
THSON S1: Professor, Stop Avoiding Me!!!

Volume 1 of 'The hollow song of that nightfall' , Professor, stop avoiding me!!!- What did I do so evil to make him avoid me so badly?! **** eventually free from my overbearing mom-dad's restrictions when I came to my dream university to fulfill my dreams of finally tasting freedom and becoming the best classical musician, approximately, 1000 miles! "No chance of any interference in my freedom!" Finally breaking the cage of that 12-year-old incident! Nevertheless, "She's still a child... That six-year-old child..." What if it still follows me?! Those amber eyes- gorgeous but terrifying, crying for blood?! My BLOOD! "You, stay away from me!" he, the young beautiful sculptured man out of marble so cold yet why do I keep on thinking out him?! shrieked in distaste, Why?! What did I do?! I don't even know him! And he acts as my mortal enemy! "Can I help this enchanting girl like you?!" the wolf- alpha, a loner one, always put me first since the day I met...protecting me- "She's my girl!" and also, how could I forget?! marking me as his 'girlfriend' even on day one! But...he's not the only protector... "Wisteria...Glad you are here..." a flirtatious professor of literature who is a vampire, and the cold rude guy is his vampire brother- Who can be anything- a protector or... "You're always falling, falling as prey, If you want to get hunted so badly, then just tell me, I have been a predator for some time! " Or...perhaps A predator?! "Stay away from me and my brother!" "He's the most- gentle soul..." "Give me your hand..." "Don't forget, You carry the most tressured drink to a vampire!" "Professor! " "Wisteria...so fondant yet...fatal..." "Stop avoiding me!!!" "Death!" "I rarely know you..." "His eyes..." "Am I the only one who could feel this weird sensation from that girl?!" "...are familiar..." "Are you even human?!" "Your destiny...." "Agh! Ahhhh!" "This peculiar blue-headed girl is taming you brook!" "Death!" "Vampire..." *Howl!!!* "Don't trust anyone will..." "I trust you with everything I have!" "Then... Die!!!" "....Wisteria so fondant yet fatal... Gaze with care, or your heart will lose a thud... And fall into a hitch of endless rest " "Are you ready to face your worst fear, Willy?!"

Thedarkhattie · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Says who?!

"Sure to say for the luna who ran away leaving me in dragon's mouth..." I pilfer myself from that pitfall, raising an eyebrow at the pencil-thin Luna, Gabriel who grinned sarcastically at a distance posing slantingly on the wall,

"Awe, I didn't though a girl who could break out a rebel between wolves would need any help from this 'nothing much Luna' to slay the dragon..." She straight up and began to toil towards me,

Abruptly, something hit my head, quiet like a thunderbolt, as I smash my hand on my face in dismay-

"Agh! Is it time?"

"Yop, It is time..." she grinned still cat walking,

"Wait, are we even talking about the same thing?!"

"Just come, the director don't spare latecomers..."

Of course, we are talking of the same thing!

The thing that is called the worst nightmare, that I am about to face on just the 3rd day in the university, how lucky am I?!

"...By 8 in my cabin, or else the cone of shame is promising for the wild wolf..." yup, I remember all, well and clear,

And 8, is not far I guess!

She jerks me up eagerly with her hand coiled up like a hook around my left arm which wasn't any excitement to get called to the director's office,

But In contrast, Luna seems kind of accepting and taking it well, like we were going to get some kind of treat inside the office, as she drag me without losing my hand-

"Hey, I ain't a child!" I cried trying to shake my hand off her hooker grip.

However, She gripped it more tightly as mothers do to their child in a crowded area- but there ain't any crowd here, merely two-three are roaming rest are surely in class,

"If I let your hand go, you will probably fall again and break your bone!"

"Excuse me, that's insulting!"

"Say's who?! wax doll?!" She laughed to which I rolled my eyes still held in captivity,

Why do all these wolves like to hold people in their captivity?!

In no time, we were outside this monumental monument like a room in from of us, outside which a whole bunch of students standing, who were surprisingly familiar-

Oh yeah, those are all the wolves from last night but more in decent dress, more like students, but still not a single face was tensed, unlike mine, which was getting dehydrated and bloodless!

Is it hot here or am I hot?!

*Beep beep* Hot here is equal to a temperature hike, not seductiveness! Please note that... *Beep beep*

In these dozen people who were laughing and chatting also starting at me just same like nothing happened same as last night---

Wait! I remember something!

Abruptly, my brain goes into a telepathic recreating the last night's rebel setting,

As I halted my step rigidly, making Gabriel's movement restricted, as she rotated her head also peek back at me with her forehead creased,

"Gabriel, you weren't there yesterday in the crowd, right?"

"Hm..." she nodded her head with a profound smirk,

"Then...?! I don't understand..."

"It would be a shame to not witness the drama going on inside" she declared with a grin wide from ear to ear, winking at me through those hot pink hairs of hers,



I scrutinized the direction where I heard my name being called,

"Hey, brook! " Gabriel welcomed Viber with her hand waving and cheeks turning light red, but his face was dumbfounded, as he strolled like a sloth bear, raising his hand in awkwardness-

"Hey... When did... " moving his fingers and pointing towards me and Gabriel as if he had witnessed something out of this universe,

Confused by all the ongoing, I darted him then at Gabriel with a half-held smile of awkward,

"I guess, Lots of things happened Last night..." and giggled mindlessly with Gabriel, but his face was still unhinged and dissatisfied for some reason that his eyes weren't as shiny as they were always,

Is that because of the unfilled wound?!

But his neck which must have been bandaged was widely bare and surprisingly without any scar,

It's hard to believe some wolf had dug his feral teeth into his neck just the night before!

I slip out my hand out of her clasp and just took a step toward him,



"Everyone in! In a line!!!"

When the door of the hall flies open, a lady white as a ghost with light brown hairs stick to each other in a low pony shout quieting the joyful environment into terror,

Yup, now there was terror!

I glimpsed into Viber's eyes- deep blue that also wanted to say something but then he just gawked

"Yeah, many things happened last night, now it's time to face consequences, but- ( he lowers his head and then drives it up with a silly smile) ...Not you..."

"What are you saying?!"

Regardless of any of my questions, he yanked me,

"I am saying, you are not going in!"


Wasn't I suppose to be happy that I am not going into the devil's den?! But I am not... I am infuriated!

Although, the anger may be also because everyone here is planning to make me fall! Yeah, yeah! Attempting to crack one or both of my resin legs!

"Who says?! I am also called--" as I took my step ahead to get in the throng that was going in the cabin in a linear line but unexpectedly, he came in front of my way, becoming the rock of my way!

"I say!" he growled, but, Gabriel jumped between me, and him, as if feminists do-

"She owns right--"

( well, no offense feminist...)

"You don't try to put your nose between us!"

"Do you think if she is not in there then she will be secured from everything?! The director will hunt her--"

Wait, hunt me?!

"I know exactly what tricks you are trying to pull, Gabriel--"

"Stop! Stop you both!" seriously, I couldn't take this wolf to fight anymore! Or otherwise, they are going to rip each other's skin for sure!

"I don't obey you, I am my own master! And this is my decision!" I bellowed, tightening myself to face vibe for once more, but this time I was enlightened and both were astonished,

However, Gabriel had an amusing astonishment and Viber had a terrifying astonishment,

But anyway, I shook my head away from his eyes and again started to remake my path over passing both the raucous wolf but then unexpectedly, he clasped my wrist and...

"I am not making you obey me... I am begging you..."

I can't describe how he let out those words through his lips, it felt so wreaking so painful, that my previous feet stopped then and then with my eyes staring at the artistic floor, wide and open,

"...I don't want you to get hurt anymore..."

(Hey readers,

Okay! Okay!

I am sorry! I know, for me sorry means I will do it again but seriously my mother closed the lamp by 1 am already last night that's why I couldn't write a word or release a word yesterday that's why keeping my promise I let the release be double for today yup you get one in the evening and one by night! And also, I got the result today!

Second topper of science, not bad but still if I didn't release one or two chapters maybe I would have been a topper, but no hard feeling just peace,





I was put on the cross at once-

"What is a human doing with a bunch of wolves?!"

And the answer was 'Jopping! '

No, just kidding... That's when you get the cognitive tumor!