

Deku's POV

I feel like my head is splitting. Nothing is the way it's supposed to be and Mom, Dad and Kacchan are watching me like a hawk and I don't understand. All-For-One turning out to be my sperm donor was a shock but considering I was four when he left I hardly remember him. He wasn't really a part of my life before he left as it was, he only took an interest the closer I got to getting my quirk and then… Well yeah.

Somehow though hitting him really did make me feel better.

Does that make me a bad person? Once Mom showed everyone what was in the punching bag our classmates stopped and by the end I started grumbling about how I wasn't useless or things like that but I stopped when the pain in my head went away. I mean do we have to actually kill him? Or is he already technically dead? This has to be the first time since we've been back in Japan that my headache has gone away and I can't wait to tell Toshi later.

And now I feel guilty again, am I a bad person?

"Okay," Nezu clapped his paws once it was clear that I was done. "Now I want you to use your quirks on him, you three don't have to because you already did but the rest of you need to line up." I let out a sigh of relief and walked towards the benches to sit down. I really do feel so much better. When Kacchan sat down I motioned towards his lap, surprising him a bit but he smiled and nodded for me to go ahead so I laid down on the bench and used his lap as a pillow and just closed my eyes. I am so tired.

I'm so very tired.


"Izuku honey, it's time to go back to the classroom. Are you feeling okay?" Mom asked and I felt her cool hand on my forehead, I'm not sick. I've just been really tired lately, that's all.

"Mom, I'm fine," I whined gently, pushing her hand away. Thankfully she woke me up before my nightmare could, Dad was hurt but saved Kacchan after being kidnapped. He lost the last of his strength fighting All-For-One but still managed to win anyway. It would help if my nightmares were in some kind of order but everything is scrambled and it only makes things harder. My dream started out with Kacchan and I fighting and getting put on some kind of lockdown in the dorms. Geeze my head hurts.

"Can I hit the punching bag once more before going back to class?" I asked, still rubbing at my eyes and Mom relaxed a little.

"Sure honey," she pointed at where it was still hung up and I ended up hitting it twice, my headache gone again. Kacchan and Toshi had waited for me and I smiled at them while walking away, light on my feet.

Classes went by quickly after that, and this time the villains that were caught by Mom at the bar were all put directly in prison and most were so scared from the experience that during their trail they just nodded, not able to voice anything at all once we walked inside. Why we had to be there is beyond me but it doesn't really matter. The weeks passed and we went on our 'internships'. Considering we were already licensed they just gave us our route for the shift. In a way it was nice being on my own and handling small-time villains doing petty crimes.

Grandpa Gran Torino was my mentor last time and it was nice jumping and bouncing around while we worked. Then there was now, this time I am with Uncle Nighteye and his disappointed eyes. He wishes that Dad would have given OFA to another student instead of me but he was nice enough. I don't think I will intern here again though.

I was walking around with the third year student Mirio when a little girl ran up to me begging for help and her bandaged arms made me angry. My quirk crackled to life and I picked her up and ran to the nearest hospital calling for backup on the way. The little girl's touch was filled with so much pain it hurt just to watch. Thankfully Aizawa was in the area because when I put her down the hospital equipment scared her and her quirk went off.

Once he arrived I stayed with her and Mirio, when he caught up, he filled me in about a man claiming to be her guardian. A warning went off in my gut.

I pulled out my phone and called Toshi.


"I need you at XX Hospital, be prepared," I stated flatly.

"I'll be there in five." He hung up and I called Kacchan.


"We have a special case at XX Hospital, I already called Toshi," I kept it brief.

"Room number?" I looked at the wall and answered him before sending it in the family group chat.

"What are you doing?" Aizawa Sensei asked and I tilted my phone to show him the messages.

"Green Demon is coming?" He asked curiously but didn't object, he seems to have gotten really close to Dad and Mom recently and I can't really put my finger on why. Maybe because of something that happened while I was basically shut down? I don't remember a lot of those few weeks.

"Dad will be behind the scenes this time. This kind of thing is Mom's specialty," I smiled at him and Kacchan and Toshi walked in the door at the same time. They walked right over to the little girl and started chatting with her. At first she was scared but when she saw them give me a hug she relaxed.

"What's your name, little princess," Kacchan asked her, holding up a bright green lollipop. Odd usually he gives them red unless he asks them what their favorite kind is. "I think apples would be your favorite but if you want I have different kinds?" He explained as if he could hear my thoughts. She looked at me and I nodded and she took the thing slowly and just looked at it confused. He took out a blue one and handed it to Toshi who quickly opened it and put it in his mouth and the little girl mimicked him and her eyes lit up at the sweetness.

"I knew you would like the apple," Kacchan chuckled and started asking her different questions like what her favorite color is and Toshi did commentary making the girl, Eri, laugh at them.

"Just how much practice do you three have with kidnapped children?" Aizawa Sensei asked, keeping his voice low so she couldn't hear him.

"You remember that we were kidnapped and held hostage a lot, right?" I looked at him and he slowly nodded. "It was rare for us to be the only kids there." I shrugged and he flinched at the implications of what I said. I know that Dad told him that we would often turn our kidnappers in ourselves so that would mean that we also had to deal with the other victims a lot and as children ourselves that was more than difficult.

"My babies I'm here!" Mom sang as she walked in the door and Eri jumped.

"Hi Mom," the three of us answered with practiced ease.

"All three of you are brothers?" Eri's eyes widened and she looked at us expectedly.

Kacchan laughed out loud and denied it. "No, those two are brothers, I am married to that one and she is my mother-in-law," Kacchan kept smiling and started peeling an apple from her meal tray for her.

"Wow! You don't look that old though," she chattered happily and we let her for a while Mom examined her arms. At first she didn't really want to let her but Mom is Mom after all, she was so gentle with the little girl that she was almost instantly calmed. By the end of it Mom offered her a hug as well and she had climbed into Mom's lap enjoying the soft affection.

"You poor dear, you must have been so scared," Mom cooed to her and I could see her crying and once she cried herself to sleep, Mom set her down again.

"It's the Yakuza again," Mom frowned and Kacchan agreed, and Aizawa Sensei did a double take.

"How did you get that?" He looked confused and I don't blame him. Mom and Kacchan pointed out the characteristics that were commonly used by the Yakuza when kidnapping and also brought up the current information on the clan which Mirio confirmed that the current head of the organization was the one claiming to be her guardian.

"Sweep and clean?" I asked and Mom nodded.

"Considering this involves the head I don't think we have a choice. Your father has already verified that the last head is in a coma and it is under strange circumstances," Mom tucked some hair behind Eri's ear and smiled at the little girl.

"Okay Izuku, you lead on this one. You found her so she is yours," Mom smiled at me but I shook my head no.

"She can't control her quirk at all, Mom. Eraserhead needs to be with her or things can get really bad," I pointed at some stuff on the ground that the hospital equipment was turned into just from her getting scared. "She said that she can undo things. Turn them back in time if anyone but Eraserhead tried to help her she would probably hurt them by accident but she is a sweet girl."

"Then we have the perfect person for the job," Mom smiled at my teacher and again I got that weird feeling of Deja Vu. I can't remember my mom ever relying on my teacher before so how could that be?

"The girl can stay with me for now," he quickly agreed and it's now that I find out that he is licensed as a foster parent.

"Then why don't you adopt a kid already?" Toshi asked bluntly.

"It's a bit harder than that," he groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"Mom and Dad didn't have an issue adopting me, how would that be different?" Toshi pushed and I don't blame him. I don't get it either.

"Right, I forgot that you weren't… I forgot that one of you was adopted," he cleared his throat and I tilted my head at him.

"Actually I am too. Dad adopted me the same day he married Mom, after All-For-One signed away his parent rights for me," I shrugged and Aizawa Sensei did a double take.

"I should sit down and actually think about everything I've learned about your family and put the puzzle pieces together," he groaned, holding his head again. I can't blame him. I am starting to get a headache too.