
THSON S1: Professor, Stop Avoiding Me!!!

Volume 1 of 'The hollow song of that nightfall' , Professor, stop avoiding me!!!- What did I do so evil to make him avoid me so badly?! **** eventually free from my overbearing mom-dad's restrictions when I came to my dream university to fulfill my dreams of finally tasting freedom and becoming the best classical musician, approximately, 1000 miles! "No chance of any interference in my freedom!" Finally breaking the cage of that 12-year-old incident! Nevertheless, "She's still a child... That six-year-old child..." What if it still follows me?! Those amber eyes- gorgeous but terrifying, crying for blood?! My BLOOD! "You, stay away from me!" he, the young beautiful sculptured man out of marble so cold yet why do I keep on thinking out him?! shrieked in distaste, Why?! What did I do?! I don't even know him! And he acts as my mortal enemy! "Can I help this enchanting girl like you?!" the wolf- alpha, a loner one, always put me first since the day I met...protecting me- "She's my girl!" and also, how could I forget?! marking me as his 'girlfriend' even on day one! But...he's not the only protector... "Wisteria...Glad you are here..." a flirtatious professor of literature who is a vampire, and the cold rude guy is his vampire brother- Who can be anything- a protector or... "You're always falling, falling as prey, If you want to get hunted so badly, then just tell me, I have been a predator for some time! " Or...perhaps A predator?! "Stay away from me and my brother!" "He's the most- gentle soul..." "Give me your hand..." "Don't forget, You carry the most tressured drink to a vampire!" "Professor! " "Wisteria...so fondant yet...fatal..." "Stop avoiding me!!!" "Death!" "I rarely know you..." "His eyes..." "Am I the only one who could feel this weird sensation from that girl?!" "...are familiar..." "Are you even human?!" "Your destiny...." "Agh! Ahhhh!" "This peculiar blue-headed girl is taming you brook!" "Death!" "Vampire..." *Howl!!!* "Don't trust anyone will..." "I trust you with everything I have!" "Then... Die!!!" "....Wisteria so fondant yet fatal... Gaze with care, or your heart will lose a thud... And fall into a hitch of endless rest " "Are you ready to face your worst fear, Willy?!"

Thedarkhattie · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Wolf's girl?!

"Gabriel is just a lovesick luna...but How do you know about her?!" he clusters me through his arm ringed around my waist as if a rope- rigid and strong!

"Well, she came to warn me this morning! And I told her, she need not worry about this, 'cause you and I are just an instant friend nothing else!" I let out without a pause but he seem to be surprised for some reason-

"And she believed?!"

"No! she didn't! She threatens me Like she detects some boyfriend snatcher in me!"

"Wait, she doesn't do threatening without using her claws, did she try to harm you?!" His expression tightened, and so did his grip and his eyes questionably mended on my face,

"Umm...No..." I said in innocence still knowing the truth in my heart and still that fingertips of hers which seem to be felt over my face-

Damn, she did!

"I knew!! That bitch is dead!" he roared but the wolves howl,

Don't they?!

And finally, he took away his hand from my wrist, scampered in the direction of the entrance with a very infuriated indication,

And seriously, he's going to kill!

"Vibe!" I held his muscular hand- mister, it's time to get yourself cuffed!

"Leave me... Willy..."

But, I appear to be a very loose cuff that I was steering away like a boat in the waves of the big tide, and

I'm not joking he eventually drag inhumanely, up to an extant!


"Ah ah... My ankle! my ankle! " I sit on the cold marble floor, cried holding my ankle, to which his anger flushed, and he fled back to me with oh those puppy sea eyes, touching my ankle so delicately, crunching next to me-

"Will...Does it hurt?! I'm sorry I must not have done this..."

I continued my drama unto I was confirmed-

Ay, the wolf is back to puppy,

"Look at your face, Vibe!" I busted into endless giggles leaving perplexity, to that poor guy-

"Not so funny Will..." he spoke with those swollen cheeks yet I wasn't of any control!

And even, melted his angry face and started to laugh with me,

How childlike I have been since I came here!

The whole world is circling us and still, I simply don't care!

How could believe I have just been with him by yesterday and now boom we are more mended than ever!

Like two best friends!

Until my stomach started to hurt more- cause it's been just churning my intestine uselessly without any potential intake,

"What's it?!" He asked catching sight that I had to hold my stomach in my hand,

"Nothing... Just..."

"Don't say Gabriel was behind this?!" he straightened his spine

Does he think that Gabriel kicked me like in ninja movies?!

Does he think I am such a weakling?!

And so, I backslashed-

"No! You are the reason! I forgot to eat last night because of that whole drama!"

"That... (He hesitates but then...) it saved you didn't it?!"

"Like?! Yeah, Did it save me from Gabriel?! No

And left me in peace?! No!

But... Do I fall in limelight?!

Yes, I do, thank you! " conveying all points, Rolling my eyes, I stand up from my seat on the cold tiled floor of that canvas straightening the creases off from my blue jean jumpsuit,

But even if my allegations, he smiled while standing up, speaking out carelessly-

"Apart from Gabriel, tell me if no one dares to touch you in the human clan, did they?..."

" I didn't notice!"

"Well, then go on noticing because they won't because you are my girl now..."

A wolf's girl?!

My tongue almost rolled out-


"Since you came into my sight..." he said in a hush turning his head around

****** ****


I was just finished with the game and Gabriel, who was lurking all over me during the Jilada (A frictional game- which is more like rugby but werewolf still)

'cause she senses like I'm her mate!

But, I don't sense the same, she seems more like a dead weight on me!

But who cares?!

The Mirage moon is on the edge of the month- it will separate milk from the water!

But, there's also a prolonged suspicion in me-

will I ever be able to find my mate?!

Since my life, it has been 18 years... And I still didn't feel ever touched-

Like they say when we fall for each other the whole world might just become that one who the mirage moon will choose when the light falls and they both unite forever!

But maybe I am not meant to be a mate!

To be loved to be touched!

I will stay a loner alpha!

In a pack of mates!

My raged steps just maintain on moving instantaneously even though I move faster and more comfortably in my wolf form but still for sake of those rules- for those weak heart humans, I have to burn on this stake-

But, so unexpectedly,

The whole world stops,

When I saw her, that exquisite human girl with a little bluishness in her hair that falls upto shoulder like the water of a fountain flowing down, and a hinder of hesitation that she finds in raising a question around that her those greyish eyes sparks,

Making me freeze like I never before,

Who's this girl?!

She doesn't see as I have seen before,

They were beautiful but she... Had a vibe... Like a constant stir in a deep endless sea,

I leaned over the side pillar so that I don't collapse wowing at how magnificent she was-

Regardless of how much I looked at her, nothing seem to fill in that sensation I was ravished with,

Is this called being touched (When a wolf finds a mate)?


"Cut it out, vibe, cut it out! " I scream onto the daydreaming brook viber

"I'm just joking, mumkin!" he giggled,

And my stomach growled!

What a perfect timing!

"Let's get you some food!"

"Breakfast is at 8 no early no late!" I imitated ivy's lines in her verse, but his thin lips curled-

"that's for humans, we are going wolf mode!"

Wolf mode?!

Is he about to give me dog food?!

(Hey readers,

The bonus is pouring in a bunch... And this time it's our wolf whose secrecy has been a little jeopardized but don't tell willy okay?



Spoiler: Getting into Mr. Tyler's class, late?! , that's called asking for punishment!


"Sir..." no words to be said...

But, professor Arthur's a good choice?!