
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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508 Chs

Chapter 243: Lover


Opening her mouth, Ishtar was speechless; she had messed everything up.

Like Freya, she sought a way to win Yuki's affection, but unlike Freya, she aimed for control. She never considered Freya's approach, and that was her mistake.

Yuki knew about this. For goddesses like them, Yuki didn't want to get involved. Freya, who would wag her tail whenever he called, was a submissive woman who would do anything for him, unlike Ishtar, who was troublesome with jealousy and inferiority.

Desperate for his attention, Ishtar even gave orders to her children, harassed the dream club, or sought out Hestia. Ishtar would be incapable of getting along with his other lovers; this was not what Yuki desired.

On the other hand, Freya would lower her head and accept everything with a smile. She didn't resist at all; she let Yuki do whatever he pleased, even forbidding sex.


Unable to bear it any longer, Ishtar lunged forward in an attempt to strike her. This was the worst humiliation she could endure – Freya flaunting something unattainable.

However, Freya gracefully evaded each of her blows.

"Trying to control Yuki-sama... Fufufu, there must be a limit to stupidity."


In her madness, trying to strike wildly, Ishtar had lost her sanity again. Once again, she had lost.

"You're mistaken, Ishtar. I didn't steal anything from you. Even His Excellency from the past... You know, Ishtar, our bodies were never touched. He never loved us; we were just tools to save the world. Remember why we became goddesses of love."

They were born as deities, but their titles were formed over time. The same happened with Ishtar and Freya; they were recognized as Goddesses of Love at the same time, all because of a man.


Ishtar, however, seemed not to hear her. To her, Freya was a thief, someone who stole what belonged to her.


"Goodbye, Ishtar..."

Returning the blow, Freya slapped her, causing Ishtar to lose balance and fall from the top of the tower.


Despite falling, Ishtar's eyes still gleamed with hatred; this wasn't over. She would await her return to the heavens.


"You've forgotten, Ishtar..."

Sighing, Freya shook her head as she looked at the pillar of light shooting into the sky. It had been a long time, but Freya never forgot. In the past, both she and Ishtar created a world.

But as the years passed, Freya grew tired and decided to leave the world to Ishtar, seeking adventure. Unfortunately, the world they created was in danger.

An Overlord attacked, and with Ishtar being the only one left in the world, she did everything to save her creation. She failed, but not all was lost. A Champion helped.

The Champion fought for the world, using every part of his body to win. His sacrifice triggered Ishtar's love, falling for the one who sacrificed his body for her creation.

At that moment, Freya returned. Her creation was in danger, and she had to protect it. Yet, like Ishtar, she fell in love with the same man.

Both goddesses started a rivalry, a fight for the love of that man. However, the Overlord was too strong; the Champion couldn't stop him. He took advantage of their feelings, using them to save the world.

Both were naive and manipulable at that time, agreeing to any request from that man. That was their mistake.

After all, they were the catalysts for the total attack of the Champion. They ignited the spark that ended the Overlord and, unfortunately, the Champion.

The world was at peace, but the man they loved had fallen. Ishtar blamed everything on Freya. If Freya hadn't appeared, the Champion would still be with them. If she hadn't appeared, the love she had for that man would have borne fruit.

If she hadn't appeared, the world would have perished.

Freya also blamed herself. If she hadn't left, the world wouldn't be in danger. Because of her selfishness, she left her friend alone.

Their love was lost, and their friendship shattered. Since then, both goddesses sought what they had lost.

They sought love passionately, earning their titles as Goddesses of Love.

However, over the years, Ishtar forgot why she was a Goddess of Love. She got lost in pleasure and hatred, forgetting why she walked this path.

"I haven't forgotten, Ishtar."

Freya, on the other hand, never forgot her pain. She wanted to love again, to bring back the man she loved.

She tried hard to find those who wore the crown, those with souls as gigantic and dazzling as that man's. Unfortunately, those beings were rare. Even when she found one, it turned out to be a proud woman who kicked her rear.

But she didn't want to give up.

So, she searched among mortals for pure souls, beings that could break their limits. Those who possessed the courage and tenacity of that man.

She wanted to create a Hero.

She wanted that Hero to break his limits.

She wanted to bring back the Champion.

However, Champions don't come so easily; they are crowned by the world. Her attempts to bring him back failed.

But she never gave up and kept trying.

Until Yuki appeared.

There was no need to bring back the Champion anymore; there was one right in front of her – a man who saved the world.

There was no need to doubt.

She wanted to find that love again.

"I found it, Ishtar... I won..."

Gently touching her mark, Freya smiled.

Unlike the man who used her as a tool and threw her into the world, Yuki accepted her as his loyal servant.

That's why Freya would make sure to enjoy this love to the fullest.

At the same time, she felt a bit jealous watching Yuki fly with that woman in his arms, the prostitute.

She had done her best, but that girl had managed to gain a greater love than hers. After all, she also wanted to enjoy romance.

(It's regrettable... But for now, I still have work to do.)

Sighing, Freya greeted Yuki and watched him disappear into the clouds.

"It's a beautiful light... Do you enjoy it, Miss Hero?"

Turning her head in a specific direction, Freya smiled. After all, she wasn't alone. With Yuki out of sight, she was sure this woman would come out.

"Ara, ara~ being able to detect me, as expected of a Goddess... Good evening, Freya-sama."

And she was right. Seeing Yuki disappear, this woman didn't hesitate to appear.

Emerging from the shadows, Kurumi smiled and lifted the hem of her skirt.

"My name is Kurumi Tokisaki... A Spirit. Pleasure to meet you."


Narrowing her eyes , Freya sensed danger in this woman. Her aura reeked of blood, and she wondered how heroes like her existed.

"Nice to meet you too, Tokisaki-sama," Freya responded softly, despite sensing the danger. Kurumi had been following her since she entered the pleasure district, hiding in the shadows, watching her.

"Why do I have the pleasure? Though the view is good, it's not a place for a lady," Freya said, uncertain of Kurumi's intentions but having an idea.

"I agree, Freya-sama. But I need a small favor," Kurumi said, closing both fingers and winking at Freya. In response, Freya tilted her head, curious.

"Of course, as long as my power is there, I'll fulfill any request," Freya assured.

"Is that so? I'm glad Freya-sama is so understanding. You see, a little birdie told me about a club where my future 'husband' is a host. It seems like a fun club, so I'd like to be a part of it too. Of course, I have money for the membership."

Placing a hand on her cheek, Kurumi looked at Freya with glassy eyes, mocking Freya's 'Mark,' which, unlike hers, lacked the clock hands. It was a mating mark, representing that Freya was just a lover, not a future wife. Kurumi looked down on her.

"Of course, Tokisaki-sama. You can visit my family tomorrow; I'll have your membership ready. And you don't need to pay anything. Yuki-sama will be pleased to see you there," Freya said, knowing she couldn't compete against a future wife. Quickly appealing to her better side, Freya understood it wasn't smart to make an enemy out of this woman. Besides, there was no reason to, as she would still be his woman, even if she was just a lover. Nothing changed.


TN: wow that's a lot of bs of Ishtar and Freya wonder if anything is true lol

Also well atleast she's smart anyways once a hoe always a hoe can't change my mind