

Deku's POV

What did I do? Why did I push Kacchan like that? I only meant to talk to him about us, about how I wanted us to be more intimate, not to push him. I didn't want to assault him! Did he hate it? Did I upset him? What should I do now?

Toshi was fine and so was Kaminari, their emergency pager was stolen by a brat trying to act cool in front of his crush but when he saw Kacchan and I running with our quirks going off he fell down shaking. At least he didn't pee himself.

Toshi had to stop us from cuffing the guy and maybe hurting him. There is really nothing that gets your heart going like when you know someone you love is most likely hurt. No one has ever stolen his pager before but now that he is down to one eye it kind of makes sense that he has larger blind spots than before.

Kacchan was currently lecturing him and when he tried to run away Kacchan grabbed him by the back of his collar and I swear the color drained from the guy's face. I could have sworn that I heard Kacchan growling something about if he isn't getting laid then neither is he but I had to have heard that wrong. Right?


Was Kacchan actually excited, back there? Was he willing? No, was he hoping that I would push further? Is he still?

The guy was turned in to local law enforcement and is now getting another lecture but then they'll let him go. Toshi apologized and whispered asking if we were done talking or not. I shook my head no, frowning.

"Then Denki and I will be out for about three hours. I want to show him some of Turkey's nightlife," he winked. Okay even I understand what he is trying to say now. He is warning me about when they'll be back so that I can either make sure we're done or at least quiet.

I should have never told him that I had a wet dream about Kacchan. He teased me mercilessly about it but now that Kacchan is actually responding to not just some of my advances but all of them…

Should I push my luck?

"Come on Deku," Kacchan called out tiredly. "We need to get some sleep before our shift in the morning." Instead of bringing up earlier again I just smiled and nodded. I need to think.

The walk back seemed far shorter than the run there and the only thing I really got out of all of my thinking was that I want more. I want more kisses. I want more touches. I want more Kacchan and I don't want to stop.

Going inside I locked the door behind us again and I saw Kacchan flinch and the top of his ears turning red but I also saw him speed up going back to the bedroom. When I walked inside I saw him taking off his shirt by the bed but he stopped when I came in the doorway. I pretended not to notice while locking the bedroom door again.

I want more.

I turned smiling and took a step closer. He tossed his shirt to the side before quickly unbuttoning his pants.

Is he-? Is he inviting me? Or hoping? The fact that one arm wasn't moving at all didn't seem to bother him at all, instead it was more like he was already used to it just being there. Would it be in the way if we… If we were intimate?

I'm standing right in front of him again and when I placed my hands on his hips he couldn't wait any longer, his lips came for mine and I let him. No, forget that. I did more than let him, I demanded more. I pulled him closer, pressing our hips together at the same time using his gasp of shock to dive in. His tongue was mine, his mouth was mine, his hips were mine, his muscles were mine.

And I am taking it all.

I pulled at his waistband and he quickly tried to pull them down but with only one hand it was more than difficult so I helped him. He let them go but before I could pull away to ask what was wrong his hand had trailed up and knotted in my hair. Letting me do anything else I wanted but pull away.

"I want you," I whispered, I felt how his whole body trembled at the words but he just feels so good that I don't want to let him go. Not now, not ever. "Can I have you?" I kissed down his neck, leaving his mouth open and the sharp intake of air would have made me flinch, if not for the fact that my pulse was pounding through me so hard it was making it difficult to hear anything at all.

"Fuck yes!" He moaned and before I started making my way back up I swear I heard him say, "finally!"

Finally? As in… He was hoping for this? He was looking forward to us? Then that means-

"Kacchan, I'll be right back don't go anywhere," I kissed him again before running out of the room leaving my now very flustered lover standing there in shock but I can't not do this. I ran back into the living room and when I pulled open the chair side desk drawer I found exactly what I was looking for and grabbed it before running back to my still shocked husband.

"Did I do something wro-" he started to ask but I just tossed the items I grabbed on the bed next to him, relocked the door, stripped my top off and kissed him.

I'm not waiting any more.

He responded as soon as I touched him and his one arm was tugging my hair again while he tried to pull me closer.


I pulled him closer, harder and even through our clothes I could feel his excitement. His need for me excites me more.

He hit the bed again but this time he doesn't look shocked when he's falling on top of the mattress, I climb between his legs, his pants long since gone, and I let my hands take over, exploring him.

We've never done this before, the most we've done has been heavy kisses, we've never even really made out before, but I've never pulled off his clothes before. But I've also never felt this alive before.

I want more.

"Kacchan," l moaned, the feel of his bare skin under me was really far too much. "I want… I need you," I quickly corrected, pushing myself against him.

We can't. Like Kacchan keeps saying, we are only sixteen. We can't. But… He feels so good, his body singing to me, begging for it with each touch. Every time our lips are forced apart the sounds coming from him make it even harder to pull away.

"But we're only sixteen," I couldn't do more than force the breath out so I was barely audible, he still heard me though. Why do I have to overthink everything? Or am I overthinking at all?

"Then we just won't go all the way. That should be fine, right?" He sounded like he was begging, or at the very least just short of begging.

"Tell me what to do," I for one, am begging. I can't keep away, my dreams were only making things harder for me, making me love him more and more and I don't understand why. Why would a figment of my imagination make me feel like this?

But the longer time passes the stronger my feelings grow, ever since the mission in Rome, almost four months ago, I can't help it. I want it to be real. I want to hear him say that he wants me too. I want him to look at me like he did in my dreams, the one in the cold where he asked me to kiss him, like I was the only one in the world.

"Use my thighs or my mouth," he scratched up my back before adding. "When you're ready we can do more."

"Kacchan that's not the problem," I groaned before biting into his shoulder. I love the feel of him under me, his body straining to get closer to me. "The problem is that I want all of you. Now."

He whined a little, his body jerking under my touch but even so I could see his mind racing to find the answer.

"Seventeen," he finally gasped out, making me pull away to hear what he was saying. "When you turn seventeen we'll go all the way if you still want. We'll still be a little young but it should be acceptable. Until then you can do anything but push that," he motioned to my hips, "into my ass. I don't have any more willpower than this."

"Do you want more?" I asked curiously, the fact that he looks like he is being torn apart just saying it tells me that he actually really does want me. He wants me badly and I want to give it all to him.

"Hell yeah," he snapped before thrusting forward and kissing me.

His thighs or his mouth huh? I swirled my tongue in his mouth and his whole body shuddered at the sensation. When he had to pull away for air I made my way down his body; kissing and biting as I went. His body shaking and trembling under me, the way he jerked when I reached what would have been his belt line told me exactly how sensitive he was.


I didn't wait. I kissed and licked from his base to his tip, his shaft shaking under my attention and right when I thought he couldn't take any more I opened up and sucked him into my mouth.

"AH!" he spasmed under me, his body shaking as need obviously took over. His one hand in my hair tugged on it while he tried to pull me closer, to thrust deeper into my mouth. If that's what he wants then that's what I'll give him. I pushed forward until he was pushing against and down the back of my throat, his cries of pleasure while he begged for more had every nerve ending on fire.

Then I felt him pulse in my mouth and he filled it with hot and thick cum, making me swallow around him. Bitter, salty but at the same time…

More. I want more. By the time I was done cleaning him off he was still trembling, shaking, shuddering under me. I don't know what the correct word is but the fact remains that I wasn't the only one that wanted more. I swear he looks older, he looked like he did in my dreams. The ones where we are adults.

Am I crazy? But if I am, do I really want to be sane again?

I pulled away, licking the strand, a mix of cum and saliva up as I did. I found Kacchan dazed watching me but once I was free he pushed me over his mouth diving for mine in his impatience.

No, I don't want to be cured, my insanity is here too stay.

He was rough in his excitement. It was like he was starving the way he attacked me like I was only a cookie after going years with nothing to eat at all. All rationality seemed to have disappeared, he bit me. His roughness made me gasp only for him to let me go before it would hurt and kiss the mark he left behind. His one good arm was forced to hold him up but when he got to my chest his tongue flicked and swirled around my nipples. The flat of his tongue was far more stimulating than I could have ever thought.

By the time he made it to my hips I was already panting and I guess I was shaking because he stopped and asked, "Do you want me to stop?"

"Never," how could I ever want him to stop? I love everything he is doing to me. He grinned and without bothering to lick or kiss or otherwise slowly work me up he sucked me directly into his mouth making me cry out and grab him.

It was far too short. How he basically attacked me, simulating every pleasurable nerve I had was just too much and my body couldn't take it. I came. But he didn't stop there and I didn't want him to. After he swallowed he then slowed it down, slowly working me up like I had done to him until I came again this time on his face when he pulled away for air but instead of getting mad he took it as a challenge and started all over again.

I was going to come again when I stopped him, when he came up for a kiss I flipped us over and after putting condoms on both of us I did exactly what he suggested. I used his thighs, I lifted his balls and the feel of thrusting next to them felt way better than I was expecting but it must have felt even better for Kacchan.

He pulled away from me almost thrashing while screaming out and I thrusted again before holding him tight, I came.

Several minutes passed before I finally rolled off of him and we were both gasping for air. I held him in my arms.

How do I describe this feeling? Thanks to all of those dreams it feels like I've waited two lifetimes for him to finally be able to claim him as mine and here I am, satisfied, content and yet I would destroy the world just for him.

"I love you," he gasped and I couldn't help answering back but the words seem so hollow compared to how I actually feel. They mean nothing compared to how I really feel.

Maybe I'm not cut out to be a hero because if I had to choose between the world and Kacchan. Well, the world could burn and I wouldn't look back…

A piercing headache, why do I keep getting these? Oh right Kacchan said a part of the deal was that we had to become heroes didn't he? That's okay, so long as Kacchan is by my side we can save the world together forever. The headache dulled and slowly faded away.

The thought of something happening to Kacchan though, sent a chill through me.

Would I become a villain if anything happened to Kacchan?

Could I be a hero without him?

I don't think I could. What I find even scarier? The headache didn't come back at those last thoughts.

I pulled Kacchan close, holding him tight while he cuddled me, his chuckles singing in my ears.

I'll just have to keep him safe forever then. I kissed him, pulling him in close.

"Again?" Kacchan asked nervously and I kissed his body again, making my way down.

I can do this forever.