
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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508 Chs

Chapter 244: Welcome to the Family

"Haaa~ how lamentable that Ishtar ended up like this."

Watching from afar the flames and the destruction of the Pleasure District, Hermes raised a hand to his hat while shaking his head.

Although he seemed regretful on the outside, internally he felt no remorse at all; this was something Ishtar brought upon herself.

"Hermes-sama... You didn't plan this, did you?"

Frowning, Asfi couldn't help but doubt. After all, her God's personality was quite eccentric, and from his tone, he seemed grateful for all this chaos.

"No~... you give me too much credit, Asfi. I had nothing to do with it this time."

Shrugging, Hermes winked, feeling frustrated that his captain doubted him.

"Is that so?"

Raising an eyebrow, Asfi didn't believe him; her God was a box of surprises, always with one or two plans up his sleeve.

"Believe me this time, Asfi. I really had nothing to do with it."

With a pitiful face, Hermes was hurt that his captain doubted him. Although he could be playful and manipulate people behind the scenes, this time, he truly had no involvement.

"All right, I'll trust you this time..."

Sighing in defeat, Asfi decided to believe him. After all, her God had been under her strict surveillance.

Since the location of the Hestia Familia was revealed a day ago, Asfi made sure to tighten the leash. She didn't want her God to anger Yuki. Although Yuki showed a spoiled personality at the Banquet, Asfi didn't trust it. The gleam in his eyes was something a child his age shouldn't have.

And even though she was tempted to see him again, she opted for a method that wasn't as clingy and frustrating. Coming from another world, Yuki possessed knowledge of incredible tools, like the fire gun, bombs, etc.

"However, I find it hard to believe that the Freya Familia would move on such a large scale. I don't recall any conflicts between the Ishtar and Freya Familias."

Returning to the topic, Asfi brought a hand to her chin. What she said was true; there were no records of conflicts between the two families. Ishtar had been careful because she wouldn't move against Freya unless she was sure.

"This isn't about Freya, Asfi... Someone else pulled the strings in this."


Lowering his hat, Hermes knew what was happening. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and if Hermes wasn't mistaken, this was a warning.

"Hermes-sama... Are you saying that someone incited the Freya Familia to invade the Ishtar Familia?"

"Not 'incited'... Rather, she was 'ordered' to do it."

Narrowing his eyes, Hermes felt a terrible chill down his spine. After all...

(Dream Club? What a terrifying child...)

Hermes had been wrong. Initially, he thought this club was created by Freya to pressure the boy or lead him into a honey trap. With all those Goddesses, Hestia would be forced to yield with her son.

But he was mistaken. Hestia remained as lazy as ever, and Yuki continued jumping around carefree. The Goddesses calmed down, and even when Kurumi and he fought, they didn't say anything, missing a clear opportunity to pressure Hestia. Something was not right.

Freya didn't create that group; she was a puppet moving her behind for the true creator of that club.

"This... Who?"

Asfi, on the other hand, didn't know what to say. The Freya Familia is one of the most powerful families, and someone daring to control them is madness, especially Freya, who could enchant mortals, making them her loyal children.

(No... Someone can)

But as if she remembered someone specific, Asfi opened her eyes wide.

"Champion... Only he has the power to make Freya obey him."

Answering her question, Hermes's expression turned serious.

He didn't know why Yuki went to such extremes, but if he wasn't mistaken, Ishtar didn't move the way the boy wanted. She did something that really bothered him.

"Yuki-sama? Bu... But... This doesn't make sense! Yuki-sama wouldn't go to such lengths."

"Asfi, let me tell you something."

Seeing his daughter contradicting him, Hermes sighed. She was also affected by Yuki, although Asfi still kept her distance and remained vigilant, she was starting to yield.

"Champions have no rules... They will move through the world; remember this... Champions are not heroes."


Looking at Asfi's furrowed brow and Hermes's serious expression, Asfi fell silent.

"This is a warning... Things will get hot soon... How many of 'those' Gods will be forced to return?"

Hermes was right; this was a clear warning. For all those Gods trying to stick their noses where they don't belong, as well as a warning for those Gods seeking to destroy the world...

A warning for those who move against him.

A single family could destroy Ishtar... What will happen when the entire Dream Club unites?

The results are obvious...

No family is capable of stopping him, and the most terrifying part is that Yuki doesn't have to lift a finger to plunge this city into chaos and anarchy.


"My name... is Sanjouno Haruhime... I... am very grateful... for accepting me."

Bowing deeply, Haruhime introduced herself; nerves betrayed her as her tail trembled, ears twitched, and she couldn't bring herself to look at her benefactors.

"I don't know what to say..."

Hestia, on the other hand, was speechless. After all, when she woke up in the morning, this girl was trembling in their living room while Mana and Yuki had a heated argument.

Apparently, Yuki had been unfaithful, so Mana was furious.

Yuki expected this, so he adjusted his pants, gathered his courage, and introduced Haruhime as his partner. He made sure to share all the details with Haruhime about his family and his girlfriends, especially about Mana, although he almost lost his 'little friend' in the process.

Est helped him get out of this situation, appealing to his innocence.

It's a pity that Kurumi added more fuel to the fire. Even though she agreed to welcome Haruhime into the house, Kurumi was still resentful. She didn't help at all; she remained on the sidelines and occasionally added more fuel to make Yuki suffer.

For her, it was better if she met her 'sister' at the same time she applied a small punishment to the womanizer.

(What good taste... As expected of my future husband)

Assisting satisfied, with Yuki's tastes, Kurumi's eyes sparkled. After all, the fluffy tail of Haruhime, as well as her ears, triggered Kurumi's cuteness radar. This was the main reason she easily accepted Haruhime; being an animal lover, Kurumi was very tempted to touch that tail.

(Fufufu, I'll touch it later~ Yuki-san, it's not fair that you're the only one enjoying her fluffy tail)

Blushing, Kurumi already had plans for her next moves. Hestia, on the other hand, was caught in the crossfire, and she had no choice but to use her authority as a leader to calm her children.

After many ups and downs, Mana calmed down, or rather, she was forced to change by Inori, who sympathized with Haruhime's situation.

So, she had no problem welcoming her, putting an end to this small lover's spat.

"Come on, Hestia, it's better if you give your blessing. She's your daughter too."

Urging Hestia to act, Yuki feared that his girlfriends would renege on their acceptance and restart the fight.

"Anyway, I welcome you to this family, Sanjouno Haruhime. From today, you're one of us."

Feeling pressured, Hestia had no choice but to give her blessing. The die was cast, and she sensed that her peaceful life would soon end, turning this house into a battlefield.

But that was fine. This was one of the reasons she left her home in the heavens and descended to the lower world.

To experience an adventure with her children and, of course, to find love.

"Thank you very much!"

For Haruhime, this was a dream come true. Affiliated with the strongest family in Orario and the person of her adoration, this was more than she expected in this life.

Her life was about to turn 180 degrees, from being a prostitute to becoming one of the most influential adventurers in all of Orario.

And even though she had doubts at first, she clenched her fist; this was her chance to change.

Her adventure was just beginning, and she didn't want to give up.

Especially with the man she loved. She didn't want to lose to the other women.

Even if they were heroes, she had absolute faith in Yuki, who promised to make her stronger.

(I love him, Yuki-sama. I'll make sure to live up to his expectations... I promise to be a wife he can be proud of.)

With her goal in mind, Haruhime smiled, thus beginning her first day in this wonderful and troublesome family.


Author's Note: Waaaa

TN: Pat pat it's alright don't cry