
Till Mountains Flattens

Caught in the crossfire of a fight between the love of her life and a group of men called The Underground, Bree has to rely on the ever dishonest woman that wanted nothing more than wealth and power, to come to her rescue.

Airende_Juliet · Urban
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164 Chs

Bree and the Mayor

Bree parked her car in front of the motel and texted Sophia that she was downstairs. In less than five minutes Sophia was already making her way downstairs to meet her. Sophia wore simple clothes, a pair of jeans, a tank top and a leather jacket, she left her hair to cascade down her shoulders in big curls similar to the beautiful waves of the sea.

"You look nice" Bree commented when Sophia got into the car. 

There was really nothing particular about her appearance but she did look brighter than normal and it had been a while since she left her hair to fall down her shoulders, most times it was either in a ponytail or styled into something else.

Sophoa looked over at her, the dark blue casual suit and her exposed chest, "you also look nice".

But she didn't think that compliment mattered because there was never a day that Bree looked bad and to frequently receive compliments like that, it surely would be tiring.