
Chapter 3: the split up

Later, In the middle of the night during Guard duty, Shila comes up beside me and quietly says, "I'm sorry about the incident with the plane. I completely lost control of my anger. will you forgive me?"

"Yes" I said anxiously.


"You sound very anxious. Is there anything that's bothering you?"

"My life. The fact of knowing that I will not die. I cannot die!!!"


"The house that I was born in wasn't Just any ordinary house, It was a Gruad Temple. At the age of one, My parents and I were banished from the Temple due to the fact that Death was able to enter the Temple and inflict me specifically with the curse that I have lived with for my entire life."

*Pause* "Because of Death, I became an outcast. Because of Death, I will live forever. My life is literally a Universe of ruins, A Universe that no one, not even Myself, Can fix. My life is and will always be condemned."


"My curse is and will always be condemned to Animal and Human flesh."

*Continued pause*

"I know that I am dangerous, But I also know that this team needs me. I am stuck and I don't know what to do. I need help."

After a couple of minutes, Shila spoke up and said, "Ok Jonathan, Everything that you just told me is completely new. I don't know how to help you."

*Short pause*

"Good night Jonathan."


Morning... "HOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " After everyone got up and ready, Daniel yelled, "Dang, That was loud!!! That was approximately ten miles!!!"

"It was ear-splitting!!!" Daniella added.


"Alright everyone, this is the plan."

I laid down two large maps of the country and the World.

"Right now, we are located in Houston, Texas, and our destination is Seoul, south Korea."

*Short pause*

"Nathan, I need you to travel back in time to the year 2010 and bring back a fighters Jets."


After about 30 seconds, Nathan had vanished into thin air.


Two hours Later…

"GOT THEM!!!" yelled Nathan.

"What took you so long!!!" Exclaimed Shila impatiently.

"I am now wanted in that millennia!!!" Exclaimed Nathan with exhaustion.

"WHAT!!!" I Yelled with surprise. Then Everybody turned towards me with suspicion.

"I'll explain another time. We need to start moving."


4 hours Later...

Are we there yet?!!!" Asked Randy impatiently.

"Not yet Randy!!! Turn into a freaking bird or something!!!" Yelled shila.

"Ok. I'm going to turn into an Eagle!" Then at the same time, me and everyone else rolled our eyes. Then all of a sudden, Randy said,


"What!!!" Exclaimed Aali Yego.

"There's a secret military base up ahead!!!"

"Fly me out there!!! I ordered. All of a sudden, I was lifted out of the plane, into the sky and back into the plane.

"It's seventeen miles straight ahead." I said.


1 hour later...

"Spotlights, hidden camera's, 17,000 guards on the outside, an estimated 32,000 guards on the inside and multiple electric fences equipped with barbed wire." Said Daniel with an accurate calculation.

"Ok. Randy, I want you to transform into a gnat, float over all of the electric fences and be our eyes, and don't mess around. I'm trusting you."

"Ok." Said Randy nervously.

"What's wrong Randy. I thought you could transform into anything." Said Aali curiously.

"I usually say that when I'm drunk!!! In real terms, my limit is a fruit fly!!!" After two hours of arguing, we finally convinced Randy to try and transform into a gnat.

"Ok!!! I'll try!!! After about a minute of multiple shifts, he completely disappeared and confirmed that it was a success.

"Heading towards the Base now!!!" said Randy Telepathically.

"Ok." I replied.


4 hours Later...

"I'm baaaaack!!!" Exclaimed Randy annoyingly."Gosh darn it Randy!!! Do you ever stop being annoying?!!!" Shila exclaimed loudly."NOOOOOOO!!! IT'S ALL PART OF MY POWERS PERSONALITY!!! STOP FREAKING YELLING AT ME SHILA!!!" Randy screamed with very hurt feelings.

*Long pause*

"Power personality?" Sallie asked curiously.

"Supernatural quantum knowledge." Randy responded quietly.

"Wýmbö Skøtzwürth!!!" I exclaimed.

"How do you know our father's name?!!!" Asked Rýki.

"I can't say. That information is extremely classified."


"Alright guys, time to make a plan. Randy, you'll transform into a pterodactyl, and Shila, gravitational earthquake." One moment Randy's human, next moment he's a huge black and grey bird with no feathers, a very long beak, and short, stubby, spike-like horns.

"Alright Randy, let's takeoff!!!" Shila said with excitement. When Shila approached Randy, she got on his leg and then they took off. One moment there's a huge gust of wind, next moment there's endless gunshots being heard.

"We're down and are about to be captured. It's all part of the plan. Stay in your current position. We're going in." Randy said telepathically.
