
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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524 Chs

Chapter 462: Shuraba (1)


Misaki's smile grew wider. Yami and Est couldn't retrieve their man; it was clear who the winner was.

As long as they don't use supernatural powers, these two girls are no match for her. This made Misaki's goal easier. At this moment, Yuki was drowning in pleasure with her subordinates, while Misaki carefully lowered her head and gave Yuki a sweet kiss on the neck...

Yuki was in her hands now, and it was only a matter of time before he was with her and abandoned those women.

"Come on, little Yuki~ you must give me an answer~✨"

Misaki whispered these sweet words, while Junko leaned forward, her face was flushed, and she let her body fall, her huge melons crashing against Yuki's stomach, she also sent him a shy and embarrassed look.


At the same time, the Ojou-samas leaned in and used their seductive bodies to touch them in all their splendor. Yuki, on the other hand, had his eyes closed as he counted sheep, trying to calm his little friend while swallowing saliva. His brain was processing at high speed, trying to find a solution without harming his girlfriends and getting the benefits of Misaki...

He really wanted to become a beast and push these Ojou-samas down and teach them a lesson about messing with a carnivore. Unfortunately, he couldn't do it, at least not now, as he felt a deep chill.

Yami and Est, on the other hand, had a dark expression. Yami's hair formed fists, and Est's spiritual power began to increase. They were at their limit, the only thing keeping their sanity was that Yuki didn't move and didn't participate in this starry-eyed girl's madness, and they waited for reinforcements...

At the same time, at the main entrance of the indoor pool, a visitor arrived...

The visitor was dressed in Tokiwadai's uniform, had tea-colored hair, and electricity flickered around her. This visitor was Mikoto. After flying using the iron sand, she had finally arrived. The anger inside her burned deeply, and her fist clenched...

Without waiting any longer, she closed her eyes for a moment, and her EM field quickly found her target. Without hesitation, she entered the indoor pool...


A few minutes after Mikoto entered, three people appeared in a blink of an eye. One of these people was wearing Tokiwadai's uniform, while the other two were wearing casual clothes. These girls were Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten...

"Ha...ha...Onee-sama, can be very fast if she sets her mind to it..."

Breathing heavily, Kuroko wiped the sweat running down her face. Following Mikoto's flying trail while she teleported with Uiharu and Saten was very tiring...

"A pool? Why would Misaka-san come to this place?..."

Tilting her head in curiosity, Saten murmured, and Uiharu responded...

"She seemed very angry. Did something happen?"

Just remembering the aura of fear that Mikoto exuded a moment ago made Uiharu shudder...

"I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find out when we go in..."

Shaking her head, Kuroko felt a rather conflicting impulse, as if what was inside the pool was both good and bad...


Without saying more, the trio also entered the indoor pool...



The moment Mikoto entered the pool, Yuki could feel it. He opened his eyes in shock, stood up instantly, surprising the Ojou-samas around him...

"What's wrong?"

Blinking in confusion, Misaki asked, Yuki's face had large drops of sweat falling, and his gaze was fixed in a particular direction...

As he followed his gaze, he found something interesting...


The sound of electricity was heard, and a girl appeared, the aura around her making people tremble, and her expression was very dark...

"Mikoto Misaka? What is she doing here?"

Misaki couldn't understand it. This meeting was supposed to be a secret. It was understandable that her subordinates, Yami, and Est knew about it due to their relationship with Misaki and Yuki, but there was no way Mikoto should know too. At least Misaki didn't believe that Yuki would tell Mikoto...

(Tch! It's already complicated enough not to be alone, and now this!)

Misaki clicked her tongue and cursed her bad luck. She really wanted to know who the genius was who came up with the wonderful idea of sending this electric girl to this place...

(You two...)

Yuki, on the other hand, had already discovered the culprit, he looked towards the two girls in maid outfits and squinted his eyes. Yami and Est, in response, simply looked away.

These two Kuudere girls had brought the incarnation of rage...

This date was doomed to fail and even though Misaki was shaking in anger inside, she forced herself to calm down, she took big breaths and smiled, at the same time she reached over and took Yuki's arm affectionately, as a couple, this was also an opportunity to declare her dominance and make it clear to Mikoto to take Yuki for herself.

Yuki was dumbfounded, didn't this girl know that by doing this she would anger Mikoto more?....

*Biri, Biri~

And just as Yuki predicted, the moment Mikoto arrived, she saw the two dressed in swimsuit and bikini, she lowered her head and her bangs covered her eyes, the part above her nose couldn't be seen as they were covered by shadows a lightning bolt crackled around her and her aura felt like a volcano on the verge of explosion.

The Ojou-samas took a step back in panic and watched this love triangle unfold, they were expectant on who the winner would be, especially Junko....

"Ara? Misaka-san this is a nice coincidence~ What brings you to this place?"

Bringing a finger to her lips, Misaki smiled sweetly.

"That I remember, I booked this place for the whole day~ How do I get in? This makes me wonder about the safety of this place~"

Interrupting her nice moment and entering without her permission, Misaki didn't restrain herself in her venom, she was quite angry, again and again interrupting her happy moment with her special person.


Mikoto didn't answer, her gaze was fixed on Yuki's arm being hugged by those two fat balls of that hateful woman, it made her mad as hell and for some strange reason she couldn't stop grinding her teeth, she was feeling something much more than hatred towards Misaki, this was jealousy....

"Is it possible that Misaka-san wants to swim too? Ara~ it's a pity but I'll have to ask Misaka-san to leave~"

Pointing to the exit, Misaki's starry eyes shone.

(This man now belongs to me!)

Was what Misaki's eyes expressed and Mikoto simply looked up.

"I warned you..."

Muttering, Mikoto clenched her fist and electricity started to float in the air, Yuki swallowed saliva and activated her powers this volcano was about to explode....

"Excuse me? I didn't hear, could you repeat that Misaka-san ~"

Squeezing Yuki's arm tighter, Misaki's smile was getting sweeter and sweeter, that Mikoto couldn't tolerate it any longer.

"I told you to stay away from my friends!!!"

*Biri, Biri~


The area around suffered an electric shock, the Ojou-samas spun and unconsciously took cover behind Yuki, Misaki was the same, she smiled and used Yuki as a shield, pissing off Mikoto was her specialty so she was prepared for this....

Fortunately a glass wall rose up and protected the electric shock group....

"Mikoto, I know you're angry, but you should be careful with your lightning, you'll hurt someone..."

After Mikoto stopped her shock, the glass wall also disappeared, Yuki shrugged his shoulders, likewise the Ojou-samas started to raise their heads....

"You keep doing things at your own pace, you never change Misaka-san~"

Bringing a hand to her lips, Misaki couldn't help but laugh, not missing a word in provocation to this woman who only knows how to throw lightning bolts.

Mikoto on the other hand decided to ignore this annoying woman, nothing good comes out of messing with her, she knew exactly how good this woman was at playing pranks and that even if her clones team up, they couldn't win in an argument with Misaki, so she decided to seek an explanation from Yuki, her eyes stared at Yuki, the one responsible for stopping her attack and while she was right that she could hurt someone, this wasn't the point here....

"Why are you with her!"

Pointing at the annoying woman beside her, Mikoto shouted angrily.
