
Time Faction: The Story of Elijah

About a century in the future, what was the United States is now two separate nations that emerged from a bloody war decades ago. Now, time travel is the main issue that encompasses the politics of both nations. Elijah, a teen in search of work, joins a mysterious faction that claims to use time travel for the world's benefit but discovers throughout the story that it isn't that simple and why so many oppose them.

caleb_the_land · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

Chapter 14-Approaching the Mission

The next two weeks consisted of a routine, bi-weekly meet up with Mary Anne at her father's pond. Thankfully, I was able to keep it to nothing more than small talk, but we began to bond, at least as friends, more and more every time we met. Thankfully, Rob and Susan never questioned my outings, and I hoped they never would. I couldn't let them know about the contact I had with Mary Anne because although my bonds with my "parents" were very close, I was still afraid they would tell Dan. I trusted them well, but not enough to tell them I was sorta breaking the rules.

It was now 4 days until the assassination of Thomas Williams. Dan held a routine briefing with us and some of the WCO council members, as this was standard procedure before the main mission in any assignment. "I will have you know that there is still no word on WPA's counter agents, and we all collectively feel that since there have been no sightings of these agents in any mission, that there is a high probability that it was a false alarm. Still, be careful, but do your job. Confront the sheriff about the man who will assassinate Mr. Williams, and if that doesn't work and in a worst-case scenario, Rob is assigned to neutralize Mr. Williams's assassin. I hope it does not come to that, but do what must be done. And please, return home safely. Best of luck to you all!" The monitor displaying Dan and the council disappeared, leaving Rob, Susan, and I to prepare in our last days here to carry out our duty.