
Chapter 14: Zeltar’s Interview

It was a typical wet day where I was going. Seriously though, it was like soaking wet. Yeah, bring Nathan along. That's a good idea. but seriously though, he was just a pain in the body because he asked a lot of questions about who I am in a serious tone of voice. It was a typical mission and we managed to succeed in overthrowing the Romans. However, I had found what seems to be the president's plan to take over the world. It was very interesting. In fact, it was completely laid out in front of me. I could refuse to take it, but then again, this war has to end. I mean, it was just right there in front of all the bases just waiting to be stolen. I managed to not memorize them but Instead, managed to preserve the maps. I mean, this could be really helpful. But in all other ways, it was just not right to take years of my life away and so, I decided if they were going to do that and weren't going to apologize to me, then I'm going to find out who hired him and when I do, well, let's just say history will be my judge. It's been thousands of years since I knew I had a cousin but I never knew which one I was related to. It was a complete mystery to me till they busted me out of prison and I had just begun to put the pieces together, but at least now we will be together. I'm hoping that we will stop the American President from taking over the world and create peace and harmony for the many years to come. It's very unfortunate that the original American allies were bombed and were forced to take extremely strict safety precautions when facing any American citizen 24/7. My current goal is to bring America back to its original state that it's supposed to be. I mean, come on!!! America is supposed to be a country of peace and freedom, not a country of crime and corruption!!! Well, that was the mission and my thoughts. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of stuff to do. Have a nice and peaceful day.