power in this fic. Not my own work. Support the author at: https://www.patreon.com/Cambrian

Krudy · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

The Bank Scene

Dennis had a secret. Well, to be fair Dennis had more than one secret. For instance, he was actually the teenage super hero Clockblocker, a member of Brockton Bay's Ward team. That was a pretty big secret. Only a handful of people knew it, the Wards and the adult capes in the Brockton Bay Protectorate, as well as a couple of the ENE PRT's top brass.

But Dennis had a bigger secret than that. One that only he knew about, because he hadn't told another soul. This secret had never left his lips, and to be perfectly fair, there was no way for anyone to ever discover it unless he outright told them. Except for the right sort of thinker maybe. A thinker might be able to look at it and come to the right conclusion. Maybe. It was a big if. Still, fucking thinkers.

He was getting off track though. He tended to do that at times like this, when he was literally the only one moving, staring at a scene frozen in… time. Because that was Dennis' biggest secret. His power didn't just allow him to freeze objects in place, locking their space time down until minutes later when they unstuck. It also allowed him to step out of time entirely, viewing the world through an entirely different lens.

That's what he was doing right now, as he got all introspectivey and shit. Slowly, Dennis reached out and pressed his finger against the huge enlarged canine tooth of the giant dog in front of him. It had been instinctive for him to stop things right here and now. The Undersiders had robbed a bank. Not just any bank, but an important bank, one weirdly close to Arcadia. It was almost like the villain team wanted the Wards to show up and stop them.

Or maybe they wanted the Wards to show up so that they, the Undersiders, could establish their "street cred" even further. It made sense in a twisted sort of way, which was exactly how Dennis figured all villain thought processes went. Still, that didn't help him in the here and now, with one of Bitch's huge empowered dangers an inch away from tearing him apart.

To be fair, they thought he was Aegis. He and the Wards leader had switched costumes as part of… some sort of plan? Clockblocker hadn't really been paying attention at the time; he'd just kind of gone along with it. In the end, he could still just freeze his costume to keep from taking any damage. That would be what he had to do, when it finally came time to restart… time. One of the quirks of his power was that he had to put himself back into the time stream exactly where he left it.

The teenage superhero slowly moved around the currently frozen large lunging monster dog. He took in the situation all around him, the Undersiders and the Wards aiming to do battle. Grue's darkness billowed out from around him and Bitch was in the middle of a whistle of some sort that would probably send her other two hulking monstrosities bounding forward. Regent was holding a scepter in one hand and had his other hand up with his fingers out stretched towards Aegis in Dennis' costume.

Speaking of Aegis, he was off the ground, flying forward through the air to intercept the dog that had been about to take a bite out of Dennis. Honestly, Dennis didn't know why their esteemed leader had even had them swap costumes if he was going to blow his cover like that. Vista and Gallant were squaring off across from the Undersiders as well, preparing to use their powers to do something or other.

Only, as Dennis looked, he didn't see two of the Undersiders. According to Vicky, Amy had mentioned a girl with Black Widow spiders, as well as Tattletale. Neither of them was outside the bank, but now that Dennis looked, he saw way too many bugs. On the ground and in the air, frozen in place as they were they didn't register at first, but when Dennis focused, he found a veritable swarm of a dozen different kinds of bugs starting to move towards the Wards.

Shuddering, Dennis moved past the monster dog entirely, past Grue's darkness and Bitch's scowling snarling face as he slid into the bank. Sure, he could have unmasked at least Regent and Bitch right there. But what would be the point? Inside the bank, he quickly found the two missing Undersiders. Bug Girl was easiest, seeing as she was crouched down peering out the windows at the fight. Tattletale was in the back on a computer with a scared bank manager cowering in a corner.

Everyone was frozen, and Dennis licked his lips under his mask. This was where he would make a choice that he couldn't exactly take back. Because, Dennis couldn't quite resist using his hidden power. And sometimes he used it for less than stellar purposes. He was a growing teenage boy after all. As a result, Dennis knew exactly what he could and could not do with time stopped. And as it turned out, he could do quite a lot.

Dennis found himself starting with Tattletale first. The blonde super villain was pretty hot, and her skintight purple cat suit really didn't leave much to the imagination. Grabbing her under the armpits, Dennis pulled the frozen Tattletale out of the office chair and placed her on her feet. He bent her over the desk and licked his lips as he ran his palms down her suit, feeling up her breasts and then her ass before finally looking for a zipper.

It wasn't hard to find, though he had to wonder how she managed to get the thing up her entire back without needing help. Once the zipper was all the way down to the top of her ass crack, Dennis pulled it down her arms to the elbows and then reached in to grasp her bra clad tits. Not a half bad rack, though personally Dennis had felt up bigger since getting his powers. He jerked her bra down off her tits partially and played with her nipples for a moment anyways, his breath coming out unevenly as he molested the frozen female villain.

In for a penny, in for a pound. Dennis definitely wasn't going to stop here, and he knew exactly what he wanted next. The idea of sticking his cock in the blonde's mouth did enter his mind, but he really just wanted to get to the main course. He had plenty of time after all; he could always come back to Tattletale's face hole later.

Pushing her arms down a bit more and then her split cat suit as well, Dennis was able to get the costume down her legs a little, exposing her cute pert panty-clad behind. Jerking her black panties down as well, he groped and massaged her ass cheeks for a moment as well before finally slipping a hand down between her legs and running his fingers over her slit.

As expected, Tattletale was wet. When Dennis pushed his index finger inside of her, he found out she was pretty damn tight as well. Unable to wait even a moment later, the clock themed hero grabbed at his crotch, hastily undoing his costume just enough to pull his cock free and position it at the frozen villainess' exposed entrance. Then he was inside of her and Dennis gasped at just how amazingly tight she was.

Once his member was lodged deep in Tattletale's cunt, Dennis reached up and grabbed onto her tits again, groping them even as he began to thrust back and forth, breath only growing more and more uneven as her hot wet passage attempted to resist his plundering girth but ultimately failed. A few moments later when Dennis came, he blushed in embarrassment, thankful that his power kept such things as fast ejaculations between him and the time frozen world he currently occupied.

Still, he was growing soft now, and having deposited a load of cum in Tattletale's cunt, the teenage hero pulled out and left the blonde villainess where she was, moving out of the office and back into the bank's main lobby. While he waited for his refractory period to end, something he'd learned how to time quite well, he went ahead and took care of something he probably should have done earlier.

According to Vicky, her sister had said that Bug Girl was threatening people with black widows. Finding the dark colored spiders wasn't that hard, as they were all poised on the visible skin of the bank's terrified patrons, probably to bring home the threat each of them were under. Grabbing up the tiny bugs was not something that Dennis enjoyed doing at all, but eventually he had them all under an overturned trashcan, trapped.

Once that was done, he moved onto Bug Girl herself, dragging her away from the window and onto her back as he knelt on the floor between her legs. Fiddling around with her costume was a bit more difficult than fiddling around with Tattletale's had been, but eventually he had the spider silk leggings of her suit pulled down along with her bland white panties, and her slit was exposed to his eyes in the same way Tattletale's had been.

Swallowing, Dennis reached up and groped the lanky girl's rather slight chest through her spider silk top for a moment. He was having a hard time getting hard, and after a moment, he realized why. That damnable mask with those fricking goggles was staring him in the face. Bug Girl was terrifying even when frozen in place by his power. Growling slightly, Dennis reached up and pushed the girl's head to the side, forcing her to look away.

"Damn you're creepy."

He muttered it, even as he brought his fingers down to her slit and pushed them in. Bug Girl was even tighter than Tattletale had been, and Dennis had to work to get his digits into her cunt. Eventually though, he had them inside and was able to move about, sliding in and out until eventually the villainess began to get wet just like Tattletale had. Licking his lips, Dennis switched his fingers for his cock with little fanfare, now able to get harder much easily with the frozen cape looking away like she was embarrassed or something.

Bug Girl was a lot less scary when it didn't look like she was staring unerringly into his eyes. Planting his hands on either side of her head, Dennis leaned over the dark haired young woman as he began to push deeper into her, gasping just like he had with Tattletale as he slowly forced his way into the unbelievably tight passage. The bug themed cape's body shook as he began to plow her right there on the floor of the bank.

With it being his second go, Dennis was far from ready to cum so quickly. With a wide grin on his face, he put his hand around the villainess' throat, imagining for a moment that she was awake for all this and submitting to his advances, submitting to his big thick cock as she blushed under her mask and looked away from him. A few minutes of hard deep thrusts into the girl's pussy and Dennis grunted cumming once more and filling her womb up just like he had with Tattletale.

As he pulled out of her, Dennis felt a deep sense of satisfaction… but he was far from done. He might have needed a little bit of time to recover his hard on, but the best thing about displacing himself from time was that he could do it for however long he wanted, and he'd discovered early on that he didn't need to eat, drink, or sleep. Nothing was going to keep him from his self-appointed task.

Moving back into the office where Tattletale still stood bent over the manager's desk, the male cape grabbed the villainess by her blonde mane, dragging her down so she was off the desk and bent over at the waist, legs still entirely straight even as he pushed his soft cock past her spread lips. Her mouth was hot and in short order, Dennis had gotten himself hard again. He grabbed hold of the blonde's head and thrust in and out of her throat, groaning as he did so and taking an inordinate amount of pleasure in face fucking the young woman.

When he came again, he moved back to Bug Girl, fucking another load into her cunt. Then it was back to Tattletale. Eventually, he had them together in the manager's office, stacked on the desk, one on top of the other. Dennis pressed his cock into the dark haired bug themed cape on top for a long moment, and then pulled out and thrust into Tattletale's spread cunt as well. Both of them were slowly growing looser as he used their holes.

The threesome continued for hours, despite there being only one active participant. Dennis made sure to sample every hole he could, only avoid Bug Girl's mouth because her damn mask was full face and he didn't really want to know her identity. After fucking and cumming in five holes between two girls multiple times, Dennis was finally ready to stop. He was pretty sure that he'd accomplished his goal by this point, and with that in mind, the young hero went about putting both female capes back where they were when he started.

After making sure to fix up the costumes of both women back to how they should be, Dennis stepped back out of the bank, letting out a low pleased sigh, a big wide smile on his face. As he moved, he tucked his cock back into his boxers and zipped up his own costume. Well, technically Aegis' costume as he passed by the man who was currently wearing the actual Clockblocker threads.

Carefully positioning himself back where he belonged, Dennis made sure he was ready; staring at the huge tooth filled gaping maw right in front of him. After a moment, he swallowed hard and reactivated time. In the same exact moment, he pressed his skin against the inside of his costume a little harder and activated his known power across said costume, locking it in place and making it impossible for the big dog monstrosity to dig its teeth into him, though after time resumed, it definitely tried its hardest.

Dennis would have frozen himself, but he wanted to be aware for what came next. Looking towards the bank, he waited a beat and then heard it. Two very loud and very feminine screams sounded from within the bank, causing the Undersiders outside to immediately react. The monster dog trying to tear into him was called back, and Dennis watched frozen in his costume as the next several minutes progressed.

To their credit, the Undersiders managed to get out of their fast. The swarm and Grue's darkness made for a pretty good smokescreen, but Dennis still caught glimpses of Tattletale and Bug Girl being half-carried, half-dragged out of the bank and loaded up on the backs of Bitch's huge monstrosities. The Undersiders ran off and as far as he was aware, they got away, though not with any money.


Dennis sat back in the room and glanced around at the other Wards. There was a bit of confusion and a lot of dejection going around the room. They were upset that the Undersiders had escaped, and flabbergasted at what had happened. Finally, the door opened and in stepped Aegis and Panacea. Vista was the first one to speak up.

"Um, none of us got hurt. The fight didn't last long enough for that."

Aegis chuckled and nodded at that, even as he led Amy to the front of the room.

"Panacea isn't here for that. As you said, we didn't get hurt. Still, Amy was one of the hostages in the bank and she got a pretty good look at what happened to change the situation so fast."

Clockblocker raised his eyebrow. This should be good, though he already knew what had happened. Amy flushed as she began to describe it, looking embarrassed on behalf of the two female capes that had tried to rob a bank.

"It happened in an instant. The new cape, the one that controls bugs, she was looking out the window of the bank. Tattletale was inside the manager's office, doing something on the computer there. Then, all of the sudden both girls collapsed, beginning to shriek and convulse as they… came."

Gallant coughed politely at that.

"Uh… what?"

Amy flushed a deeper scarlet.

"They both experienced multiple orgasms at the same exact time. Again and again, until it looked like they were seizing up from it. That's when Grue and Regent ran back in and managed to drag them away."

As the rest of the Wards reacted to that in their own ways, Dennis stayed quiet. Yep, that was exactly what he'd expected. His actions had consequences after all, and fucking a girl with time frozen meant that she experienced the coupling after time resumed. Both girls had felt every thrust of his cock and hours of rough rutting in the space of a few seconds. They'd be feeling that for days, he was sure of it.

"It looks like… that cape must have been among the bank hostages then."

That got Clockblocker's attention as Aegis grimaced at his own words. This was where Dennis interjected, as was his wont. They were practically expecting him to say it; he could even see their eyes turning towards him.

"Orgasmo strikes again!"

Vista scowled angrily at him, while Amy blushed deeper. Gallant sighed and shook his head and Aegis literally face palmed.

"That is NOT the cape name we're going with for this villain Clockblocker."

Clockblocker made a show of pouting, but didn't try to defend his alter ego. It made sense that 'Orgasmo' would be classified as a villain. All that the PRT and Protectorate 'knew' about the mysterious cape was that he apparently had some sort of ability to cause women to climax messily and as frequently as he liked. The current prevailing theory, or at least the one Dennis had heard last, was that it was some sort of line of sight master power.

That worked just fine for him. He rather liked the idea in fact. The more they went down that rabbit hole, the longer they would disassociate the cape going around inducing climaxes in random women with his time powers. They would never know what he was capable of, not if he had any say in it. Settling back into his chair, he listened with only one ear to the rest of the Wards meeting in silence, mostly. He still made his jokes when it was necessary of course.

Dennis, aka Clockblocker, had his mind on the two young women he'd enjoyed fucking so much in the bank.


Lisa stared into her mug as she sat at the table, Brian still yelling at her. But she wasn't really listening to him, and eventually the young dark skinned man ran out of steam, realizing nothing he was saying was getting through to her. It was only after he stormed off that she was pulled out of her thoughts by Taylor's far quieter voice.

"… Lisa?"

Blinking, the blonde looked up to see the bug controller staring at her with a whole lot of emotions in those big brown eyes of hers. Lisa's power made sure to tell her a million things about the girl she was looking at, but even that felt like white noise to the thinker right now.


"Lisa… what happened?"

A shrill laugh escaped her lips before she could bite down on it. Taylor seemed taken aback by that response, but Lisa spoke before the other girl could say anything else.

"We got fucked Taylor. We got fucked HARD."

Taylor's eyes widen at that, first in confusion and then in realization as she gets that Lisa isn't being as metaphorical as she might like.

"You mean…"

Lisa nodded, staring down into her coffee mug and pursing her lips together for a moment before continuing on.

"Yeah. I mean that someone had their way with us, somehow. We've both been relentlessly and ruthlessly drilled by a big honking cock. Me, I got it in every hole. You got it in your butt and your pussy, because whoever did it wasn't willing to remove your mask."

"… H-how?"

Taylor sounded so very vulnerable. Lisa knew she should be doing better for the girl, that she should be trying to help. But she couldn't find the words. With a shrug of her shoulders, the blonde suddenly stood.

"Orgasmo, presumably. You won't find mention of him on PHO, but search Brockton Bay Cape Orgasmo on my laptop and you'll know what happened. Except they're wrong about his power. He doesn't just induce climaxes or whatever. Somehow, he actually fucked both of us in the span of an instant and was gone to who knows where before we could even tell what was happening. Then the fucking caught up with us and nearly laid us both out from the number of orgasms he drew out of us."

And that was it. Lisa left Taylor with that information and her laptop and retreated to her bedroom. Dropping onto her bed, the blonde squeezed her eyes shut, trying desperately to forget about the humiliating experience in the bank. It wasn't as easy as she might have wished.

Especially because it was the first time Lisa had ever been able to cum. The first bit of pleasure she'd been able to experience since getting her powers, without her power ruining it for her.

Especially… because Lisa wanted to find this Orgasmo fucker and beg him to do it again.