
Tiger Avatar In MCU

A story of a boy waking up in a different world and learning to become a man.

Rwn4 · Movies
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13 Chs

The Mask

Kieran groaned as he stretched his body feeling quite good even though he fell asleep in the most uncomfortable position he'd ever slept in. Kieran did one final stretch before deciding that today would be the day he would find what universe he was in.

He wasn't sure if the tiger god had lied to him or if he was in the comics universe or the cinematic one but he hopes it the cinematic one, if it was the cinematic one he would know it better and also the enemies are way weaker than comic counterparts.

As he was walking he was asking people for directions to a library and after 10 people he finally got the way to a little local library not far from him, as he made his way there he thought what he should do to make his life as entertaining as possible for the tiger god, he doesn't want to be smited by the thing for being boring.

He yawned as he entered the library and came across the library receptionist a rather pretty older woman with brown hair.

"Hey, uh can I use the library computers please?" He said keeping his distance as he hasn't got an actual shower since he got here neither had he brushed his teeth, 'god even more things I need to do asap'.

"Yes of course you can" she said with a big smile revealing her white teeth

"Thank you" Kieran said as he walked past her to get to the computers and start with some simple searches.

'Tony Stark' came up in his favour with a picture of Tony Stark showing up looking extremely similar to RDJ and also news of him being recently kidnapped also added to the cinematic universe theory.

The year was 2008 and that again helped the cinematic universe theory. He started to search other random things about this world, learning some general differences in history including Captain America being a heroic force in the Second World War.

He didn't search Bruce Banner, Shield or anything else about the avengers as he didn't want to potentially flag anyone about his knowledge, he left the library saying thank you to the receptionist as he left and was now searching for an easy way to get money.

He could get a job but that might be too boring for the Tiger god and also it would be hard to get a job, with no ID, no bank account or a birth certificate.

There's those wrestling places like in Spider-Man movies, he needed to find a newspaper. Actually, scrap that he turned back and entered the library again searching 'wrestling for money in New York' on a nearby computer.

The results were positive with a single sight showing a big guy as their main mascot named 'Bone-Saw' he dug further learning they are giving $3000 cash to whoever can last 3 minutes against the champion. Also learning the next event is in 2 days and also quite close to him.

Okay I've just got to survive for 2 days, can't be hard right?

He felt a sudden shiver down his spine as he realised he had just screwed himself "ughhh why did I think that" he muttered "I'm so screwed"

He stood and left, giving the receptionist another thank you before leaving and looking for something to make some quick money so he can buy food for today and for the next 2 days so he can get to the wrestling fight not starving to death.

He started simple with looking for crime but found none, makes sense it is still midday and as he was giving up he heard a woman scream, Kieran smiled in delight as he pulled his hood up and ran to the scene seeing 1 guy with a knife who looks about 20 mugging a random older woman.

Kieran slowly stalked into the alley getting closer by the second his footsteps not making a sound as he padded with 10 feet and then with a burst of speed punched the man with the knife in the jaw seeing him hit the ground hard.

"Ah, he looks knocked out right?" Kieran said with a smile to the victim who was shocked.

"Oh, yes he looks uh…is he dead?" The older woman said tentatively with a slight quiver in her voice "anyway thank you sir may you take this" clearly panicked the woman rambled as she handed Kieran a $20 bill before turning to leave.

"Hey! I didn't say you could go geezer" Kieran grabbed the woman's shirt and pulled her back "gimme all the money not just $20 don't worry about your phone or nothing just all the cash, cool?" Kieran cheerfully said.

"W-what but I thought you were saving me" the woman said with her eyes widened as she stared at the young man.

"Nah you're saving me here lady, this money will feed me for ages so uh well you're the real hero!" He said with a thumbs up as his other hand gestured for the money

The woman now frightened hands over her money to the clearly stupid man in the leather jacket "ugh your jacket is stupid, who even wears leather jackets anymore" she said with a scoff as she left.

He looked at her slightly shocked but shook it off and emptied the muggers pockets taking the cash before pocketing it and leaving.

As he got to a random shop he counted how much he had and saw he had $137. 'Damn this will feed me for ages, huh I should do this more after my fight' he thought to himself.


Later that day Kieran was eating at a small burger place with possibly the best burger he had ever eaten in his hands, and as he was stuffing his face he heard people start to gasp or mutter among themselves.

As Kieran looked up he saw a picture of Tony Stark on the news 'Tony Stark has been Found!'.

'Okay so everything is really starting now, with Tony found it's only a matter of time before he becomes Iron man and then the Avengers and then eventually further along Thanos comes into play.'

Kieran asked for the check and after he put the money down the server gave him a dirty look.

Kieran didn't bother with it before putting his jacket on and leaving not seeing the server call him a 'no tipping asshole' to her co-worker.

As Kieran was walking to a gym, not to lift weights or anything though but simply to buy a month's worth of membership for the showers.

The water was lukewarm as he was scrubbing himself but it was still the best shower he had ever had.


It was the day of the fight and Kieran was excited, this was the turning point.

The 2 days previous had been boring to say the least, he had simply bought a ton of blankets and food and just found a random spot to chill until he fought the champ but he did make sure to buy a cheap plain black face mask that went up to his nose to cover his identity for the fight.

The sounds and smell of the megacity did really remind him of a jungle at times, it was loud and lively he can really see why some people love New York. It was beautiful, he hadn't really taken in the sights since he first got here but as he was walking to the wrestling event he couldn't help but remind himself there was a reason New York was such a tourist attraction.

He heard a commotion as he turned onto the street that held the entrance to the underground wrestling hall, he saw at least 30 people all around the entrance and as he pushed his way through and got to the entrance he saw a young man seemingly waiting for him.

"Spectator or Fighter" the blonde man said to him.

"I'm here to fight" Said Kieran who, after seeing the blonde man gesture towards a door following his directions entering through the door came to another desk with a man asking him to sign a contract.

Kieran after reading through said contract signed, it basically said that if anyone gets injured the company is not liable or responsible and Kieran was just fine with that, after he signed the man gave him the number 4.

Kieran sat waiting for his number to be called as he pulled his mask up over his nose and then took his hoodie off leaving him in his black plain T-shirt and the jacket gifted to him from the Tiger God in some plain black tracksuit bottoms.

"4! Hey number 4 get here!" He stood and walked to the curtain after hearing a gruff voice shout for him.

"Hey what's your stage name" Kieran's mind raced, he completely forgot about this part.

"It's uh..it's Johnny, Just Johnny" taking a random name with no real connection with him.

"CAN WE WELCOME TO THE STAGE….JOHHNY!" The announcer screamed into the microphone, his gruff voice disappearing instead, replaced by a generic sports commentator's voice riling up the crowd instantly.

Kieran walked through the curtains revealing hundreds of people all screaming and clapping 'holy shit that's..uh that's a lot of people' Kieran was nervous and that was understating his state of mind.

The bonesaw was an amazing show man, riling up the crowd by just flexing, 'jeez this guy's bicep is as big as my head' Kieran thought to himself as he entered the ring.

As Kieran started to bounce on his toes to try to warm himself up and expel some nervous energy he heard the bell ring as the crowd went wild.

The bonesaw now wasted a second ran straight at him with a 'holy shit is he trying to spear me! That's awesome' Kieran thought as he quite easily avoided the approach leading to the bonesaw to turn and use the ropes as a spring propelling himself at the 17 year old who quite easily got out of the way with minimal movement.

With bonesaws back to him Kieran felt the odd instinct to pounce on the prey-the man and shook it off, Kieran needed to make the fight entertaining and didn't want to end it quicker than 3 minutes as he doesn't want to get scammed like Spider-Man did.

As Bonesaw turned back and threw a punch Kieran quite easily blocked with the back of his palm before blocking a kick with his knee, ducking under the man's next swing before throwing a weak gut punch that got the man to grunt.

Bonesaw threw a flurry of quick and precise punches which were all easily avoided. As they got in close again the Bonesaw threw another punch and as Kieran ducked it turned out to be a surprising decoy for a kick which Kieran still avoided due to the sheer speed difference between the two.

As Kieran saw Bonesaw go for another flurry of punches he simply interrupted it with a left hook catching the man's jaw leaving him slightly dazed with the strength of the punch.

Kieran backed up and decided to be a crowd pleaser by brushing down his leather jacket as Bonesaw stood there, he had a smile on his face hidden by the mask seemingly growing every time he and bonesaw clashed.

The crowd getting louder by the second, Kieran started to do the classic WWE move and started to run into the ropes of the ring using them as springs before stealing another wrestler's move and hitting the bonesaw with a RKO.

As the crowd went wild seeing such an infamous move, Kieran stood back up with a grimace on his face disappointed realising that move quite literally did nothing and only hurt his own back from the impact 'eh looked cool though and in the end style is king'.

For the next 5 minutes made sure to keep the crowd entertained and lasting a lot longer than 3 minutes so they can't dispute the prize money. In those 5 minutes Kieran did not realise his mask was getting looser every time slowly inching down his nose.

He wanted to do something big for the last clash so he let the bonesaw get close before weaving out of the way of all the punches and hitting the man with a gut punch making him gag, then his right hook connected to the man's jaw leaving him open for his right hand to come back pimp slapping the man's face with his knuckles before hitting him with a final left hook leaving the man on the floor ending the fight with a grin on his face.

Kieran spread his arms with a giant smile hearing the crowd chant, and to be fair they were chanting 'JOHHNY' but it didn't bother him he loved the applause and more importantly loved the fight. And as the mask dropped down his face the vicious grin the mask was hiding was revealed.