
Time-limited F-Class Housewife

“CONGRATS, Miss Baek— you’re pregnant with South Korea’s #1 Hunter’s baby!” Baek Gyubin, the leader of a flopped Kpop girl group, is beyond shocked after hearing that she's carrying Hunter Han Wooju’s baby. And to be informed that she's pregnant as a twenty-five-year-old virgin? That's crazy! It's even crazier that her ‘baby daddy’ is the Guildmaster of Blue Dragon— the strongest guild at the moment. Plus, Hunter Han Wooju is the CEO of a luxury shopping mall and a known member of Korea’s W1 Trillion Club. In short, Hunter Han Wooju is way out of Gyubin's league! “How did I get pregnant with your baby, Hunter Han Wooju?” Gyubin asked awkwardly. And then she remembered THAT incident, causing her to gasp out loud. “Is it because I ate your dragon ball?!” Wooju let out a long sigh. “Miss Baek, it was an egg and not a ‘dragon ball.’”

sola_cola · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs


BAEK GYUBIN acted like revealing the fact that she had the Bloom Disease wasn't a big deal, so Wooju reacted accordingly.

Even so, he was actually shaken inside.

Miss Baek was a survivor of that tragedy five years ago…

"Hunter Han Wooju."


Wooju got up from his seat when Hunter Park Dong-min entered his private office.

Although he had an important guest right in front of him, he couldn't help but remember what happened before he left the hospital earlier.

Especially how Baek Gyubin snapped back at Im Rian.

"Not everyone wants to be a Hunter— a pregnant Hunter at that."

For the first time in a while, Wooju saw Im Rian flustered.

The doctor then apologized for offending the idol.

It was an amusing sight since most people find Dr. Im annoying, but not many can say anything to her since she has a high status.

But Baek Gyubin didn't hesitate to put Im Rian in her place.

Wooju wanted to see more of Baek Gyubin's bravado.

But, unfortunately, he still had work to do. Hence, he left the hospital and headed straight to the Blue Dragon Guild.



Wooju snapped back to reality when Hunter Park Dong-min called his name. "Please take a seat, Hunter Park."

"I will— we'll be having a long conversation, after all," Hunter Park Dong-min said, sitting on the receiving chair in front of Wooju's desk. "Wooju-ssi, where is Baek Gyubin?"

Naturally, Wooju ignored the older Hunter's question. "I asked my manager, Kang Jaemoo Hyung, to clean up the mess in the Facility the other night. On the same night, Hyung called and informed me that he met you there, Hunter Park Dong-min. Apparently, you were looking for Baek Gyubin-ssi— the leader of the girl group under our custody."

"I believe you already know that I am Baek Gyubin's custodian," Hunter Park Dong-min said. "As such, she has a device that lets me know if she uses the Item that I gave her for self-defense. The other night, I was notified that Baek Gyubin used that Item before she turned off her location."

"Miss Baek used that item to kill the Bang Supil, the CEO of Hit Entertainment. Correct?"

"Bang Supil survived since I arrived in time to give him the antidote. He's under my division's custody."

Wooju figured that much.

Hunter Park Dong-min is working for the government. Naturally, the case involving CEO Bang Supil is being kept under wraps since it's his case.

"I was notified the moment Baek Gyubin used her Item for the second time. Fortunately, by that time, her location was on again," Hunter Park Dong-min continued with his explanation. "When I arrived at the Facility, I met Baek Gyubin's manager and group members. They told me about what happened. But when I arrived at the private room, Kang Jaemoo and staff members from the Blue Dragon Guild were already there. Your manager refused to tell me anything."

It's because Jaemoo Hyung didn't know at the time that I took Baek Gyubin with me.

"Wooju-ssi, I know that you outrank me and my division as the Guildmaster of the Blue Dragon. You're also one of the only five naturally awakened S-Class Hunters in the country," Hunter Park Dong-min said. "But Baek Gyubin is my responsibility. Please let me see her."


Can I trust this person?

A-Class Hunter Park Dong-min— a man in his early fifties, the Director of the Golden Tiger's Alchemy Division.

Generally, Hunter Park Dong-min has a good reputation.

The only "bad" thing Wooju had heard about the older Hunter was him being a "fashion terrorist." Hunter Park Dong-min liked wearing Hawaiian shirts with suits— making him look like a yakuza or a drug lord, according to most people.

I can see that.

Yeah, the older Hunter was wearing a golden vintage brown Hawaiian shirt and a tan suit right now.

But, setting Park Dong-min's bad fashion sense aside, he was actually a national treasure.

He's the best Combat-Alchemist in the country.

"You made the Item that Baek Gyubin used to attack her boss and the Hunters from the Facility, didn't you?"

Hunter Park Dong-min flinched.

"Did you get permission from President Lim to give a Civilian a high-grade Item?"

"Wooju-ssi, Baek Gyubin is one of the remaining two survivors of that tragedy."

It was Wooju's turn to flinch.

"Did Baek Gyubin tell you she has the Bloom Disease?"

"She didn't have to tell me— Miss Baek coughed up blood and flowers while in the hospital. Only the Bloom Disease can cause that."

Hunter Park Dong-min's face darkened. "We worked together on Nami Island during that time, Wooju-ssi. I was the one in charge of Baek Gyubin's village, and I failed to protect them back then."

To be honest, Wooju could relate to the older Hunter's remorse.

Even now, I still feel bad that we got there late. If only we were a bit earlier, then no one would have suffered from the Bloom Disease…

"Don't let me fail Baek Gyubin again, Wooju-ssi— let me protect her this time. I've been in charge of her for five years now. She's already like a daughter to me."


If Hunter Park Dong-min puts it that way, then…

"Hunter Park Dong-min, you know that I have an egg that the System labels as an S-Grade Beast, don't you?"

The funny-looking brown egg was a top secret among the big shots in the country.

And Hunter Park Dong-min belonged to those 'big shots.' As an Alchemist, the older Hunter also tried to hatch the funny-looking brown egg before.

"What about the egg?"

"Miss Baek swallowed my egg."


"The egg then implanted itself in Miss Baek's womb and turned into a fetus," Wooju said awkwardly. "And, now, Miss Baek is pregnant."

Hunter Park Dong-min looked shocked at first, and then his face turned red in anger. "How dare you get our Binnie pregnant, you punk?!"

The older Hunter then got up and tried to punch Wooju in the face.


That was the sound of Hunter Park Dong-min's fingers breaking when his knuckles connected to the blue dragon scales that covered Wooju's face.

Yes, dragon scales.

The <Blue Dragon Skin> was a skill that would automatically get activated whenever there was a physical threat to Wooju. That was the reason he was known as one of the Hunters with the sturdiest body in the world.

"Dammit," Hunter Park Dong-min cursed under his breath while fixing his broken fingers with a potion. "I forgot about that damned skill of yours."

Wooju let out a sigh. "Hunter Park Dong-min, I'll take responsibility for Miss Baek if she decides to keep the "baby.""



GYUBIN took a bath to freshen up, hoping that her mood would improve.

But even after taking a satisfying bath and changing into comfortable pajamas, her mood didn't improve.

How could she relax when her Status Window popped up and "said" ridiculous things?

[Name: Baek Gyubin

Level: F-Class

Main Ability: Housewife]

"Housewife?" Gyubin asked out loud in disbelief. She was the only person in that hotel-like VIP hospital room anyway. "What kind of ability is that?"

[Skill: <I'm the Homemaker!>

Level: D

Description: You're the boss in this household, Hunter Baek Gyubin! This skill will help you build the perfect and safest nest for you and your baby! Once upgraded, this skill will also help you kick out uninvited and unwanted guests in your house!]


"Hey, System-nim. I haven't decided whether to keep the "baby" yet or not!"

[Skill: <Happy Wife, Happy Life!>

Level: F

Description: Wanna level up fast? Just let your husband spoil you to death!]

Excuse me?

"I don't have a husband!"

[Skill: <Mama Bear to the Rescue!>

Level: D

Description: Baby Bear in danger? Worry not! Mama Bear is here to save the day! This skill gives Hunter Baek Gyubin a temporary physical buff when Mama Bear and Baby Bear are in danger!]


"Okay, at least that one is a useful skill."

[Skill: <Red String of Fate!>

Level: ???

Description: Hunter Baek Gyubin gains the right to have a shared Status Window with Papa Bear. <3]< em>

The hell?

Gyubin had goosebumps all over her body because of the System's cheesiness.

Before she knew it, she was already punching the Status Window. Her fist just passed through the transparent Status Window, unfortunately.

Despite her violent action, the Status Window didn't stop yapping.

The next thing that popped up was her stats for her basic skills, but she was no longer interested.

Her mood was already ruined because of her weird skills.

"Aigoo. I almost died of cringe."


Gyubin almost had a heart attack when she heard a soft laugh coming from the corner of the room.

She immediately grabbed the lamp on the bedside table.

But she froze when she recognized the man standing in front of her.

Gray shoulder-length hair tied into a half-ponytail.

Huge pair of dark sunglasses.

Neat suit befitting of his high status.

That handsome face had been the face of the Golden Tiger Bureau since its establishment…

… and it was also the face that consoled Gyubin a few years ago.

"P-President Lim Hojin, what are you doing here?"

"It's been a while, Baek Gyubin-ssi," President Lim Hojin greeted her with a soft smile on his face. "You've grown up well."

"I was already an adult when we met, President."

The president just laughed softly. "Gyubin-ssi, can I get straight to the point?"

"I prefer that, too, sir."

President Lim Hojin then spoke in his usual soft yet firm voice. "Gyubin-ssi, please give birth to the child destined to stop our world from ending."

Gyubin let out a frustrated sigh. "Do I look like a babymaker to you, sir?"


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sola_cola's thoughts: How do you plan to take responsibility for Gyubin, huh? Wooju-ya?"

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