

Kacchan's POV

Going to the mall was nice, for once, we got to have fun and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss my friends, not that they remember me at all. They still responded to the shitty nicknames I gave them and that made me smile a little. My idiots. Unlike before, by the time we actually tried to hang out like normal teenagers we were getting targeted and attacked by The League of Villains which put that to an end pretty quickly.

Some random low level villain did try to sneak up and pickpocket us. We spent far too much time in large cities not to know how to deal with them. Our classmates acted like we just saved the day when all that happened was Deku put the guy in a handhold until he confessed to mall security which took no time at all. Guess it was his first time trying to pick anyone's pocket, I shrugged the thought away.

"Bro! How? How did you do that?" Kirishima asked, his eyes lit up with his excitement, making me very uncomfortable.

"It's just standard defensive tactics, even a quirkless person could do it," I tried to shrug the red head off. Why is he so clingy? Is it really just his personality? I mean he has only known me a day so how can he already be so… Attached?

"Kacchan! I want to see the new All Might movie!" Deku looked at the theater across the mall with what was basically stars in his eyes making me chuckle.

"Let's go then, Daddy's boy," he blushed at my words but it was just so cute. How is it that even after all this time together he is the most adorable guy I know? Just how?

"Bro, isn't that your dad though?" Kirishima asked and I got to see both Deku and Toshi pout at that.

"Shitty Hair, they love their old man. And let's be honest, All Might is the greatest hero of all time," I shrugged, paying for mine and Deku's tickets before Toshi got his own. We got some popcorn, snacks and drinks before finding our seats. They didn't have enough seats so that we could all sit together so I just patted my lap and Deku sat down in it.

I love this, I love being able to show him my affection without judgment. Without fear in the corner of his eyes, he can just love me like this. I could hear the others chuckling at us not understanding how we are so comfortable with each other like this, not understanding that we are not just platonic, that we are not brothers in any sense of the word, they still think we are brothers. Fuck them. I wrapped my arms around my husband's waist and he leaned back getting comfortable before the movie started.


"THAT WAS SO AMAZING!" Deku was currently going on and on about the movie and I had sent a text to Uncle warning him that we saw it while we were out. Deku continued to gush while Toshi and I laughed.

"It was only the twentieth time we've seen the movie, he'll go on about it for at least another half hour," Toshi snickered next to Sero and Kaminari, I rolled my eyes at his lame attempt to get Deku to calm down. Like that would ever actually work?

"So what? Kacchan agrees with me don't you?" Deku huffed and I just laughed before wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"It was amazing and it was our first time seeing the film in Japanese and not English, Spanish or whatever," I sent a glare at Toshi, okay that actually did seem to bring him down but my words brought him right back up again and he was bubbling with excitement all over again.

"Wait, you've seen it in Spanish? Why?" Sero asked and I could see that he was barely holding onto his own excitement.

"Oh, we lived in Spain for a while, and Mexico. Wait and Brazil? We've moved all over, thanks to Dad being called for missions all the time all over the world." Deku shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't just drop a bomb on our friend's head.

"No! We are not going to start talking in Spanish, Russian, Italian or any other language for that matter. We are finally back in Japan for the love of All Might!" I hissed at them and several of them chuckled while Sero deflated. I let out a groan, "Maybe later," I whispered so that the only two that could hear me were Deku and Sero and they both smiled at me.

"It is nice to be able to talk like this without people giving us accusing looks though. I still remember that old lady in Rome who cursed us out because she thought we were no good hoaglins. The look on her face when Dad asked us what we wanted to eat in their language, right in front of her." Deku was a giggling mess and I couldn't help laughing out loud.

"I remember that! She was already so pale and by the time we ordered our food, paid and sat down with Dad it looked like she was already cold!" Toshi was clutching his sides.

"Uncle kept cursing that there were so many uncultured bigots and when we left the woman was still frozen. I thought for sure we killed her until she snapped out of it while we were walking away," I was wheezing and it was totally worth it.

We kept talking about the craziness of people and they had us telling stories from our time around the world. The story about a truant officer trying to arrest us when we were training at the park while we were living in Arizona had everyone laughing.

The stories faded out, thankfully they weren't demanding more but they were disappointed when we were done telling them. However they quickly changed their minds when they saw the arcade up ahead. Honestly today has been nice and seeing both Toshi and Deku having fun like normal teens was nice. I wonder if we could convince Nezu into having a school dance this time around? That would be nice.


Time seemed to speed on by and as usual we celebrated birthdays at home, first Toshi's and then Deku's, of course we did mine before school even started. Our friends didn't really like that we didn't celebrate with them when they found out after we came back but oh well. The first time around they didn't celebrate any of our birthdays either, not that they would have known that.

It was time for the USJ and Uncle and I are nervous, the school was still attacked by the paparazzi and there was still a break in, so he has been training us extra hard just in case anything goes wrong. He even spent the end of class yesterday lecturing about how getting back up was far more important during an ambush than actually fighting. Thankfully fucking glasses seemed to actually be paying attention and Uncle even pointed him out how his quirk would be excellent for such a task, bloating his damned ego.

Aunty was also on standby for today. My hag was watching Aiko so that the girls could have a playdate and if Uncle or I didn't answer the phone she was going to come in hot and extremely angry.

I pity whoever makes her that kind of mad, she isn't the pushover she was in our last life, no she is a real pro hero now, she has been off because of Aiko but she will be returning to hero work soon.

We are all in our new hero suits. I made sure to keep my upgrades from my past life. I have dearly missed my gauntlets, even if they are much smaller than the first time. I added a cover for them so that they look like my highschool gauntlets from last time but in a fight I can toss them like grenades and still have my actual working gauntlets on me. I thought it was smart and Deku loved them! Toshi thought it was a waste of time but I reminded him who it was that came up with his suit design and he shut his mouth. I'm not going to tell him that I cheated though.

We arrived and thanks to an emergency meeting Uncle wasn't with us, just fucking great. Thirteen is giving us a brief summary of what we will be doing when I saw the first glimpse of the teleporting bastard and I hit my trigger, Deku whispered quickly in Iida's ear and shoved him towards the door and then the villains started their monolog and the creepy ass hand bastard started bitching about Uncle not being here.

"Fine, we'll see how long it takes for him to arrive after we take his previous students hostage!" The creep spat and I yelled the signal for Deku and Toshi to move. Toshi was in charge of the teleporter, Deku the Nomu and I had the handyman. Aizawa Sensei tried to call us back but he was stopped by some nobody villain. It wasn't long before we had the teleporter and handyman in erasure cuffs and Deku was still fighting the Nomu when Toshi and I jumped in to give him a hand.

It wasn't until Aunty came in, in her suit, that we took a step back and only because she told us to. The villains were rounded up and Uncle came running in with several other teachers and he joined Aunty in tearing the Nomu apart. Finally the damn thing was dead. Well as dead as the nonliving thing could be, that is. Deku, Toshi and I joined the rest of the class and we all noticed when they took a step back. I mean damn.

Aunty was still covered in the Nomu's blood when she came flying at us. "My babies! Are you hurt? Where? Show me right now!" Deku and Toshi just whined, "Mom!" And right when I thought I could make an escape she caught me by the back of my suit and yanked me off my feet.

"Aunty! We are fine, just a few scratches and bruises that's all!" I yelled still trying to get away but it was too late, I was pulled into her hug and now I'm covered in monster blood. Just great. "Yuck!" I groaned but she ignored me and somehow managed to trap us all into her bloody hug. Why? Just why?

"Aunty!" I yelled again trying to get her attention and this time it actually worked and she dropped us all and I got to look at both Toshi and Deku and I now have a very good idea of how much blood I'm covered in… A lot.

"Sorry, sorry you're right. You are all heroes in training now, I shouldn't fuss." She sighed as she continued to fuss over us some more. Fuck it, I'm already covered in the gross shit anyway.

"Just hug until you feel better, I'll get over it," I grumbled and I couldn't blink fast enough before we were all swept up into her hugs again, me pouting and my arms crossed.

"Green Demon, I wasn't expecting you to respond to our emergency call," Principle Nezu walked up, all creepy ass smiles, making me cringe.

"I didn't, Katsuki hit his emergency trigger and right after that his and Hitoshi's went silent, someone had cut off communications to my boys." Aunty answered still cuddling us, I can't lie being covered with all this blood is making me nauseous and Aunty shaking me around isn't helping, the feel of the slimy stuff rubbing against me was making it hard not to hurl.

"Aunty, put me down now," I demanded and I don't know what made her do it, maybe she realized why I wanted down, I don't know. The moment my feet hit the ground I ran to the nearby trashcan and hurled. It wasn't until several minutes later that I realized I wasn't the only one, Toshi and Deku were on either side of me and the grossness of what we were covered in was starting to really hit home.

"Can we PLEASE take a shower?" Toshi begged and it actually took until this moment for our classmates and teachers to figure out why we were sick.

"Oh dear, I don't think I can carry all of you that far. But I can toss you in the lake for now?" Aunty answered and we agreed before she could even finish speaking. We were sent hurtling through the air before landing in the frigid waters. I don't even care, it was so much better than the already congealed blood on me I just started scrubbing it off. When we were done Deku used his flame thrower to help warm us up again while we hiked back up to everyone else at the entrance.

We were still shivering and honestly Deku couldn't keep his flame going through chattering teeth.

"Fucking Icyhot, help us out here!" I demanded and I kept wincing as my own explosions were basically biting me and both Deku and Toshi had to stay clear away from me.

"Oh," as if the idea never occurred to him to use his fire half to actually help anyone before.

We were finally sent back to UA. Where we could take real showers in the gym. Thank fucking God!