
Time Stop Hijinks (Worm Fanfic)

Another Worm Story I'm just now posting on HF. In which the side character Clockblocker/Dennis, who in canon has the power to stop time for things he touched, has a much more serious time power in this fic. Not my own work. Support the author at: https://www.patreon.com/Cambrian

Krudy · Book&Literature
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8 Chs


Taylor really wasn't sure about this. The lanky dark haired girl glanced around the calm and peaceful boardwalk nervously, biting her lower lip. Everyone was a suspect… well, every man anyways, according to Lisa. Speaking of the blonde, she was the primary reason Taylor was so damn nervous, standing out here in the open on a nice sunny day. This should have just been a pleasant happy outing, which admittedly would still have had its hang ups, but at least those were all on Taylor.

This… this was one hundred percent Lisa's fault. Taylor shot the blonde a look, her eyes tracing up and down Lisa's figure for a long moment. The other girl was wearing next to nothing of course, which on a sunny day on the boardwalk was perfectly fine for a pretty young blonde like Lisa to do. Taylor knew that if she tried it, she'd never be able to pull off Lisa's look.

The large floppy yellow sun hat was probably the most coverage on Lisa's body to be honest. She was wearing a barely existent string bikini with a small skirt to cover her ass and crotch. The bra barely did more than hold in her tits and hide her nipples with its tiny triangles and Taylor saw more than one guy dead stop in the middle of the boardwalk when they caught a glimpse of Lisa.

But then, that was the point, wasn't it? That was wh-

"Taylor, please, let's bring the mood back up a bit won't you? Grumpy and sour does not for good bait make."

That got a scowl from the bug controller as she instinctively crossed her arms over her chest defensively.

"I'm not the bait Lisa, YOU are. I don't even know why I'm here…"

"You're my plus one Taylor! Don't worry so much; just help me keep an eye out. Orgasmo has been sighted on this stretch of the boardwalk five times in the last six months. Well, I say sighted, I mean the results of his escapades have been sighted here again and again. I don't really know exactly how his power works yet, and from the camera footage I was able to hack, there isn't anybody who was here ALL five times. So his power might be remote. Still, even if we don't see him, there's always the note."

Taylor rolled her eyes at that and she knew Lisa noticed because the blonde's lips curled up slightly in a grin at Taylor's exasperation. The 'note' was a slip of paper Lisa had taken to carrying around EVERYWHERE. As far as Taylor knew, she was the only one the blonde villainess had told about it. Somehow, despite her joining the Undersiders last, she and Lisa had become quite close quite quickly.

Perhaps it had something to do with both of them getting soundly fucked by Orgasmo at the bank job. Nothing like a dozen mutual orgasms apiece to really bring a couple girls together Taylor supposed. Aaand now Lisa was grinning full on, meaning she'd caught onto that thought. Taylor blushed furiously. She did NOT have the hots for Lisa. The blonde was a good friend, but Taylor didn't like girls. Guys on the other hand, especially guys like Brian…

"Oh god, it was cute at first but please change the subject Taylor. I don't need to know your fantasies regarding our black teammate."

Taylor blushed even deeper at that. And of course it was like telling her not to think about a pink elephant. Where before Taylor had just been fantasizing a little about Brian in particular, now that Lisa had mentioned the beefy hunk's skin color, all of Taylor's memories of her few times searching for porn on the computer flitted through her head.

"JESUS Taylor! I did NOT have to know that!"

Lisa whirled on her and Taylor didn't really have anything to say to that. Still, she made to try. Her mouth opened but Lisa was already stepping away, putting some space between them. The blonde girl stepped out into the middle of the boardwalk from their little hidey hole and Taylor stepped after her. That's when everything changed.


Dennis had seen her and immediately stopped time, his mouth going dry as he decided instinctively that he NEEDED a better look at this one. Slowly walking forward through a crowd of frozen people, the time stopper stood before the blonde for a long moment and really just appreciated her. Her nose was scrunched up but in a rather cute way. Her legs were long and spread apart as she took a particularly long stride away from where she'd been standing.

Looking back, Dennis found a tall dark haired lanky girl stepping after her, reaching out towards the blonde. While this one wasn't quite as provocatively dressed, she was cute enough in her one way, her face made more of edges than curves. Dennis had had a LOT of sex since triggering, so he had a very loose definition of beauty at this point. Still, it was clear that he still had a TYPE, because this blonde had hit all of his buttons fast and hard as soon as he laid eyes on her.

Stepping closer to her, Dennis raised his hands and first took off the big floppy hat so he could properly see her face. Something struck him as familiar about the blonde, even as he went ahead and placed the hat on top of her friend's head for safekeeping. He didn't ever take his eyes off of the blonde's face though as he did so, drinking in every detail. She was cute, so very cute. He suddenly had the desire to see her with a smile, but that wasn't exactly possible given the nature of his powers.

Invading her personal space, Dennis leaned in and breathed along her neck. A little creepy, but there was no one around to tell him not to do it. And really, he was about to do a whole lot worse to this girl. Yeah, Dennis could admit to himself that he already knew he was going to fuck this young woman. She was just too perfect not to play with. Dennis' morality really had gone to shit with the corruptive nature of his powers, but once again, there was no one to rein him in.

Grinning wickedly, Dennis leaned back from the blonde's neck and looked from her pretty face down to her barely contained breasts. Oh yes, this was going to be fun. Reaching out, Dennis squeezed the bare naked flesh of her tits that was visible from around her mostly string bikini. Then, without another thought, the time stopper flipped her little triangles up, revealing her nipples.

Then he blinked, seeing a folded up piece of white paper stuck to the inside of the small triangle. That wasn't normal. Furrowing his brow in confusion, Dennis reached up and grabbed the thing, tugging it from its time frozen place on the inside of her bra and letting go of the beautiful blonde for a moment to unfold the piece of paper. Dennis' eyes widened as he read the note's contents, realizing in the same moment that it WAS a note and in fact, was a note to HIM. Well, not technically to him, but to his new alter-ego Orgasmo.

Swallowing hard, Dennis found himself reading the note out loud just to confirm that this was really real and actually happening to him.

"Dear Orgasmo, hi! I'm Lisa, and my friend is Taylor! Fuck us to several screaming orgasms all experienced in the same moment, would you kindly? And we'd love a repeat performance! Name a time and a place and we'll be there waiting for you, eager and happy to please the great Orgasmo!"

Stunned, Dennis slowly lowered the note, staring at the scrunched up face of the girl he now knew the name of. Lisa WANTED him to fuck her? Well, he couldn't deny that there was a reason they were calling him Orgasmo. The women he fucked got quite a lot out of it, all of that pleasure packed into just a few short moments. Dennis had heard it called heavenly by 'victims'.

So these two were looking for a rush were they? Dennis glanced at Lisa's friend, Taylor. Well, Taylor might not necessarily be looking for it given the way she was dressed. Still, Dennis would oblige… eventually. For now, the time stopper grinned wickedly and moved in on Lisa. With her tits exposed, Dennis was quick to massage and knead the naked sensitive boob flesh. While Lisa didn't react one way or the other, he could already imagine the blonde gasping and shaking as she felt a million hands on her tits all at once.

With that image in his mind, Dennis made sure to spend a good five minutes groping her tits before he finally moved on. Stepping around Lisa's frozen form, Dennis pushed on her naked back, forcing the blonde to bend over. Then he lifted up her cute little skirt to expose her thong bikini. Pulling on the side ties of Lisa's barely there undergarment, Dennis watched as it slipped off her. He grabbed it up and then after a moment, he put the bikini bottoms in his pocket.

The young man couldn't quite resist taking a souvenir. No one would ever find out besides Lisa, and she wasn't going to tell anyone that they were stolen, not when she WANTED him to come do her again. So with that in mind, Dennis pushed Lisa's legs apart and placed a hand between her thighs, rubbing against her shaven pussy eagerly.

Sticking two fingers inside of the blonde's cunt, Dennis pistoned the digits in and out of her, once more imagining just how it would feel when combined with everything else. After another few minutes of this, Dennis finally couldn't take it anymore. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and quickly removed his hard straining cock from his confining boxers.

Breathing in and out, Dennis grabbed hold of Lisa's hip with one hand to keep her steady and used the other hand to guide his cock towards her ready and waiting cunt. A moment later, he was inside of her. Dennis blinked dumbly. This felt… familiar. He'd fucked a lot of pussies, but he was sure he'd remember a blonde like this. But then, how had Lisa come up with the idea to leave a note in her bikini top in the first place if he hadn't had his fun with her before? She seemed way too familiar to just be a thrill seeker. Slowly, Dennis slid in and out of the blonde's tight cunt as he tried to figure out what was going on.

How could he possibly have fucked a blonde this hot and not remembered it? How coul- it came to Dennis like a lightning flash and he froze up for a brief moment, eyes wide as he stared down at Lisa's naked back. His hands slid up and down her sides and it only seemed to confirm what he suspected as he was reminded of a skintight purple outfit on a pretty blonde villainess.

His eyes immediately went to Lisa's friend. Taylor was a little harder to place, but he thought he might have it. The hair color was exactly right and so was the height. He was… he was fucking a villainess right now and he almost hadn't even realized it. Dennis' thrusts began to pick up rather than slow down though. So, Tattletale and the bug controller they were calling Skitter had come to the boardwalk looking for him for a repeat performance?

A wicked grin spread across Dennis' face at that. Damn, to think he'd managed to conquer two young villainesses with just his big throbbing dick and some judicial use of time stop. It was certainly enough to go to a young hero's head, but luckily for the world, Dennis was quite the modest and down to earth young man. He grinned even wider as he railed into Lisa's cunt from behind, grunting and speeding up.

Fine, if the blonde wanted it, she was going to GET it! Dennis grunted and really started giving it to the young woman, to the villainess currently completely at his mercy. Imagining her face when he restarted time was more than enough to send Dennis right over the edge. He filled up Lisa's womb, panting heavily as he pulled his dick out of her creampied pussy. Then he turned to Taylor.

Grabbing the dark haired girl by the arm, Dennis wasted no time, spinning her away from where she was reaching out to Lisa and bending her over the small table they'd both been sitting at. Pulling down her jeans and panties, Dennis exposed the lanky young woman's pert behind. Dennis whistled as he felt down her legs. Damn, this girl was actually pretty fit.

When he pushed into her cunt, he all but confirmed his suspicions that she was Skitter. This was definitely the same tight cunt from before but only now that she wasn't virginal anymore did he realize just how much of that tightness came from the girl's surprising athleticism. For a terrifying bug controller, this girl had quite the runner's body, something Dennis discovered first hand as he ran his hands over her form while thrusting in and out of her pussy.

While Taylor didn't have much in the way of tits, not like Lisa's delicious handfuls, she was quite fuckable in her own way. And fuck her Dennis did, grunting as he thrust into the time stopped girl from behind over and over again until he came again. Then he went back to Lisa, not at all done with the blonde villainess.

This time he bent Lisa down a little further and took the girl's mouth, prying her jaw apart and then shoving his dick down her throat. Lisa wouldn't feel any pleasure from being forced to deep throat his cock for a good fifteen minutes, but Dennis was more concerned with his own pleasure, now that he knew he was dealing with the same villainesses from the bank. The Undersiders may have been small time and relatively harmless, but they were still the bad guys. That made this punishment.

Dennis grinned, delighting in covering Lisa's face in his seed once her throat had brought him to his third release. Looking back at the bent over half-naked Taylor, Dennis pursed his lips together before shaking his head. Instead of going after the bug controller again, he turned his eyes to the bystanders all around them. Lisa and Taylor… they couldn't be singled out. They needed to just be two among many if he was going to have fun with them again down the line.

The thought that Dennis should want them to be captured and arrested for their crimes never even entered the time stopper's mind as he picked out a cute girl looking out over the water as she leaned against the railing of the boardwalk. She got fucked quite soundly from behind, left in the same state as Taylor. Another five women of varying ages joined that civilian and Lisa and Taylor as his victims for the day.

Then, Dennis went ahead and spent a good bit of time fucking with the Enforcers and even some of the male civilians who he thought might have been dicks just by looking at their faces. He made the scene look like utter chaos, men pranked and women soundly fucked. Only then did he go back to where Lisa was still stood bent completely over frozen in place.

He straightened Lisa up and grabbed up both the note and the bikini top from where he'd let them drop on the ground. Clicking in the pen he'd stolen from an Enforcer, Dennis used Lisa's body to add to the note in his scratchy uneven handwriting, saying what he was writing out loud to make sure he was getting it down right.

"Hey. Want more? Abandoned warehouse down on the edge of the docks at 5th and Benson. Come alone or don't, it won't matter to me. But this time, wear a smile for me alright?"

Grinning as he read back what he'd wrote, Dennis nodded and folded up the piece of paper, tucking it back into the small triangle and putting the bikini top back on Lisa's body, tying it in place. Then, he slowly drew back, returning to his spot where he'd first seen the blonde beauty. His eyes never left Lisa's body, even as all around her was chaos and disheveled people.

Dennis licked his lips… and restarted time.


Before Taylor could say a word, both she and Lisa collapsed to the ground, cumming again and again and again. All around them was much the same as women fell over and shrieked the sudden pleasure, while men let out shouts and explicatives at whatever predicament they found themselves in. Neither Lisa nor Taylor was in any position to notice this though, contending with their own overwhelming pleasure as they were.

Eventually, the Enforcers got their shit together and came out in force to handle the incident. By this point, Orgasmo's little incursions were a common feature on the boardwalk apparently, because they had a whole routine and eventually Taylor and Lisa were just sent off once they were deemed 'recovered' enough. It was a little discouraging that there wasn't more effort to catch what was clearly a serial rapist… but having been on the receiving end of Orgasmo's power twice now; Taylor couldn't deny that she could understand the dilemma.

Even she wasn't sure if she would press charges, if it actually came about that the man somehow got caught. Feeling just a bit dazed, Taylor didn't even think to ask Lisa about the note until the blonde squealed suddenly and drew her attention. They were halfway back to the lair and Lisa had the unfolded white piece of paper in her hand.

"He responded Taylor! He responded! The damn bastard stole my panties, but we've got a time and a location."

Taylor swallowed thickly before asking in a weak tone.

"… We?"

Lisa just gave her a look and Taylor glanced away, blushing furiously. Yeah, it probably would be a 'we'…