
Tiger Avatar In MCU

A story of a boy waking up in a different world and learning to become a man.

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The Iron Man

3 Weeks Later

Kieran's running through the building his heart racing as he slides behind a crate, automatic gunfire smashing into the crate and its contents.

The gunfire stopped, he used the time to jump back into the open Shere and Khan quickly formed beside himself, all three of them almost disappearing in a blur as they moved.

Within seconds the men are on the ground groaning in pain. He quickly tied them to one another putting the guns into a duffel bag on his back.

He quickly moved through the building quickly taking out the remaining people, before pocketing any guns or valuables they had on them.

He kept making his way around the area, making sure to not leave evidence, his mask hiding his mouth and nose, his black gloves not allowing his fingerprints to be recorded.

He moved his way past all the drugs into what looks like the main office of the building, he entered to see an Asian man pointing a pistol at him.

Kieran laughed "no need for the gun" he mockingly raised his arms in surrender and the Asian man didn't hesitate and pulled the trigger.

The sound didn't bother Kieran as he leant out of the way of the bullet letting it pass him. Before he rushed the man holding him against the wall, slowly starting to lift him by the neck.

"Where is the money?" Kieran asked with no fanfare making his intentions known "I will leave the drugs be if you give me the money, if I don't get the money I will burn this place down with you tied up in this office"

The Asian man stubbornly refused to answer. Kieran dropped him after no response, he turned around, walking out the room, the tigers coming in as he left.

"Fine I'll find the damn money myself, Shere, Khan tear him limb from limb" he said dispassionately as he walked away.

And as the giant tigers approached Kieran heard the man start to scream "c-CoME BACK!! I'LL TELL YOU" the desperate voice beckoned him and as Kieran turned back around he had a smile on his face.

As Kieran followed the man's direction he found at least $7000 and he smiled before turning to the man kicking him the face and then tying him up, he pulled out his phone and called the police letting them know he heard screams and gunfire at the current address before hanging up and breaking the phone leaving it a random bin on his way out.


"Yo Turk how you doing" Kieran said as he met with the man, looking exactly the same as he did in the Daredevil show, Kieran still had his mask on as he met with the arms dealer.

"Hey man what you got to sell" Turk said, his deep voice, holding a hint of nervousness. Kieran has met the man a fair few times now selling weapons he steals from criminals.

Kieran placed the duffel bag into Turks boot and let him check the weapons in there "Damn some of these are pretty nice, some are destroyed and some are average. I'll give you $4000" Turk said as he examined the guns.

Kieran accepted instantly he didn't want to potentially lose the deal or lose his connection with Turk by negotiating with the man. He took the money Turk offered before walking off.


Kieran got back to his bathroom/home with his spare time he's started to clean the living room, he made sure to completely strip the kitchen and he spent hours cleaning the remains of what was left of it to get rid of the terrible smell making the place now semi decent.

He still doesn't have water nor a toilet that works so whenever he needs to go he runs to the gym not even 200 metres away and goes there. His showers still happen at the gym, not convenient but cheap.

The last 2 days have been incredibly lucky. Before this he was just patrolling and stealing from any criminals he found but he luckily caught word of the drug den he just visited. He made the smart decision to rob it, making about $11000 from one robbery.

He made the decision to buy a safe he placed all his money into, his safe is hidden in the bathroom and as he unlocks it he places his money in there before eyeing the amulets he found in a bin of all places.

He knows what the amulets are, they are the Amulets of power the same amulets that gave the white tigers their powers, he wants to put the 3 pieces on to increase his abilities but the worry of Marvel's Tiger God potentially meeting his Tiger God is invading his mind.

What if they fight, they are both gods their fighting could have consequences that would affect him and the rest of the earth,Kieran sighs thinking about all the benefits.

They don't only increase strength, speed, dexterity, stamina, endurance and increase the wearers senses even further they also allow the user an increased ability in camouflage.

Kieran spent a while just sat there deciding on what to do. The increased abilities would be nice yes but the potential consequences are just too high right now, he closed his eyes before putting the amulets into the safe.

'Fuck that I need to know the risks to myself first I don't want to her smited by a jealous god' he thinks to himself while locking his safe standing up and yawning.

He changes clothes getting rid of the bloodstained stuff and putting it in a laundry basket for later, he put on some of his new clothes some random light blue jeans, a black jumper with his leather jacket over the top and some nice red shoes.

Climbing out the window he thinks about what he's going to eat tonight, he might even go to a fancier place than BurgerQueen and isn't that a dodgy knock off he thinks go himself with a smile.

As he's walking past a small cafe he sees a commotion inside and as he walks over to the source of the excitement he watches as Tony Stark at a press conference says some iconic words.

"I am Iron Man"