

Deku's POV

Aizawa Sensei just let out a sigh while gathering his thoughts but we didn't really have time to wait around and Mom was quickly getting the permissions that we needed for the clean and sweep. Unlike when she rescued us she will be taking the command post while the three of us sneak in and slowly cripple their gang. It won't be easy but thankfully we have been setting up plans for the Yakuza for a long time now, knowing that it was only a matter of time.

Again that strange feeling of Deja Vu hit and I winced at the headache that throbbed right behind my eyes. I need to lie down in a dark place but we don't have that kind of time. I took out some over the counter painkillers and took the recommended dose, only getting a glance from Mom and Kacchan who continued to work but Toshi had pulled me away so they couldn't hear me.

"It's back already?" He whispered, I made a face in response but nodded.

"Maybe once we graduate I should move to America or Italy?" I joked, almost silently. Toshi and I both realized a long time ago that the headaches only came back while we were in Japan. It was frightening but at the same time I couldn't help yearning to come back home to Japan any time I'm away, it's so twisted and illogical.

"We are 16 now, maybe you should talk to Mom and Dad about it again?" He suggested and I stiffened at the thought. Memories of Mom, Dad and Kacchan freaking out and generally panicking come to mind.

"You do remember that last time we all moved back to France and we were stuck there for a whole year right?" I frowned at him and he flinched at the reminder. None of us like France.

"Maybe she won't be there anymore?" He suggested but I just frowned at him and he sighed. "Right, okay then maybe Recovery Girl? She wouldn't be able to discuss anything with Mom or Dad without permission, maybe Hound Dog too? It could have something to do with the mind after all," he quickly changed strategies.

"Fine but I'll need your help covering for me when Kacchan looks for me," I sighed, giving in. I need to do something, these headaches are only getting worse

"Sneaking around your family now are you?" I jumped hearing Aizawa Sensei behind us. I forgot he was in here, how much did he hear exactly?

"Um, Sensei?" Toshi smiled nervously but Aizawa Sensei waved him off.

"So what I am hearing is that you need help of some kind and you are looking for the correct sources without worrying about your parents and husband?" He summed up and my shoulders slouched, my Mom was just across the room but she had in her headset and was talking to someone about logistics and from the way she was frowning at her phone it looks like she didn't hear what was said. I took a deep breath and slowly nodded. I've already been caught anyway.

"Sensei, he isn't doing anything wrong. He just gets really bad headaches and the last time he told them they all freaked out even though the doctors said he was fine. We aren't doing anything wrong," Toshi hissed, keeping his voice down, glancing at Mom as he did.

"I figured that out when I heard you two bring up Recovery Girl and Hound Dog, headaches huh? It makes sense, with such a powerful telekinetic ability he is bound to have side effects but if you've already seen doctors I take it that they ruled that out?" He eyed us and I just sighed and nodded. "Okay, I'll give Recovery Girl a heads up and it would be easier to have a teacher cover your appointments than your brother don't you think?"

I gaped at him for a second before smiling, "Thank you Sensei!" I almost yelled and Mom actually hushed me pointing at her headset before returning her attention to whoever was on the other end. Plans were made and the pro hero Eraserhead was put in charge of Eri while the rest of us got to work. Kacchan walked back in from going to the bathroom, maybe I have a little hope again?


"I'm beat," Kacchan groaned while we walked into the dorms only to find the rest of our class watching the news about the downfall of the Yakuza and how the heroes Dynamight, Dekiru and Mockingjay along with All Might, Green Demon and Eraserhead were able to rescue a few dozen children from illegal experimentation, well that didn't take long.

"I don't know about you two but I'm going to eat and maybe lay down and watch a movie. I need some time to unwind before I can even think about sleeping," Toshi yawned, stretching a bit and I nod in agreement.

"A movie sounds nice, what do you have in mind?"

"Not so fast you three," I looked over my shoulder to see Aizawa Sensei walking in with little Eri in his arms. "You can all shower and go to see Recovery Girl for a full check up," he instructed and both Toshi and Kacchan groaned.

"But we didn't even get hurt?" Kacchan grumbled but Sensei just shook his head and waved us off to hurry up. I couldn't help the small grin on my face as we ran up the stairs, skipping the elevator altogether. Having a teacher like him is definitely different, in the past our teachers would make up stories to tell Mom and Dad just so they could try and get close to them but this has to be the first time we've had a teacher keep silent. I mean, it's not like I'm doing anything bad or something, I just want to find out why I'm getting these headaches. That's all.

Recovery Girl had Toshi and I wait outside while she checked Kacchan over and then when she sent him out Toshi went in.

"Fucking ridiculous! I don't need to see Hound Dog for shit," he kept grumbling but he only sighed and told me how he had to go and see Hound Dog now and make an appointment or he would get his hero license suspended.

"It's okay Kacchan, I'll meet you back at the dorms. Maybe we can have a bit of a movie night before bed?" I suggested and he smiled before taking my hand and kissing the inside of my palm the way that I like. It makes me feel all warm and tingly inside and the way he always smiles after the fact only makes me feel even better.

"I'll have the popcorn ready," he gave me a short hug before turning down the hallway and walking away.

It wasn't long after Kacchan walked out of sight that Toshi came out eating a red lollipop. "Well at least I got some sleeping meds out of this," he shrugged and I couldn't help laughing. His insomnia was pretty bad.

"Make sure to see Hound Dog about making yourself an appointment, I've already sent him a message saying you were on your way. That is if you want to keep getting those sleep aids?" Recovery Girl eyed him from the doorway and he held up his hands in defense.

"If anyone can say just how messed up they are in the head, it's me. I WAS kidnapped when I was four," he shrugged, happily eating the sucker before turning his attention to me. "I'll keep Kacchan distracted when I get back so take your time." He winked at me and gave me a nudge towards Recovery Girl before walking off.

"Just what kind of problems do you all have?" She sighed before closing the door behind me but I just sat down not sure what I should or shouldn't say.

"Okay, so Aizawa told me that you wanted to be medically examined? I need more information to go off of than that," she sat down in front of me and I told her about the headaches. She asked several questions about the kinds of tests I did but she frowned when she heard the names of those tests.

"Do you understand what those tests are for?" She finally asked and I shook my head no, I never really thought to look them up, after all Mom and Dad thought they would help with my headaches so they must be for that, right?

"Young Yagi… You let your classmates call you Midoriya, correct?" She paused and I nodded, smiling at her as she wrote a quick note about that. "Midoriya," she started again, "those tests are to find out if you are under the influence of a quirk. Or rather experiencing the side effects of a quirk."

"Oh," I sighed, already understanding and that caught her attention. Guess I need to explain then. "When I was four, I nearly died. Thankfully there was someone there with a quirk that helped me but my memory was erased and I'm not allowed to know what happened. There are some conditions to it and if any of them are broken then there is a chance that I will die. So if they had those kinds of tests run on me then that means the headaches are probably related to that," I slouched in my seat.

"I guess that means I'm stuck with the headaches then," I really want to cry, they hurt so bad and the only time I've ever gotten relief was the punching bag in class which won't be an option soon.

"I see, there wasn't a note about that in your file," she clicked her pen a few times before seeming to make a decision. "First I'll give you an overall check up, I still recommend seeing Hound Dog just to be safe because with quirks that affect the mind to the point of making people forget things there could be long term negative side effects that we don't understand. I'll also be able to give you a mild prescription for it to help relieve the headaches without otherwise putting you at risk of remembering what you shouldn't," She paused for a long time but I could see that she wasn't done yet.

"Midoriya, I do recommend that you allow me to talk to your parents about this. There are ways to handle this without putting your life or health at risk," She sat waiting to hear my response.

"Do I really have a choice?" I feel so defeated, if that quirk from all those years ago really did do this to me then I don't have a choice at all.

"You do, the mild prescription I have in mind doesn't need parent approval and I can give it to you now, Tomorrow you'll need to go to a pharmacy to pick up a month's worth of pills and with any luck the pills will do their job and you won't even need them after a month," I jolted, my head snapping up to look back at her.

"You mean I don't always have to take the medicine?" The thought that I could be completely free of these headaches was not something that I expected. I was only hoping for a little relief.

"Yes," she nodded and I quickly asked for that. I'm a coward, I don't want to have to tell my family that the headaches never went away, I just want to forget all about them and actually be happy with them.

"Alright, but first the check up," she sighed but gave in anyway. It was obvious that she didn't like the fact that I didn't agree but she wasn't going to push it either. "You still have to see Hound Dog though or I won't give you the medicine," she frowned and I quickly agreed.