

All Might's POV

They are doing it again. What am I supposed to do when they are actively avoiding me like this? Painkiller said his goodbyes to the boys and when he turned around and saw me his guard went up almost instantly. Okay, maybe I was a little harsh on the boys about giving him the money for his studies but to be fair usually it's a scam and the fact that he actually went out and did exactly what he promised, well it's stumped me. The fact that he routinely deposits what I can only guess is a third of his earnings into their account had only surprised me more. Needless to say the boys have "adopted" several others as well and by now I think they have more money than I do. the fact that I'm their father though means that I will provide for them regardless. They still get an allowance and they still do their own chores at home.

There wasn't a hero called Painkiller during our first lives and there were many that died from the things that only he could treat. When he found out that little Yuki was the same way as her brother he immediately gave the Bakugo's his contact information.

But that wasn't really my problem at the moment. I had separated the boys and had the talk with them only for them to all run away after the fact. I had expected that reaction from Katsuki and Izuku, they are married and it tends to lead to some odd circumstances but Hitoshi I had expected to laugh at their expense only for him to find a way of escaping instead. Teenagers!

Katsuki is 17 now but Hitoshi and Izuku are still 16 and as much as I want to believe that they are all innocent I also know better than to believe that they haven't taken an interest already. The fact that I have caught Katsuki and Izuku in some very intimate moments already has only made that more than clear. Finding them making out in little hidden places like the stairs or even the pantry when they thought they could get away with it was not comfortable for any of us but at least they aren't doing it in bed yet. They share a bedroom so it only stands to reason that they have put their own line in the sand to stop themselves from doing anything in there and I can't help feeling relieved. 

I was not so lucky when it came to Hitoshi though. I had walked into his room to find him and Kaminari half naked and touching inappropriately. Kaminari is no longer allowed in Hitoshi's room and vice versa.

"Come on Dad!" He yelled at me and I crossed my arms.

"You haven't even known him for a whole year," I reminded him before a thought came to mind. "Did this happen while you were in Rome or Turkey? You're only 16!"

"NO! Dad, we just got a little carried away, I swear!" He tried to defend himself but one thing led to another which led to another and now he won't talk to me at all unless we are in class and then only if it was class related.

I finally caved and called Painkiller.

"Hello?" He answered on the first ring and I could hear confusion and panic in his voice just at the one word.

"I know that we aren't on the best terms but could you please talk to Hitoshi?" I explained the circumstances to him and after he listened to everything I heard him sigh out loud.

"Look, All Might. They are teenage boys, you keep saying they are ONLY 16 to the point that it feels like a mantra and I have to wonder just how much you say it considering how many times I heard Katsuki say it while I was there," he paused and I could feel my shoulders droop. Aizawa knocked on my door and I motioned him to come into my office and he shut the door behind him.

"I didn't mean for that to happen," I tried to defend myself but I also know that it must have been bad. If Katsuki is saying it that often then I really do need to lighten up.

"Be that as it may," he cleared his throat, letting the matter drop at just that. "I did examine all three of them while I was there and I gave them more than just a basic sex education overview. Their quirks will affect what they can and can't do and they need to know that. You probably will hate me for this but I did give all three of them condoms. You can't stop them from making their choices, this is how they grow up but you can give them the information that they need, a good solid foundation of what is right and wrong and support for when they stumble on their path."

Another sigh escaped me, he is right and I know it. "Thank you for stepping in when I was wrong. I know that couldn't have been easy."

"Oh it was easy, I love those boys and there isn't a villain on this earth that could stop me from helping them. But I also understand what you mean," he added and I nodded to myself chuckling. Of course he did.

"I'll talk to Hitoshi later then and apologize for being a little overprotective, thank you again," I smiled leaning back in my chair and we hung up soon afterwards.

"Looks like someone beat me to the punch," Aizawa said from his seat across from me. "Does that mean I can adopt Young Yagi now?"

"I meant it when I said I would fight you. I can win even without my quirk," I smiled at him and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I said what I said," he sat back pouring himself a cup of coffee when he saw the fresh pot close by. "So if you weren't talking about that then should I ask about what you were talking about?"

"I caught Hitoshi and Young Kaminari in his room and they were doing more than just kissing," I groaned and he quickly swallowed the bitter coffee instead of spitting it back out again. "They still had clothes on but I kind of overreacted."

He breathed a sigh of relief and I have the feeling that I don't want to bring up just how little of said clothing they had on at the time.

"So why are you here? Did something happen?" I ask him, taking another drink of my tea to help me calm down.

"How often do you plan to let your sons go on missions while they are in school?" He asked as if I didn't say anything at all.

"That depends, we had originally agreed that Nezu would need to approve of any long term missions but… Well the Lady in the Green Hood changes things," I answer slowly, waiting for whatever hell he was about to show me. Actually now that I think about it, when did we start calling her that? The Lady in the Green Hood? It was like a title, one that made all of us flinch.

"I have a friend that could really use their help, their age would be a big factor and the fact that Kaminari is now officially signed on with your agency even with just his probationary license, he would be a great asset for the mission," he said slowly and I nodded, understanding why he was hesitating now that he knew that I overreacted to the two boys. Yeah, good thing I didn't tell him.

"Ask the boys. I don't pick their missions for them and if they agree to go they have my permission to do so. I will sign off on Kaminari going if that is what you are worried about but first you will need his parents permission," I picked up my phone and sent Hitoshi a text telling him to bring Kaminari to my office now. I probably still sound mad but on some level I want the boys on guard. I'm certainly not giving them permission but I still want them to be able to come to me if something does happen.

"Even while they are hurt?" He asked curiously and I laughed out loud.

"Aizawa, we both know that as heroes we have to be able to respond even while injured. But I also trust that they won't take a mission that they can't handle in their current condition. If they feel like they shouldn't do it they will decline the mission request," I hummed, smiling to myself. I really did raise three smart, well behaved boys. Okay, maybe I am a bit biased but it's still true. They make me so proud.

We talked a little more before he finished his coffee and refilled it again before leaving only to find the two boys at the door.

"Good you're here," I smiled and I saw Aizawa looking at me as if asking if I needed him to stay but I just shook my head. "I'll see you later and thank you for the helpful advice." He nodded understanding what I meant and left before turning around to say.

"I meant it when I said I was willing to adopt Yagi," he grinned at me and I frowned.

"And I meant it when I said I would fight you," I retorted before guiding the two boys inside and taking a breath before following them. Hitoshi was already pouring the last of the coffee into a mug from the cabinet and I saw him pull out a single serving of cocoa mix and start making it. I was already sitting down with a package of cookies pulled out for the boys, then he returned holding his coffee and handing Kaminari the mug of hot chocolate.

"Sir," Kaminari started but I waved him off, keeping him from saying anything.

"I think we all know that I was the one that overreacted," I smiled at him waving towards the cookies and he picked one up, still nervous until Hitoshi and I picked one up too.

"You're going to do what you're going to do regardless of how I feel about it," I let out a sigh and I saw Hitoshi watching me carefully while Young Kaminari fidgeted in his seat. "I'm not against you two being together," that made Kaminari look up so fast that I had to wonder if he actually knew that Katsuki and Izuku were married or not. I mean, I'm not a homophobic person.

"I'm just worried, you're both so young still and because of Izuku and Katsuki's circumstances I could understand why you would feel that it was okay to do those kinds of things, no let me speak Hitoshi," I shook my head not letting him interrupt me.

"You also know why Izuku and Katsuki are already married. And even now at 16 and 17 they still haven't had sex and I can only hope that they hold off until they are both 17. But Hitoshi you are different, not in a bad way either," I paused when I saw the hurt expression on his face.

"I knew this day would come, I really did. You are in love and it's beautiful and new and I want you to enjoy it, really I do," I reached up and touched the side of his face and I can't help seeing the four year old him, big wide eyes and a thirst to feel love filling them. But he isn't four years old anymore.

I let him go, "I just want you to be careful. I'm not saying that Young Kaminari is bad or untrustworthy. I would not have agreed to let him sign on with my agency if that was the case. No, I'm just worried that you're going too fast and that not only you but both of you will get hurt from it," I watched their faces. Kaminari was obviously depressed about it all and as indignant and angry as Hitoshi had been the last time when he ended up screaming at me and saying that I wasn't his real dad… It's been a rough couple of days.

"Hitoshi," I started again and he looked up, his eyes much more fragile than I have seen them in a long time. "I love you and I just want you to be safe. Can you forgive your old father that much?" I asked giving him a small smirk and he finally caved and thankfully I had put my tea down because he tackled me, trying to hide his tears.

"I'm sorry Dad, I shouldn't have said that! You are, you really are," he sobbed and his shoulders shook but I just pat him on the back and hushed him gently.

"No matter how old you get, you will always be my baby," I teased him and he groaned trying to claim that he was older than Izuku still but I just laughed. "If it makes you feel any better, I didn't react any better when I caught them making out for the first time, and they actually had all of their clothes on still." I added and Young Kaminari went bright red but stayed silent while I hugged my son who was grumbling that I was a prude.

"Did you really freak out on Kacchan and Deku?" He asked after a few minutes and I groaned but nodded still.

"If anything it was worse than how I reacted with you two. Katsuki couldn't look at me for a week and Izuku even though he didn't say what you had, well it was bad. He didn't look at me even once. It was like I wasn't even there," I shuddered at the thought of my biggest fan and sweet youngest son who couldn't get enough of me actually went about his day as if I were nothing but air for so long. At least with Katsuki I could still see hurt and embarrassment in his eyes when he avoided me.

"Promise that you won't overreact anymore?" He asked, pouting, and I groaned.

"I can't do that, it's called overreacting for a reason," I shook my head before going on. "But I can promise to try and give you more space, I shouldn't have just walked into your room like that, and I should trust you when you said that you two had just gotten a little carried away. I don't like the idea of you being sexually active, you're still so young, but I also know that if something happens I would never forgive myself if you felt you couldn't come to me about it."

"Now you," I turned my attention to my very uncomfortable blond student. "Know this and know it well, the fact that I agreed to you signing up for my agency has nothing to do with your relationship with Hitoshi, I will not fire you if you break up or even if you break his heart but as his father I will make you life a living hell outside of work and classes. Do I make myself understood?"

"Perfectly Sir," he jumped and bowed down so far his head went past his waist. "I promise-"

"No you don't," I interrupted, shaking my head and Hitoshi glared at me but I ignored him. "I promise you will regret being born if you break my son's heart. If you two drift away or even if he breaks your heart I won't hold it against you after all I understand that we are all human with emotions and feelings. Having said that, I will be biased towards my son. Don't make promises you can't keep and don't make them to people who don't matter. If you two are serious about your relationship then the only person you should be worried about making promises to is him." His mouth snapped shut as if he were disappointed but that just made me smile. He is a good kid.

"But," I saw his head snap up, confused and worried all over again. "If you are good to him, I would be more than happy to treat you the same way that I treat Katsuki. Like a son," I gave him a small smile and I saw Hitoshi smile as big as Izuku normally does before he threw his arms around the stunned boy.

"Now get out of here, it's Friday and I'm sure you two have some kind of date plans whether you're going out or staying in but remember that I'm trusting you two to use your best judgment," they ended up staying for another ten minutes snacking on the cookies and sipping on their drinks while talking about hero stuff and surprisingly music. When they left both boys were holding hands and smiling and I just really want to separate them but I know that I can't.

For better or for worse, they are all growing up and besides I meant what I said about treating Young Kaminari like a son. So far he has only made my little Hitoshi smile, of course I know they will end up having a fight at some point but so long as they work it out I think they will do amazing together.

There is some sort of yin and yang between them that balances them out. I'm not saying that I think one is bad while the other good but more so that they bring out the best in each other.

"They're both smiling so that's a good sign," Aizawa spoke up from behind me and I rolled my eyes a little but let him back into my office anyway.

"Yeah, apparently they are going to see a concert tonight. I don't think I've ever heard of them before but considering we've been in Japan for a little over two years now I guess that's understandable. Usually my boys really like rock, particularly French bands but then again they spent most of their childhood in France," I shrugged the thought away. Hitoshi had made a second pot of coffee and I know that he was trying to get me to relax because he didn't even pour himself a cup when it was done. Only drinking what he got when he first got here.

"And you're letting him go with the boyfriend you blew up at?" He asked, teasing a bit and I frowned at him.

"I'm only human and still his father I defended and he chuckled at me. We ended up chatting for a while and it wasn't until Yamada arrived that I noticed the time at all. He had let himself in when he found the door unlocked and the fact that Aizawa was still teasing me about wanting to adopt one of my sons only made him smile.

"It's funny that you brought up adoption," he smiled shyly and I have the distinct feeling that I don't want to hear what else he has to say.

"Yeah, so funny. I have an idea, my wife should be about done with her after school tutoring in the library so I'm going to kick you both out of my office and pick her up and go home," I smiled at them before standing up. Aizawa rolled his eyes at me and Yamada let out a sigh so I couldn't exactly be heartless.

"Maybe you two should consider adopting Eri? Adopting Hitoshi has only brought me joy in my life, even with the boyfriend drama I'm dealing with now. She is a smart girl and she seems to adore you both," I said before opening the door and I saw Yamada's eyes light up. Yeah, I hit that nail on the head.

I then ignored their excited and stuttering mess of a conversation in order to find my wife. Because I have had enough for one day.