

All Might's POV

They were hurt, all of them. I feel like I'm barely holding myself together and if it wasn't for Katsuki and Izuku holding the girls I just might have dragged them back to the school to see Recovery Girl, violently. That's exactly where we are going too, the school. 

Listening to them you would never guess that they were hurt so badly, they joked and laughed and ran around playfully while teasing their sisters. If I didn't read the mission report myself about how long Katsuki was in a coma while he had his arm surgically reattached I would have thought he just broke it or something. 

Hitoshi was probably laughing the hardest even with his eye patch blocking half his sight and Izuku… There was nothing in the reports that I received about him getting burned or even depicted a situation that could have left him with a burn. How did it happen? When? Is he actually alright? As a father what am I supposed to do? 

"That's it! You're all getting checked over by Recovery Girl even if I have to drag you myself. You're lucky I'm not taking you to the hospital!" Inko kept her voice low but even I felt the chill of her threat going down my back. Nevermind being a father, I need to support my wife as her husband or I might not have a home to go back to! 

"Your mother is right, how could you be so irresponsible as to not even get a check up? Are you trying to give your mother and I a heart attack?" I started guiding them towards the exit, only momentarily forgetting about the press waiting there. "Shit," I groaned but gritted my teeth and pushed through anyway. 

Thanks to the mission in Rome being such a big international incident of course the press found out that three of the four were my children and that they were all students at UA. The fact that the boys announced that Kaminari had accepted a position with my agency right before the mission only seemed to make everything far more explosive. 

The doors opened and the girls hid their faces in the boys shoulders while we walked past the cameras. Reporters screaming out questions asking why children were allowed to take such difficult and dangerous missions, regardless of their licenses. 

Deku smiled for them but when he opened his mouth the room fell silent to hear him. 

"I understand why you are concerned. After all we are still young but as fully licensed heroes we are required to fulfill missions just as any other pro hero would," sometimes it's hard to believe he is so awkward socially when he talks to the press so fluidly like this. "Having said that, the mission did turn out to be much larger than anticipated. If the local hero agency would have known it was so huge I'm sure they would have set up a much larger raid with more experienced heroes." 

He smiled at them and I could see many letting their guard down at his innocence. "As you all can see, we only just got home and we are injured if you could make way for us. Our families and friends have missed us and we are tired from the long flight. Thank you all so much for supporting us through our hero work!" He giggled and I actually heard someone awe at him and we were able to leave the airport and board the bus, because there were far too many of us to worry about cars, and head back to the school. 

Once we were safely on the road, Aizawa driving, Mitsuki broke the silence. 

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING YOU BRAT!" Mitsuki started screaming and then Katsuki and her were bickering but the nonsensical fight helped to calm my nerves and I was finally able to see the burn on Izuku's back. I wouldn't let him run away anymore and this doesn't look like an injury from a fight… 

No, I'm overthinking it. Right?

They didn't. 

Did they? No! They are only 16 for crying out loud! Katsuki wouldn't go that far, but then again they are married and he can't ever seem to say no to Izuku. Certainly not for long. 

I'm going to have to talk with them again aren't I? The talk, what parent wants to have that conversation with their teenagers? I certainly don't! But it's for the best that I do. I could feel my face heating up with my thoughts. No, they are only 16, but I should still talk to them. Yes, that's the wisest choice. 

"Whatever you're thinking, you're probably wrong!" Katsuki yelled, his face bright red and I looked up startled from my thoughts. 

"-! DAD!" Izuku whined, catching my attention while pulling his shirt back down again, a blush covering his face too. 

My question is how do they know what I was thinking? Unless they did? I don't mutter like Izuku or Aiko so that just leaves the guilty conscience doesn't it? 

But now Izuku wasn't letting either Inko or I close and he was sitting next to Katsuki like we had somehow wounded him and when I looked at Inko I saw a very scary look on her face. Oh. I wasn't the only one they were talking about. That makes me feel a lot better actually. 

I don't need that kind of stress, on whether or not they can hear my thoughts. Especially if I'm thinking about their mother at the time. 

The Kaminaris' kept looking over at us confused and the Todoroki brothers were having a conversation, something about a secret love child? Who? Or do I not want to know that? Probably not actually. 

"MOM! I swear I'll be fine! It was an accident, it wasn't even a villain. Please let me go!" Izuku whined trying to wrestle free from his mother who managed to pull his shirt up again to see the burn. It looks like someone scratched him from one side and down to the other but even if it were from adult activities that doesn't make sense. It would have been on the opposite side if that were the case. Katsuki can't use that arm. 

Right! Of course I was overthinking things. I let out a long sigh, relaxing while the girls climbed into their laps, Hitoshi sitting with them so they were all protected from their overprotective mother. 

"You all better be prepared, none of your classmates are aware that you were injured so they will probably get a little out of hand," Aizawa announced and all three of them groaned together. 

"I just want to go to sleep though," Izuku whined and I saw the other two nod in agreement. 

"At the very least you have to see Recovery Girl first. After that you can put everything else off for tomorrow but that's it," I warned them and they all looked much happier than before. Including a certain blond that agreed to come work at my agency. Now that I think about it, I think Kaminari must be the youngest probational hero to ever be accepted by my agency. Well that should make things interesting. I'm sure it'll come up sooner rather than later but oh well. 

Katsuki wouldn't have made the offer if he didn't really believe he would do well, if it would have been Hitoshi to offer it to him I would wonder if it was his talent as a hero that made the offer or the fact that he was crushing on the blond. 

I shouldn't feel that way, after all none of them have ever extended an offer for my agency before in their lives so that only goes to show how good he must have been to get recruited. 

"Kaminari? I would like to know how it is that your grades have improved so much in the last several months you were gone," Aizawa raised his voice to be heard again but none of the boys even flinched. 

"I've never had anyone explain the lessons to me so well before. Toshi is really amazing," he looked up shyly at my son, not even bothering to look at their teacher that he was talking to. 

I turned my attention to Kaminari's parents, "From the looks of it, it appears that we will be seeing a lot of each other in the future." I held out my hand to them. "Yagi, Toshinori also known as All Might. It's a pleasure to meet you," I smiled while I talked and they each shook my hand introducing themselves. 

"Um, could you tell us what you meant by that? It didn't really sound like you were talking about being our son's boss," Mrs. Kaminari laughed nervously. 

"I don't mind at all," I pointed at our boys who weren't paying any attention to us and were instead playing with Aiko and Yuki. "From the looks of it I would say that one of them asked the other out while they were gone. It happens when heroes are on long missions together so it's also why when you register a partner with the agency it tends to be their spouse or lover, sometimes it can be a close relative but that isn't as common as you would think." 

Watching them from here I could see Hitoshi and Kaminari linking their pinky fingers and it was now that Hitoshi decided to lean on the blond's shoulder. I shook my head amused, 

"Looks like my future only has son-in-laws in store for me," I chuckled before turning back to see their shocked faces. "Is there a problem?" I saw them flinch and shake their heads no. 

"It's just that he talked about girls a lot so it just came as a bit of a shock," Mr. Kaminari answered, he chuckled dryly but I didn't see any anger or disgust in his eyes so that has to be a good sign. 

"Do you have any other children? All of mine are over there now and they all like boys. Looks like my only daughter will be Aiko, well unless the baby turns out to be a girl, that is," I quickly corrected myself and they looked at me confused. 

"It doesn't bother you? The fact you won't have anyone to carry on your name later?" 

"Oh not at all, although I think Aiko will force whatever boy she ends up marrying to take our name but even if she doesn't I still don't mind," I shrugged. We talked for a while and I found out that they were the most nervous about how I would react to their son dating mine and we were able to laugh and generally chat for a while. Sharing parenting moments and telling stories about when the kids were little. 

"Damn it! Can you stop with the embarrassing ass stories!?" Katsuki exploded and when I looked up I saw all three of them bright red. 

"Dude, you really tried to adopt six stray cats without your parents noticing?" Kaminari asked Hitoshi, who was steadily getting more red. 

"I didn't know Kacchan couldn't be around cats for that long back then! We were still only five!" He tried to cover his face but it didn't work. But the question did open up the floodgates and Inko joined us with the Bakugos and they all started sharing embarrassing stories. 

Well I didn't really mean to start anything but it looks like I did. 

"Yagi," I looked up to see Aizawa looking at Hitoshi in the rearview mirror. "Can I adopt you?" 

"Aizawa I will fight you," I threatened with a smile, meaning every word.