
Chapter 13: The Battle for Freedom

August 1, 20,443

When we arrived at the base, we were immediately greeted by Nathan and Zeltar.

"What happened to your hand, Nathan?" I asked with concern.

"I was hit by a bullet while trying to get back to the base in Athens, Greece, but i'll survive."

Did the bullet get removed, cause your hand can get infected if it's not removed and could end up having to be amputated."

Nathan and Zeltar looked at each other for a moment then Nathan said frantically, "Please remove it!!!"


Meanwhile, in the

country of Atlantis…

"Alright Atlanteans, the world is fighting to help make America free and peaceful again. It's going to be your job to wait until your fighting tactics are needed. I know it's been over 120,000 years since we've used our original fighting tactics, but I believe that if we use them, it'll catch the corrupted American President off guard. What do you say, can we all do that?"

Without a moment of hesitation, the entire Atlantean Army cheered in unison.


Meanwhile, at the secret base…

"Alright everyone, before we face the entire whitehouse, we all need to practice in the training room one last time before the upcoming battle."

Once we entered the training room, I started the training session off with Hannah Roccky. After ten minutes of agonizing pain from the trillions of souls that consisted of every person that was killed by me in both human and werewolf form, I called in the next person for training.


"Alright Randy and Nathan. I've decided to make both of you train together as a team because your guys's involvement in this battle is extremely crucial because Daniel calculated that your involvement as a team will be the only way to end this war once and for all. Are you ready to rehearse the plan?"

"YES SIR!!!"

"Alrighty then. Let the training, begin!!!"


After six hours of flying in a jet, we finally arrived at our destination; Washington D.C.

"Alright everyone, remember, always stick to the plan. If you get overpowered and are at risk of being killed, you will have to come up with your own plan B. I'm hoping that we all get out of this war alive, but I cannot guarantee it though."

*short pause*

"Alright allies. Prepare to attack and defend."

*another short pause*



One moment the land had special supermax security, next moment, the entire landscape was filled with fighting and blood.

"Alright everyone, let's move in!!!"

Once we got inside, bullets started spraying the entire building.

"Sallies been hit in multiple spots on her body!!!" Artholiœ yelled with fear and concern.

"Randy, I need you to transform into a Cockatrice!!! Nathan, I need you to completely stop time!!!"

One moment Randy's human, next moment he looks like a severely underweight rooster.

"Now Nathan!!!" I yelled frantically.

One moment the bullets are going everywhere, next moment they completely stop in mid-air. I left my current position, grabbed Randy, and ran up to each of the guards and completely turned them into stone.

"Okay Nathan, you're good now!!!"

Not a moment later, time was back where it belongs.

Once we got to the president's office, we burst into the office room and saw the President just relaxing in his chair and said these exact words, "Sallie, Danielle, Lylian and Phidelia are no longer alive."

All of a sudden, I heard Artholiœ yell out in tears, then I saw Lylian and Phidelia fade away from existence and when I looked at Danielle, I saw that nothing was happening to her.

"You may have killed three more special soldiers, but there's still one thing that you've forgotten. Danielle is invulnerable to any form of attack, which means your powers don't have any effect on her."

*short pause*

"Randy, Nathan, the plan!!!" I ordered them directly.

First, Randy transformed into a Swordfish, then Nathan completely stopped time, allowing me to run up to Randy, pick him up and throw him at the President as hard as I could, making a large hole in his chest where his heart was. After completing the plan, Nathan started time again and Randy transformed back into human form completely covered in blood.

"This is just plain sick. It's going to take ages to get completely cleaned off!!!"

Then Artholiœ came in and asked, "Did we win?"

"Yes, but not without major consequences." I pointed out sadly.

Nathan said, "First my sister, now my wife?!!!"

Then Raski Phloid said, "don't forget our historian and fastest natural sprinter."