
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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524 Chs

Chapter 461: Don't Trust Handsome Guys

Mikoto woke up in a good mood. Last night, Yuki informed her that more than half of the sisters had been rescued and sent to the world of La Folia. At this rate, it wouldn't be long before all her clones were safe.

[Mikoto Misaka: Thank you very much, Rihavein-san, I will repay you...]

[La Folia: Fufufu... You don't have to be so polite, Miss Misaka. We're all good companions. You don't have to thank me. As for the 'Sisters,' I'll take care of them as if they were my own family.]

It was just as Yuki had said. Their problems could be solved if the chat group helped, even the Goddess Hestia, whom she had not yet met, was assisting her.

These were the benefits of having powerful and influential friends.

Because of this, Mikoto was in a good mood and even invited Yuki and Yami to a meal again to thank them for all their help and to discuss when she would intervene to end this horrible experiment. However...

[Yuki Uchiha (Champion): I'm sorry, Mikoto, but I can't today. I'll be busy...]

Yuki declined. Mikoto was quite curious about the reason for the refusal, but she didn't ask. Yuki must have had his plans, and if they were occupying his time, they must not have been simple. So, Mikoto decided to leave it be.

She still tried to communicate with Yami, but...

[Yami: I can't...]

Yami also declined. This saddened Mikoto a little, and her curiosity grew. Her two friends from the chat were up to something, and she didn't know anything about it. Nevertheless, she continued to be optimistic. The fact that the Sisters were safe, even if only half of them, was worthy of celebration. So, she had no choice but to invite her loyal friends...

"Thank you for the invitation, Misaka-san."

In a family restaurant, the girls gathered to eat. These girls were Uiharu, Saten, Kuroko, and of course, Mikoto.

The trio didn't ask about the reason for the celebration, but they could imagine it. The huge smile on Mikoto's face was quite amusing, and it surely had something to do with her childhood friend...

"Go ahead, order whatever you want. My treat..."

Placing her hand on her chest, Mikoto promised, while the trio exchanged glances.

"Onee-sama, I'll ask just in case... But, does this have something to do with 'that' man?"

"No!... Of... Course... Not...."

Mikoto knew exactly what Kuroko meant by 'that' man and denied it immediately. Although this celebration was partly because of Yuki, Mikoto didn't want to admit it. She already had enough attention at Tokiwadai with the gossip about her relationship, and she felt too embarrassed to go out and show her face.

However, averting her head, with her face blushing and stuttering, only made Kuroko's suspicions more plausible.

"Onee-sama! I don't know what happened with that man, but I have to warn you that all handsome guys are liars and traitors. Don't trust him.... Well, that's what this page says..."

Kuroko had no experience in relationships between men and women, so her words had no basis. But to make it more believable, she took out her small phone and swiped the flexible screen.

[Don't trust handsome guys!]

[All they want is our bodies!]


Showing a ghost page full of malicious comments from women who had been betrayed or discarded by their boyfriends, sending spam and telling about their toxic relationships.

Uiharu and Saten exchanged looks. The Internet is very powerful, that even crappy pages like these exist...

"Kuroko! I already told you that Uchiha-san is not my boyfriend!"

"But I'm worried that Onee-sama might be deceived. Please use this chastity belt just in case..."

Taking out what looked like sexy panties with heart and padlock prints from nowhere, Kuroko pushed it towards Mikoto in an attempt to get her to accept...

At this rate, Mikoto's chastity was in danger. Every time she spent time with Yuki, Kuroko worried too much, and it didn't take a genius to know the result of all this...

Kuroko was crying tears of blood, imagining her beloved Onee-sama entering a love hotel and losing the most precious thing a woman has...

Just thinking about it drove her crazy.


And of course, Kuroko was met with Mikoto's lightning, daring to show those perverted items in public...

Kuroko had a talent for turning any place into a theater, as the other diners looked at them like they were a bunch of weirdos, while Saten wondered... Where does Kuroko get these things? The last time they were in Mikoto's room, Kuroko had a whole box of weird and erotic stuff under the bed... Is there a store that sells these weird things in Academy City?

Also... Was this legal?

"Kuroko, why do you always do this?"

After blackening this Yuri girl, Mikoto crossed her arms, feeling embarrassed...

However, despite Kuroko's bad joke, Mikoto's good mood didn't fade, and she smiled again at Saten and Uiharu.


[Yami: Misaka-san, I need your help, only you can help us...]

And just as she was about to order a dessert, the holographic screen in the chat room flashed...

It was a request from an unexpected person...

[Misaka Mikoto: Huh?]

Mikoto didn't know what had happened for someone like Yami to be asking for help. With Yuki at their backs, there were very few people who could threaten them. She was very worried, and even though she was weaker than Yami, Mikoto would step forward to protect her friends. Besides, Yami specified that she was the only one who could help, which made Mikoto's Level 5 supercomputer start working at high speed, and a series of enemies began to appear in her mind...

[Mikoto Misaka: What happened?! What's the problem?]

[Yami: Misaki Shokuhou... She's the problem...]

[Mikoto Misaka: Ah!?]

Unaware of Mikoto's shock, Yami did not hesitate and began to tell her story...

And with every word, Mikoto's expression sank more and more...

*Biri, Biri~

And before she knew it, Mikoto had clenched fists, and electricity began to fluctuate around her, attracting attention...


"What's wrong?!"


Saten and Uiharu were surprised. Misaka had suddenly started releasing lightning. Her expression was getting darker...

Even the Yuri girl recovered from the electric shock and asked out loud...


With her palm covered in electricity, Mikoto slammed the table and stood up abruptly, ignoring the trio's questions...

"I'll be right back...."

Without saying another word, Mikoto left the restaurant, while the trio swallowed nervously and looked at each other...

They didn't know what had happened for Mikoto to get so angry. Just a few moments ago, she was smiling happily, but then she looked towards the air for a few seconds, and her expression began to change. This was too mysterious...


However, the trio didn't think too much and decided to follow Mikoto. There had to be an explanation for this, so the Trio teleported.


*Biri, Biri~

The sound of electricity grew louder, while iron sand began to gather around Mikoto, allowing her to fly thanks to this iron sand...

"Misaki Shokuhou... You've crossed the line!"

Mikoto had warned her. Misaki had no reason to meddle with Yuki, nor to meddle with her friends.

But now Misaki had ignored all her words and acted. This was clearly a declaration of war against Mikoto. Although it's not like she hadn't done it before, but unlike the other times, Mikoto wasn't going to allow Misaki to harm Yami and Yuki.

And knowing this starry-eyed woman, Mikoto feared that Yuki would fall under her control. This woman was the kind of despicable person who controlled people at her whim.

Selling the victim, and making them count the money for her.

[Yami has sent you a file...]

And perhaps to make her accusations about Misaki's crimes more valid, Yami sent a photo of the latter in a swimsuit hugging Yuki by the neck.


This only made the electricity fluctuate more strongly around her, the iron sand increased its speed, and her expression grew even darker...

There was no doubt, Mikoto was looking for blood.
