
Time Faction: The Story of Elijah

About a century in the future, what was the United States is now two separate nations that emerged from a bloody war decades ago. Now, time travel is the main issue that encompasses the politics of both nations. Elijah, a teen in search of work, joins a mysterious faction that claims to use time travel for the world's benefit but discovers throughout the story that it isn't that simple and why so many oppose them.

caleb_the_land · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

Chapter 15-Mary Anne

This week was different from the others. Not only were Rob, Susan, and I preparing extra for our mission, but Mary Anne and I were spending more time with each other. Our bi-weekly meet at the pond now turned into an everyday thing just a few days before the assassination. The more we talked, the more I was running out of things to make up about myself. I was trying to bluff so hard this whole time, keeping our relationship as distant as possible, but I couldn't help that I was developing feelings for her.

It was now the night of the assassination, and Mary Anne and I met up outside the school to go to the pond together. I could tell that she was thrilled to do this with me every day, and my heart was racing with adrenaline just thinking about her. We sat at the pond together, our feet in the water, watching the sun set over the Mississippi hills and the minnows in the pond. We sat together mostly in silence, and I just knew what that meant. I wanted to grab her hand and lean over and kiss her, but I was far too afraid of what consequences that could bring. Just as my mind was racing with all of these thoughts, Mary Anne reached over and grabbed my hand. What an idiot I was. The girl was initiating this? I was a fool. Okay, I needed to act now or never. On instinct, I slowly turned my head to her and just stared into her eyes. I pushed away all I knew about the rules I was supposed to follow as I lived in the moment. She smiled at me as her eyes twinkled from the reflection of the sunlight on the pond. I knew I had to kiss her, but I was still so afraid. This girl had no idea who I was. For a whole minute I just sat there and stared at her, my heart racing ever so quickly. I could tell Mary Anne was confused as to what I was aiming for, so to break the awkwardness, she jolted upwards and yanked me into the pond. Slick. Still, by instinct, as we playfully pushed each other around in the water, I finally leaned in and kissed her. The feeling was so magical, and I had never felt anything like it. I tried to push it to the very back of my head these past few weeks, but I knew I was falling in love. On the shore by the pond, I removed my shirt to let it dry, knowing that Rob and Susan would most definitely question that. However, after a minute of laying down on the marshy dirt by the pond, laughing with Mary Anne as we both heaved for air, I realized that my iHolo was in plain sight. As soon as I remembered, I sat up far too quickly and scrambled for my shirt. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mary Anne glance over at where the small device was on my arm. I messed up big time. Maybe there was still a chance that she didn't see it, so I pretended as if nothing was off and put my shirt back on. I looked over back at her, and her overall demeanor had changed: the cute smile on her face was now a look in which deep inside she looked bothered. She remained silent and just watched me as I adjusted my clothing and put my shoes back on. "I, uh, had a great time, but you know the usual. My parents need me to do some chores," I said. Mary Anne reacted in a way as if she was snapping out of a daydream, saying, "Oh, right. Well, I see my papa comin' down the road anyways. I'll...see you around?" The way she said that was so strange. I knew something was wrong and was tearing her apart deep inside. It didn't help that I had anxiety and paranoia where anytime anyone's attitude changed I became worried sick that I did something wrong. However, in this situation, I was sure something was not right. As her father approached us with his wagon, Mary Anne suddenly stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at me. Her face had gone pale, and the words she said to me dug up a memory I had tried so hard to forget. Her eyes appeared as if she was staring deep into my soul. "Elijah, you can't trust them. They're not who they say they are." Her voice was shaky as she quickly spat out those words, and her Mississippi accent had disappeared. She then ran to her father's buggy and joined him without looking at me again. I stood by the road in utter shock as her father beamed his squinted eyes at me. Where have I heard those words before? There was no way she was one of them. What did she mean? Was she really the WPA agent we've been fearing this whole time? I ran back home, the adrenaline in me rushing at immeasurable speeds. What was I gonna do? I trusted Mary Anne with everything. She was a good person—I couldn't report her and potentially get her captured, hurt, or killed. No, I have already messed up enough. I needed to tell Rob and Susan about her so that we can at least be aware of her potential interference. I cared about Mary Anne, but I couldn't deviate from the plan.