

Katsuki's POV

Sometimes I really just want to disappear. Like now. Toshi and Kaminari had to walk in and no they didn't pretend to not know we were having a date. No, it was much worse.

"So, Kami and I are going to do a night patrol tonight," Toshi fumbled through and the look of surprise on Kaminari's face was more than enough to tell us he only just made the choice without telling Kaminari but whatever.

"Why? We have two weeks still before we need to do another night shift," Deku asked, well mouthed really but same thing, but as much as I love him I really wish he could read social cues a little better.

Toshi let out a sigh before answering, "I would rather not hear you two having sex."

"TOSHI!" I all but screamed and Deku's face was so red I can't help wondering if he was about to pass out or not.

"Wait! Really? I mean I know they are married and everything but-" Kaminari looked about a breath from short circuiting.

"NO! WE ARE ONLY SIXTEEN, DAMN IT!" I couldn't keep my voice down and Deku seemed to faint because he slumped against me and I started freaking out trying to get him to wake up.

"DAMN IT TOSHI! FOR FUCKS SAKE YOU KNOW BETTER!" I screamed but Deku quickly took my attention again when he didn't even flinch at me screaming. In the end I kicked him and Kami out and on their asses before picking Deku up with my one good arm which of course was much harder with my other one in a sling and not moving no matter how much I tried. A string of curses a constant from my mouth while I fumbled getting him to bed.

He really fainted.

"Damn it Deku, if you don't wake up right fucking now I'm calling Dad!" I tried to threaten him but there still wasn't a response. So I did what any normal teenage boy would do in this situation.

I called Dad.

"Katuski?" I heard my old man's voice on the other end of the line and in my panic I told him what happened and why and by the end of it he was trying very hard not to laugh.

"And were you? Planning to do that?" He asked, teasing me only laughing out loud when I answered him, even more flustered than before and screaming, "NO!!!"

"I'm a little surprised you called me and not Toshinori or Inko but I'm relieved," he kept laughing, irritating me more, but I waited anyway knowing that as calm as my dad is he usually gives the best advice. "Look from what you've told me and from what your in-laws have told me, Izuku has been through a lot the last few months," he waited and I agreed slowly not understanding where he was going with this, and as much as I curse that Deku can't read social cues I at least know when I'm missing something! Like now.

"Katsuki, Izuku is simply overwhelmed. That's all, and when Hitoshi brought up such a big thing like sex, it was just the last straw so his mind checked out for a bit. He is okay, just keep an eye on him and if he still won't wake up in an hour then call me again. Okay?" I started to calm down hearing his calm voice. As much as his amusement pissed me off right now I can't really blame him. I mean we've been married for more than ten years already, a little more than twelve actually, if it wasn't for the fact that we are only sixteen the thought that we were still virgins would be sad and frankly crazy.

"Now I know that you are 16, but I am relieved that you two are taking things slow despite your circumstances. It makes me feel better about agreeing to the marriage all those years ago, of course if you and All Might would have told me about little Izuku almost dying to save you I would have agreed anyway but still. I'm kind of glad neither of you tried to force it like that," he chatted away and he was being annoying but his voice was still, in general, calming me down and I think he was well aware of it. The fact that it was late in the evening here meant nothing to him because it was still only mid afternoon for him.

We finally hung up and I laid down next to Deku, pulling him close with my one good arm. So much for our date to try and reconnect and de-stress. It completely backfired thanks to Toshi being so fucking blunt.


The rest of the mission went on with little to no issues. There were a few hate groups that showed up but once they saw the fact we were here, a country that was well aware of who we were thanks to previous missions here not to mention the most recent one in Rome that had made international news thanks to the fact that so many of those children came from across the border, even though most were from Italy itself, that we know of.

We of course did our jobs and the ones that didn't leave peacefully were turned into the local authorities some after being roughed up. Several saw the condition of Toshi and I and actually thought they stood a fucking chance against us now, that would have made me laugh if I wasn't already pissed. Needless to say they had to receive medical attention once they were taken into custody, most for minor burns while others were simply knocked out by my highly agitated husband.

Huh, that's odd too. When has he ever been this prickly? Then again, I mean I am only using one arm at the moment so I think they just poked at his soft spot at the wrong time. Then there is how guilty he still feels about it. Yeah, that must be it.

I mean what else could it be?

Toshi however has basically been hiding from Deku and I and has more than once used his new boyfriend as an excuse to get the hell away from us. I'm still pissed about him making Deku faint on our one date night.

And I do mean one, Deku keeps getting red faced and if I was going crazy before from not hearing his voice it was worse now from him making a run for it whenever I even start to try and be romantic in any sense of the word. Any.

The next time I get my hands on Toshi I swear…

"Kacchan?" My head nearly whipped around hearing my lover's voice, as quiet as it was, the fact remains. I have missed hearing it so much. "Umm, could we talk? Alone?" I blinked several times before getting up already texting Toshi to stay the fuck away while Deku and I talked while I followed him. I didn't relax until Toshi responded with a thumbs up and then I put my phone away and once Deku had us in our little cabin, he locked the door behind us, making me wonder what exactly he wanted to talk about but as much as my heart skipped a beat I didn't press him. He would tell me when he was ready.

He led me to our bedroom for the night and locked that door too. Now my heart is doing a little tap dance at his silence and I could feel my quirk starting to fizzle in my one good hand so I quickly wiped my palm on my pants leg. He motioned for me to sit on the bed before he started pacing back and forth, not bothering to wait for me to actually sit down.

Is he… Is he going to break up with me? Was Toshi's little reminder that we are actually married enough to snap his last thread of patience for me? Did I do something wrong? Did I push him in anyway at all that he didn't like? I have tried so hard to make sure that the only way I ever pushed him at all was during training, NEVER romantically.

But, what if that was the problem? Have I not been forward enough? Did I maybe make him feel unwanted? WHAT DID I DO?

"Kacchan," Deku seemed to gather himself and face me. The way he steeled his nerves only made me flinch but I sat up straighter, no matter how bad it is I told him long ago that I would do whatever it is that he wanted when we grew up. If that means now… Then so be it.

"I-" he hesitated before looking me in the eyes and his big expressive green eyes showed so much fear that it hurt me far more than my arm ever could.

I don't know when but I jumped up and hugged him. If this is the last time I get to hold him I need him to know that it's okay.

"Whatever it is, I promise," I took a couple deep breaths before whispering in his ear. "I promise that I will always love you. So it's okay, you don't need to be afraid of me, no matter what it is."

He flinched before he pulled away and I let him but instead of stepping away he set his hands on my waist and pulled me closer and kissed me on the lips, his tongue making his way in and enrapturing my very soul.

By the time he pulled away I was out of breath and a bit light-headed but he only kissed me again and again and I fell into him. Letting myself fall into the abyss that was my love for him. Letting myself forget, just this once, that we were only 16.

"I love you," he whispered before pushing against me and I don't know when he managed to push us towards the bed but in the next moment the back of my knees hit the bed and I fell over just for him to follow me down.

I've never seen this look in his eyes before, and as much as it scared me I would be lying if I said that it didn't excite me.

I felt his knee slide up slowly between my legs making me gasp out loud and he made his way down my neck before gently biting me and the moan he pulled out of me only made it harder for me to think.

Until our phones started going off, letting us know that Toshi needed back up. Now.

Deku jumped off of me and as dizzy and lightheaded as I am I followed him, running out the doors as he unlocked them and we ran towards where the commotion was.

For the first time in this life, I am hating the fact that we are heroes.