
Chapter 4: The Discovery of Nathan's full Potential

3 days Later...

"Do you read me Randy?!" I exclaimed telepathically.

*Short pause*

"Copy" Randy said telepathically in a raspy way.

"What's going on in there? How's Sallie doing?"

*Long pause*

"I do not know how Sallie's holding up, but we are in separate and fancy cells."

"Ok, what does it look like?"

"It looks like a fancy diner and a lounge combined into one big room!!!" Randy exclaimed telepathically.

*Short pause*

"I also have a lot of infected gunshot wounds." Randy said in a sad way.

"Alright, you're doing good Randy. Hang in there. I'm going to explain the next part of the plan." I said sympathetically.



"Alright Scøtzwürth family, I need your full knowledge on computers." I said in a serious manner.

"Got it!!!" Then all of a sudden, as they were setting up their equipment, we heard a very loud and deafening explosion. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SHIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAA!!!"


"I can't believe that I just lost my only sister!!!" Nathan yelled furiously.

"You're not the only person who lost family Nathan. I lost my only Cousin!!!"

"Remember Aali, don't assume that Randy's dead. For all we know, he could've transformed into a very small Rodent." Charlotte explained.

"We've got to go over there and find them!!!" Next thing I know, everything around me became completely frozen in place, and that's when I realize that I'm not frozen and that I can still use my powers. Once I caught up with Nathan, I stopped right next to him and saw what he was looking at; Two moving feet. After we removed all of the rubble and saw that it was Shila, she was immediately snatched by a flying object, and that's when I realized that Nathan stopped using his powers.


"I'm sorry everyone for doing what I did. I got so overwhelmed by the thought of Shila being dead that I forgot about the dangers of using too much force onto my powers. Will you all forgive me?" Then at the same time, everyone said yes.


2 weeks later…

"Ugh. What happened?" Shila said groggily.

"Randy blew up the whole base!!!" Nathan exclaimed.

"What!!!" Shila yelled with a sudden start.

"We don't know how he'll react when he wakes up, especially because he's going to be in a lot of pain." I said calmly and soothingly.

After about ten minutes of silence, Shila spoke with a response.

"OK. I hope he doesn't die from his wounds. I mean, not only did he save my life, but he also helped the other prisoners escape."

"Wait a minute. There were Prisoners in that enemy base!?" Nathan said in a surprised tone.


Then all of a sudden, Hannah burst through the doors and yelled, "Randy just woke up and his powers are going berserk!!! He is out of control and destroying a lot of stuff!!!"

So we ran to the main base room as fast as we could and when we entered the room, I was immediately knocked down onto the floor.


After about 30 more seconds of restraining, Randy finally calmed down.

"What was that all about." blinn said in a scared and quiet tone.


"I don't know."


*3 months later*

"Ugh. What happened?" Randy said groggily.

"You turned into a super immense atomic bomb and blew up the whole enemy base!!!"

"Cool!!! I don't even remember doing any of that, but COOL!!!"

"How is that cool!? You could have killed all of the prisoner's, me and the teammates who have little to no healing factor. You could have killed the whole Korean country plus half of Japan!!! We're trying to stop the war, not make it bigger!!!"

"Shila's right, Randy. We're trying to fix America and regroup the American allies, not push them further away."

After about ten minutes of staring, he nodded his head in agreement, and then fell back to sleep.


"How is Randy doing so far?" Charlotte asked nervously.

"He's doing fine Charlotte. He's just really tired and is in a lot of pain. One Thing is for sure though. He has an extremely rare power."

"What is it?" Nathan asked.


"Holy crap!!! Ryki exclaimed. "That power is definitely rare, in fact, it's so rare that only one other person has that ability."

"Who?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Jesus Christ!!!" Delyla exclaimed.

Then all of a sudden, we all heard Randy say,

"John 3:16

For God so loved the world,

that he gave his one and only Son,

that whoever believes in him,

shall not perish, but have everlasting life."

"I didn't know you were a Christian Randy!!!" Shila yelled with surprise.

"I've been a Christian since I was three years old."

What about you Jonathan. Lylian asked Curiously. "Are you a Christian too?"

"I don't know."

I bet you've seen him though." Jason said sarcastically.

"I've Actually tried to meet him in order to be freed from my curse, but my attempts were unsuccessful. When I found out that he had been crucified, I lost all hope, and by the time I got home in Osiris, Egypt, I found out that he had been resurrected and was too late to go back."


"oh, and by the way Jason, you've earned the privilege to give me 720 push ups." I said sternly.

"WHAAAAAATTT!!!" Jason whined.

"If you whine at me again, I'll bump it up to 1200 push ups. Give me 720 push ups NOW!!!"

Once he got on the ground, he started doing arch push ups, so I went over and sat on his back until it was completely straight.


"I'm extremely worn out now." Jason said in a soft and raspy tone.

"That's what you get for making a rude comment sarcastically." Aali said sternly.

"But that kind of Punishment is completely negative!!!"

"Not always." Artholio said in a reminding tone. "When he made me do the 200 push ups that I earned, it made me gain muscle. for all we know, you could end up being even more muscular than me!!!"

When they went silent, I came up to them and said, "enough chatting. I want everyone to meet me in the training room." Once everyone arrived and lined up, I started talking.

"Alright everyone, here's how this is going to work. I'm going to pick out each of you one by one.

Hannah, you're first."

Once I got Hannah into position, I told her to use any type of spirit weapons.

"Assah Macaan, Tay no Taan!!!"

As fast as it had started, I immediately started getting attacked by trillions of souls from the underworld, then I realised that she was using every single person's soul that I have killed throughout the many thousands of years.


Next thing I know, I found myself crumpled up in a ball shaking vigorously with extreme chills.

"Next time, please send a lot less souls to attack me."

"ok" Hannah said softly.

"Alright then, next up, Riko."

"what am I supposed to do?"

"I need you to work on your hypnotic stare."



"You will do the chicken dance."

Next thing I know, I found myself doing the chicken dance.

"Very good. Now I want you to twerk"

Next thing I know, I felt an extreme urge to twerk and eventually started doing it.

"OK, now I want you to----"





Almost immediately after the warning, as I was getting everyone into the fighting position, the Skøtzwürth siblings came bursting into the training room.

"Who's trying to kill us." I asked in a calm tone.

"General Mærs!!!"

All of a sudden, we heard a loud and deafening bang.

"I'm baaaaaaack!!!" general said annoyingly.

"Oh nooooo." Shila said with a frightened tone. "he's transformed his own brain into Randy's brain."

"You're right Shila." General Mærs said using Dracula's voice.

"hey, guess what Shila. You're going to die...FIRST!!!" Before any of us could react, he broke through all of our defenses and pinned Shila onto the ground. All of a sudden, we heard Nathan yell, "NOOOOOOOO!!!" Next thing I know, everything around me became completely frozen, then almost Immediately, I started feeling a huge psionic attack. About a minute later, I saw a small black hole that was completely warped and then started pulling General Mærs into its grasping gravity.


*2 hours later…*

"Everyone alright!!!" I yelled worriedly.

At the same time, everyone said, "yes."

"Nathan Phloid, you've just left me with no choice but to put you into solitary confinement."


After he got completely secured, I closed the metal door. When I turned around, Shila asked me why.

"Because his powers are too powerful. I know he saved us all, but he also almost killed us during the process. He stopped time, he created a huge psionic attack and he created a Warping black hole. After General Mærs disappeared, I had to knock him out in order to prevent him from killing us all. Now do you understand why I'm doing this?"
