

Kacchan's POV

I only have a vague memory of how I got myself into that situation and I am mortified. Did I really say those things with Uncle in the room? I mean I don't think Toshi heard me but I know Uncle must have and that alone made it very hard to see him at breakfast the next morning. He had no issues with that though.

"So Katsuki," he grinned like a cat that finally caught their mouse. "How are you feeling this morning? You were pretty thirsty last night," he winked at me and I couldn't say too much.

"Shut up!" I grumbled, feeling my face redden, fuck it's hot. Too fucking hot!

"Really? Did you taste anything particularly sweet? Or salty?" He chuckled while standing in the middle of the dorm kitchen, he had just finished checking me over and he wasn't letting up anytime soon.

"Go to hell!" I grumbled, my face getting hotter at the memory of Deku actually giving me a taste of the things that I said I wanted.

"Bro? Are you okay? You are brighter than my hair," Kiri asked concerned but before he could reach for my forehead Deku seemed to appear out of fucking nowhere and put the back of his cool hand on my far too hot skin.

"Kacchan?" He started, his voice worried but then Uncle started asking more uncomfortable questions.

"What about you Deku? Did you give him enough to drink last night? I'm sure it was a bit too salty but-" I'm going to fucking die of embarrassment.

"Oh!" Deku quickly figured out the reason behind my hot forehead before clearing his throat and squaring off with Uncle. "Yes, Kacchan got exactly what he wanted and I was more than happy to give him more but he insisted that I shouldn't." Should I crawl into a hole now or after the fucker leaves?

"And when?" He raised an eyebrow, all traces of his teasing vanishing.

"I was careful to make sure that it all waited until your quirk wore off completely," Deku smiled sneaky back at him.

"Very good! In that case I need to give you a quick check up too, I'm sure there are things that I need to prescribe you," he lowered his voice suggestively and I groaned, covering my head. Yeah, I'm never going to live this down. Ever.

"Uh, so is Bakubro going to be alright?" Kiri asked and Uncle looked at him weird.

"What did you call him?" He looks mad enough to kill if I'm honest but Deku blocked him.

"We let our class call us Bakugo and Midoriya," Deku answered, smiling big and Uncle flinched for a moment before pulling my nerd in for a hug.

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you two! All these years and you finally found people you can trust!" Uncle started laughing loudly, swinging freely around while I tried to sneak away but I should have known better.

"It was actually Kacchan's idea, Toshi and I thought we misheard him at first, the way he was so nonchalant about it really threw us off," Deku laughed and I yelped when I was snatched up in a hug next.

"Our little Katsuki is finally growing up and trusting people!" Uncle was laughing and Toshi came in the room and saw everything and I probably looked like a half drowned cat trying to get away only to fail because we all know that I won't use my quirk on Uncle. The fucker laughed.

"Kacchan, I really need my check-up still, do you think you'll be able to get ready for school without me?" He asked and I just groaned.

"No need for that, I'll just give you your check in your room," Uncle dragged me towards the elevator much to the absolute shock of our classmates. "Oh, Toshi? You're next, so be in your room when I get done with Izuku." He gave him a warning glare and now it was my turn to laugh at him, although it was cut short thanks to Uncle's stranglehold, then the elevator opened and he yanked me inside.

By the time he left my room for Toshi's I felt more violated than before and he spent most of his time checking on Deku but once he found out how far we had been and when we planned to go further he came right back and started poking at me again.

"Toshi has a boyfriend now and they are moving faster than us," I called out before he left my room and I heard him cackling, I knew the fucker enjoyed torturing us.

"Katsuki, anyone and everyone moves faster than you two," he deadpanned and I glared at him before he closed the door.

"Be nice Kacchan," Deku sighed and I glared at him. He is just happy that he got some condoms out of him before he left. I am still having a hard time believing that he wants me so much already. If it wasn't for my insistence on waiting until we were seventeen I'm pretty sure he would have already had his way with me and then some. Some of his sexual questions were off putting and I could feel myself going pale which Uncle noticed.

The fact he felt a need to remind Deku about consent also had me a bit worried. We finally left for classes.

We were sitting in the middle of English when Toshi walked in with Uncle Painkiller.

"Sorry he's late, his exam went a little longer than expected," Uncle explained before ruffling Toshi's hair but anyone could see that he was pale. "As an apology, I would be happy to give this class a free one time checkup." The way he grinned should make anyone afraid, very afraid.

"You're the pro hero Painkiller from France? The top surgeon in the world that no amount of money could guarantee a surgery from?" I turned to hear Ponytail ask, I'm a bit surprised she knows all that.

"That's right, of course there is also usually a consent form stating that if I get a call from my benefactors, I will leave immediately to go to them. Of course Katsuki can't use any anesthesia so any and all surgeries for him must be done by me or without any anesthesia at all, so he gets priority over anyone and everyone else," he explained casually and I glared at him.

"Talk less, Uncle," I huffed, not actually mad but it's irritating when they have a bunch of questions for me.

"Benefactors?" Ponytail turned her attention to me and I averted my eyes.

"Of course! These three actually paid for my medical education and license! They are the only reason I'm allowed to operate on anyone besides myself. I used to be called the slum lord doctor back in France because only those that wouldn't live would come to see me," he bragged.

"Uncle, you're not supposed to tell people that," I groaned, he really likes to talk.

"I don't care, I am proud of where I've come from and what I've accomplished!" He puffed out his chest and I rolled my eyes again. Toshi and Deku however just laughed, loving how happy the man was. In the end half of our class and several teachers took him up on his offer, on my condition that at least today, he treats them like he does us.

I don't think any of them envy me anymore… I kind of hope they feel just as violated as I feel because damn it all, it's not fair.

"Bro? Does he do that to you every time?" Kiri nervously asked and I raised an eyebrow waiting for him to elaborate. He cleared his throat before saying with a bright red face, "fingers?" He was so fast I almost had to have him repeat it but I couldn't keep a straight face so I couldn't get away with that.

"You don't envy me so fucking much, now do you?" I scoffed and he hung his head at that.

"I'm so sorry bro," he said all mopey and shit. Uncle already told me that he was 'extra thorough' so yeah, I'm sure he does feel violated. The thing about his fingers is that each one can turn into a needle and extract exactly what he is looking for in our blood without pulling out anything else, the catch is that it hurts like hell.

"Sir? Is there any way I could have you look at my grandmother since you're already in the country? I understand that it will be costly and I certainly don't mind," I heard Ponytail practically begging Uncle who was now on the defensive, he just found out what her family name was.

"Uncle she isn't a bad person, I don't know or care about her family but Ponytail isn't bad," I told him when I still didn't see Deku or Toshi who would have spoken up by now. That made him pause for a moment and Ponytail thanked me profusely while calling me Bakugo which made him sigh.

"Fine, but you will get the whole bill and just know that if Katsuki didn't let you call him that it wouldn't have ever happened. Be grateful," he crossed his arms and I heard him cursing rich people which had me rolling my eyes at him. The only reason he isn't rich is because he used his money to build an orphanage back in France along with a computer and medical room to help them all get an education. He even had a hero scholarship set up. Don't get me wrong he has a good life and home, he just spends far more of his money doing other things like that than for himself. He spends a lot of time helping people who otherwise wouldn't get it and only takes on rich clients when he has a new project in mind.

I kind of think it's hypocritical of him, I mean just because their bank account is larger doesn't mean that they can get the help they need. There are a lot of things that only Uncle can heal after all.

"She will pay the bill but you need to stop being an ass. You do realize that three ten year olds paid a huge amount of money to get you through school and if we didn't finish the paperwork before All Might showed up it wouldn't have happened. He was afraid that you would try to take the money and run, which happens far more often than not," I lectured him and his shoulders slumped. "And I know that you know that," I added and he was really pouting, he had tried to do for others what we did for him but it didn't work out for him.

"You're right," he signed, looking guilty but I still didn't hear an apology.

"You do realize that Ponytail is our age right? So it's not like she would have done whatever it is that you think her family is guilty of," I reminded him, prodding him to get a move on.

"Right, I do apologize my dear. It's just a sore spot for me, I do hope you'll forgive me," he bowed his head which flustered her far more than his pissy attitude earlier and I could easily see that he noticed and he softened a little more from that.

"Bro, just how much money does All Might and The Green Demon give you?" Kiri asked in awe and I rolled my eyes at him. Not like I'm going to tell him that we are set for the rest of our lives or anything. The fact that Uncle insisted on paying us 15% of all profits that he makes, split evenly, excluding charity events, means that we have even more. Deku and I combined probably have more money than Ponytail.

"Bakugo, it's time for your appointment," Aizawa Sensei reminded me and I looked up at the clock. Damn, it really is.

"Appointment?" Uncle asked curiously.

"Kacchan has anger management twice a week with the school counselor," Toshi smirked at Uncle while I glared at him.

"Says the one who goes in order to get sleeping meds," I scoffed and he shrugged.

"Guys, it's no secret that we all have to go every week," Deku sighed, tired already from the long morning.

"But only Kacchan has to go twice a week," Toshi grinned.

"At least I'm not on drugs," I stuck my tongue out at him and they both ended up laughing.

"Kacchan you are the drug!" He shot back.

"Want to go?" I usually don't get so silly during class but fuck it, Uncle's here.


"Tell him," the voice of bells tells me, almost making me jump out of my skin.

"What the fuck? Now!?!" I turned to find the Lady of the Green Hood.


"Why?" I demanded, ignoring Hound Dog while I argued.

"Because he'll save him," she answered before disappearing and I was trying not to tear my hair out.

"Just fucking appearing and disappointing whenever the fuck!" I grumbled to myself before turning to the hero in question.

"I hope you're free for the rest of the fucking day?" I waited for an answer.

"I am now," he smiled as if he saw her too.