

Kacchan's POV 

We were just about to get back on the bus when I heard Aunty start chewing Uncle out and Deku, Toshi and I all looked at each other and froze for a second. Fuck, being the only word running through any of our minds.  Dread.

I quickly went to the back of the bus and opened a couple windows on each side before picking a seat close to them. Deku grabbed a seat up front behind the driver, making Aizawa Sensei very suspicious, and Toshi grabbed a seat in the middle. We were all tense and none of us were paying much attention to our classmates, which seemed to confuse them more. We were about half way back to school when I saw the energy wave. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

"INCOMING!" I yelled and before anyone else could do anything Deku, Toshi and I got to work. I opened my water bottles and sent the fluid from inside them out of the windows to make a shield and I heard Deku apologize to Aizawa Sensei before the whole bus jerked and we were suddenly in the air. Toshi had yelled out questions and almost everyone answered him and he was able to control their movement and those who didn't answer he used his belt to keep them in place.

"FUCK! Aunty is pissed," I hissed trying to keep the shield between us and the wave that would knock us all out, stranded and defenseless. 

"Well Dad didn't exactly listen to her now did he?" Deku shouted back, easily hearing me now that Toshi had so many of our classmates under control and quiet, I didn't need to look back at him or Toshi to know that OFA was being pushed to its max for each of us. Red lightning around me, green around Deku and purple around Toshi as we all pushed ourselves to our limit. Technically Deku is the holder of OFA, but since we have all had it, we still get that small boost just not as much as Deku.

"Almost there," Deku grumbled and I gave a final shove with the water before calling it back to my bottles, right after Deku safely parked the bus. Aizawa Sensei was fuming but the three of us just collapsed, too tired to do much of anything now. Luckily, Auntie's physic wave dispersed enough to not hurt anyone on the bus but it was still enough for them to feel it.

Lucky bastards, they don't know just how lucky they fucking are! My eyes drifted closed and everything went black as I heard our classmates screaming questions.


I woke up in Recovery Girl's office with a massive headache that the bright lights were not helping with. I let out a string of curses only to be picked up and jerked around by Auntie.

"Thank God! I've been so worried about all of you, you've been unconscious for so long. I'm so sorry!" She sobbed while saying that all in one breath. I am now currently having the air squeezed out of me and she doesn't even realize that she is, I think, cracking my ribs.

"Aunty?" I prayed she could hear me over the wheezing and thankfully she did because in the next moment she let me go and I was gasping for air.

"You're the one that decided to start cursing before you even opened your eyes," Toshi rolled his eyes when I looked around and Deku started giggling.

"Fuck you too, Toshi," I grumbled and then there was a sharp smack on the back of my head and l snapped around ready to snap at whomever the fuck thought that was a good idea only to see the Hag, holding Yuki and Aiko was climbing back into her arms.

"Why in the fuck are you here?" I asked instead, ignoring the smack altogether.

"My son gets knocked out after fighting off a bunch of villains and you expect me to actually stay away? Who in the fuck do you think you are?" She started screaming several other choice words at me and I sighed, this is really far too familiar, reminds me of the first time around.

I then pointedly ignored her and started playing peek-a-boo with my baby sisters, which both pissed the hag off and calmed her down. She can't yell at me for playing with the girls. It's the one ironclad rule, outside of surviving that is.

"Big brother!" They squealed together reaching for me and I held my arms out for them to grab. The Hag has now officially lost.

"Hello little princesses, have you been really, really good?" I asked them, making my eyes really big like it was hard to imagine. They of course giggled before claiming as much.

"I don't know," I hesitated and looked at the Hag and Auntie who were very familiar with what I was doing.

"Go ahead," my Hag snapped while Aunty just giggled, nodding in agreement.

I set the girls down, one on each leg and covered my eyes and when I peeked I saw them both doing the same and I pulled out a couple bright red lollipops from my belt and held them in front of them before whispering, "Okay, look."

They opened their eyes and again squealed in excitement before begging their mothers to allow them to have them now. The girls were taken from me after thank you's were given along with hugs and kisses before they then gave hugs and kisses to Deku and Toshi too and the Hag left still holding them.

"I better get going too, technically I'm still on leave." Aunty sighed and she gave us more hugs and I choked again, begging her not to do it that hard.

"Weak!" Toshi coughed before he and Deku laughed. I'm well aware of how strong Aunty is, any fool who takes her lightly deserves the hell they are about to get.

"Isn't this weekend your turn to spar with Aunty?" I asked, smirking at Toshi who went very pale. "That's what I fucking thought." I laughed while Deku continued to giggle. I had my ass handed to me last weekend so I'm good for a couple weeks.

"Why did you have to remind me!" He whined while pulling at his hair which only made us laugh more. We ended up chatting for a few more minutes before Recovery Girl realized that we were mostly teasing each other and snapped out of whatever the hell she was doing.

"You're clear to return to class now, don't do anything reckless," she warned us, glaring, thankfully her cane was still out of reach.

"Does that count-?"

"No, that does not count sparing with Aunty and Uncle! You're just going to have to get over that bullshit now," I interrupted him, smirking.

"Sorry Toshi, Kacchan's right. There isn't anywhere safer than with Mom and Dad," Deku shrugged and Toshi sighed before nodding in agreement.

"Can't blame me for trying. I could have used the break," Toshi stood up finally and joined us stretching. We are always so stiff after getting hit by Auntie's psychic wave and that is rough because she didn't even do those on purpose. I checked my water bottles only to find them cracked and half empty.

"Fucking damn it!" Was only the start of the string of curses coming from my mouth but when Toshi and Deku looked over and saw why, they both sighed.

"That's the fifth set already this year, Kacchan, maybe a different kind of water bottle would help?" Toshi groaned, this fucking set had cost way too fucking much to be broken already.

"I've heard of bottles that are flexible, like a bag!" Deku announced it like it was the greatest discovery ever.

"Fuck it! I'll give it a try," I grumbled, throwing the bottles into the nearest trash can after getting a bottle of water from Recovery Girl and drinking it all so I could fill it with my leftover fluid. "I hate collecting the fluid though, it hurts if I do too much all at once," I grumbled more and they just patted my shoulders as we walked back to the classroom.

"We know," they sighed together while I fumed. We walked into class to see everyone back in their regular school uniforms.

"Fuck, we still need to shower and change," we groaned before turning around and walking back out again. We should have known better, fuck, I should have known better.


"Go away," I grumbled as Kirishima was once again trying to lean on my shoulder, ever since I made the comment about his quirk being strong even though it's not flashy on the bus he has been practically attached to me. Why?

"Yagibro!" He then started talking about how amazing Deku, Toshi and I were and he called all of us Yagibro…

"Don't call us that," I hissed, glaring at him. It was bad enough the first time around when he called me Bakubro all the fucking time. Now there are literally three of us with the name Yagi, he can't call us all that. He just can't.

"Kacchan! Mom called and she is on her way to pick us all up, she needs to take the two of us to get our triggers repaired and reset." Deku caught up easily before I got to the door. "She also wants Toshi to have his checked, just in case."

"Oh yeah, can't leave Toshi stuck with being the fall guy," I shrugged and watched as Toshi rolled his eyes at me.

"Har har, very funny Kacchan." He groaned when he reached us and we all started to leave together.

"What triggers are you guys talking about?" Kirishima asked curiously, I guess there isn't any real harm in telling him, is there? I looked at each Deku and Toshi and when they both nodded in agreement I turned back to Kirishima.

"They are distress beacons, we hit them and it sends a signal to Aunty and Uncle with our last known coordinates and any medical information if there is any." I shrugged as I talked and when I turned to walk away he followed us.

"Why do you have those?" His eyes were so big, like how? He even gives Deku a run for his money on how fucking big they are.

"For whenever we get kidnapped, it helps with how they should respond if we were drugged or if we are unconscious, normally it just alerts them that we were taken and they call the nearest hero agency to give them a warning that three very angry teenagers are coming with villains." Toshi smirked thinking back to fucking Texas, I know he fucking is. "Like Texas, in the US would usually lock us up if they didn't get the call first."

"Oh course you had to think of fucking Texas!" I grumbled, Deku and Toshi just kept laughing though. "It's not my fault they were all idiots! Who the literal fuck thinks it's a good idea to take the kid you kidnapped and tie them up to a propane tank? One with an explosion quirk? That they KNEW about? Just who?" I demanded, at this point I was yelling, very nearly screaming.

"WE WERE TEN! If it wasn't for my quirk I sure as fuck wouldn't have know just how fucking explosive that shit is!" I huffed, Why would anyone NEED a tank that size anyway? You would think they never heard of solar before! But they continued to laugh as we walked while Kirishima was still utterly confused.

I took a deep breath before explaining what propane is and why I was actually trapped instead of being able to free myself like normal.

"Wait, how often are you guys kidnapped?" Kirishima asked, he looked horrified like the thought of children being used as hostages was something only seen on TV.

"A lot," we answered together, sighing as we did.

Deku decided to over share though, "I've been taken three times not including when they have grabbed all of us. Toshi twice and Kacchan…"

"Shut the fuck up!" I started setting off small explosions in my hand because of how tense I am. But nothing seems to be actually working to calm me down. Deku noticed and skipped ahead before stopping in front of me, making me stop. "What?" I am still glaring at him, as much as I love him, he still manages to piss me off so bad.

"Kacchan it's only because you're the only one with blond hair you know? You look the most like dad where Toshi and I don't." Deku looked up with his big round eyes and I couldn't help grimacing at him. None of us are actually blood related to the man but he loves us all the same.

I need to get my anger under control, this is ridiculous. I took a couple deep breaths before putting an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer, we still need to catch up to Toshi and Kirishima. Toshi had grabbed Kiri and dragged him with him by chatting about Russia but I could see Kiri looking back at us confused.

Deku and I learned the hard way that not everyone is cool with LGBTQ+ and the fact that our parents had us married as children has had many claiming child abuse. So we have gotten good at hiding it, but I already know that our class is good, even better since the grape bastard is in class B instead of ours but still. About half the class is some variation of the LGBTQ+ community, but I'm not supposed to know that and Deku and Toshi actually don't.

"I love you," I whispered in his ear, making him giggle. We are only 15 so this is about all the PDA I'm allowed but it's enough, just being with Deku is enough. I guess my breath tickled a lot because he was squirming to get away in the middle of his giggles.

He really knows how to make me smile. I give him a small hug before he grabs my hand and pulls me towards Toshi and Kiri.