

Kacchan's POV

I shouldn't have. I really, really shouldn't have but Deku said all the right things, did all the right things I just couldn't stay away. I couldn't say no when he was looking at me with those big beautiful eyes of his and the way he was looking at me made it impossible to even think about saying no.

But I still shouldn't have caved like that. I mean how old am I? Physically I'm 16, I'll be 17 in less than a week but mentally? How old am I? I was 23 before getting sent back to four again. So that's 19 years into the past and since I'm so close to 17 now… 30? But then the hormones have obviously affected me as I have had to both de-age and aged again so does that count? Am I somewhere in the middle? Am I a pedophile now?!

"Is everything alright, Kacchan?" I looked up hearing the soft words of the angel next to me. His hair has gotten pretty long now but its soft curls worked well to hide it and only seemed to highlight his generally soft personality.

"Nothing at all," I sighed, not able to resist leaning into him and feeling his arm wrap around me. "I love you," I whispered and he giggled a little before nuzzling into my neck which did nothing to help how my heart was racing thanks to him.

We had sex. I mean sure neither of us actually penetrated the other but the fact that oral sex is still sex not to mention that last time he got us both off… I could feel my face flushing bright at just the thought of how he commanded my body and my breathing hitched.

Deku looked up again but instead of looking innocent like usual he was smirking at me like he could read my thoughts.

"Don't worry, I'll keep my promise until at least your birthday," he whispered and my heart started flipping again. Does that mean he isn't going to wait for his birthday like we agreed? No, the real question is why am I even bothering to question it? Wait, that's not right either…

"I'll say yes then too," I caved, nuzzling into him. If there was anyone looking at us it would be obvious that we were lovers because I don't think either of us have stopped with the bedroom eyes since that night. We haven't touched each other since, at least nothing more than holding hands and a few light kisses, but where before it felt like we were children again while we slept together now it feels far more intimate. Like at any moment we could start slowly stripping each other of our clothes again. The only thing stopping us really were Toshi and Kaminari and that only seemed to make it more frustrating. Maybe more tempting.

This time the hero section of the plane was empty so once the stewardess left for another area I couldn't stop myself from leaning in and kissing him but it was like he was waiting on me because he cuddled me and guided me, his tongue teasing mine before he pulled away again and I pouted. There isn't another word for it, I was really pouting, I dropped my head on his shoulder and hid my face in his neck while he giggled like a fucking devil at my expense. Toshi and Kaminari were asleep behind us so even if they were awake they wouldn't have been able to see us.

"So fucking cute," I grumbled while wanting to scream. He drives me absolutely crazy but I wouldn't change it for a moment.

"No," Deku lifted my chin up so I was looking at him again before grinning at me. "That description definitely belongs to you, Kacchan~." Oh, my heart! It feels like he turned love into a fucking spike and keeps stabbing me in the heart with it. HOW IN THE FUCK CAN HE GO FROM CUTE TO HOT IN AN INSTANT LIKE THAT?

His giggles took a darker turn and a chill went straight through me at the heaviness of it. The fact that the stewardess came back had me covering my lap and hiding my face in his shoulder again, pretending to sleep just so she wouldn't try to talk to me or hand me anything. Dear All Might I can feel the heat in my face, just how red am I? Am I actually hiding how flustered I am at all?

"The plane won't be landing for another three hours but we are expecting a bit of turbulence ahead if you could wake them up and have them strap in please?" I heard the woman ask and Deku agreed, his sweet soft giggles were back again and left my heart shaking. Demon, he is a demon, disguised as my husband.

"Kacchan, you heard her. I need to get up and wake Toshi and Kaminari now, unless you want to join the mile high club now?" I jolted at his words, sitting straight up at the threat/promise and I swear my face was on fire. I turned to look out the window pretending not to notice how Deku was giggling at my expense.

"We are only 16, we are only 16," I repeatedly whispered while my nails dug into my palms, while I tried to control how my body was reacting. News flash, I was failing.

By the time we landed I was finally able to look at my husband without my face feeling like it was catching on fire but only because Deku decided to stop all the thoughts in my head with that mouth of his. Thank All Might, Toshi and Kaminari couldn't see us!


"We're home!" Deku cheered, holding both of our bags and tugging on my free hand. We quickly made our way through customs to find our family waiting for us and for some reason Icyhot and Dabi were here too? Whatever, I don't care.

What I do care about is how we were tackled by our parents when we entered the hero lounge, my hag and old man hugging me like I came back from the dead or something while Yuki sobbed clutching onto me until I bent down and picked her up using the one arm not in a sling.

"Hey now," I tried to soothe Yuki's tears but she just wailed, holding onto me with a deathgrip. I hugged her and whispered "I'm home," a few times while she cried. Right, when we left we were only supposed to be gone for two weeks, not five months. My old hag cursed and cried something about me being an ungrateful brat, being gone for so long while my old man just held all of us while he cried, silently.

"I'm home," I sighed, the fact that Toshi was being manhandled by his mother and father while Deku tried to escape from their clutches would be laughable if it wasn't for the position that I was in. Aiko was hugging Toshi's head and bawling like the world was ending and it was only now that I realized that Aizawa Sensei and Kaminari's parents were here as well but thankfully Kaminari wasn't being suffocated like we were so I mean, there's that I guess.

"Come on, the missions were a success. There's no reason to be crying like this," I whispered, having walked, while dragging my parents with me, over to little Aiko who once she saw my right arm only cried harder, now holding onto Yuki too.

Well, I guess I saw this coming. Even if I didn't really think about it, the fact that I'm not even remotely surprised goes without saying. After all, they love us with everything. We are probably anything but a perfect family to the outside world, confusing most people most of the time, but we are a real family.

I could hear Kaminari's parents asking what happened and he answered them which resulted in them tugging on him trying to find where he was hurt but he wasn't. At least not that I know of.

"Stop! Toshi pushed me out of the way. It's how his eye was hurt," he complained but the way his voice dipped let me know just how guilty he felt, which was far too much.

"Duh, you were our intern. It was our job to protect you while teaching you. We weren't going to let you get hurt regardless of what happened," I huffed.

"You make it sound like it was you that pushed him out of the way," Toshi grumbled while rolling his eyes.

"Dude, your arm was torn from your body with the kid still holding onto it for dear life!" Kaminari almost shouted and I shrugged.

"We're heroes," I shrugged.

"Katsuki? Can you feel your fingers yet? Can you move them at all?" Dad asked, holding my hand. If I wasn't looking I wouldn't have noticed, well that's not a great sign.

"Not yet but it's only a matter of time," I smiled at him before adding. "I'll still be taking your number one spot with or without my arm though." Deku didn't find that amusing, he hit me in my shoulder while glaring.

"What? My arm will heal eventually," I groaned but he didn't stop glaring. "What? I'm sorry!" How did I mess up exactly? Can someone just tell me? Please?

"Izuku? Did you get hurt too? Let me see?" Mama Inko, because her and my hag are in the same place it's hurting my head, demanded and her hands touched his back making him yelp and jump.

"I'll be fine! It's just a burn!" He hid behind me and the fact that we are both holding one of the girls each is probably the only reason they didn't straight up attack us, well that and the fact that Mama Inko was eight months pregnant now.

"When did Midoriya get burned?" Kaminari asked quietly, just not quietly enough.

"You didn't get checked?" Mom and Dad yelled and damn my ears hurt. But neither of us were going to tell them how he got the burn. We were in the bedroom and he had pushed me so far that I couldn't stop myself from literally exploding while I was scratching up his back. So yeah, quirk canceling jewelry will be a requirement in the future.

No, stop! I can't think about that right now!