
THSON S1: Professor, Stop Avoiding Me!!!

Volume 1 of 'The hollow song of that nightfall' , Professor, stop avoiding me!!!- What did I do so evil to make him avoid me so badly?! **** eventually free from my overbearing mom-dad's restrictions when I came to my dream university to fulfill my dreams of finally tasting freedom and becoming the best classical musician, approximately, 1000 miles! "No chance of any interference in my freedom!" Finally breaking the cage of that 12-year-old incident! Nevertheless, "She's still a child... That six-year-old child..." What if it still follows me?! Those amber eyes- gorgeous but terrifying, crying for blood?! My BLOOD! "You, stay away from me!" he, the young beautiful sculptured man out of marble so cold yet why do I keep on thinking out him?! shrieked in distaste, Why?! What did I do?! I don't even know him! And he acts as my mortal enemy! "Can I help this enchanting girl like you?!" the wolf- alpha, a loner one, always put me first since the day I met...protecting me- "She's my girl!" and also, how could I forget?! marking me as his 'girlfriend' even on day one! But...he's not the only protector... "Wisteria...Glad you are here..." a flirtatious professor of literature who is a vampire, and the cold rude guy is his vampire brother- Who can be anything- a protector or... "You're always falling, falling as prey, If you want to get hunted so badly, then just tell me, I have been a predator for some time! " Or...perhaps A predator?! "Stay away from me and my brother!" "He's the most- gentle soul..." "Give me your hand..." "Don't forget, You carry the most tressured drink to a vampire!" "Professor! " "Wisteria...so fondant yet...fatal..." "Stop avoiding me!!!" "Death!" "I rarely know you..." "His eyes..." "Am I the only one who could feel this weird sensation from that girl?!" "...are familiar..." "Are you even human?!" "Your destiny...." "Agh! Ahhhh!" "This peculiar blue-headed girl is taming you brook!" "Death!" "Vampire..." *Howl!!!* "Don't trust anyone will..." "I trust you with everything I have!" "Then... Die!!!" "....Wisteria so fondant yet fatal... Gaze with care, or your heart will lose a thud... And fall into a hitch of endless rest " "Are you ready to face your worst fear, Willy?!"

Thedarkhattie · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Control, Willy!!!!

I took my bag pack steadily...actually excited!!!!

but then something caught my eyes...

I halt myself in the front of the mirror. Looking at me...actually at the deep sarcastic marks on the tip of my neck which were not much noticeable but still are looking more nebulous than that of my white marbled skin... I lift my hand massaging the dull dot placidly.

Maybe I wasn't dead but unmistakably, that incident literally leaves a deep influence both on my body and my spirit.

If anyone asks about this in the university what I am going to do??? It is for sure that I don't need any kind of publicity or become a topic of gossip.

I will hide it!!! I determined it and took out a baby pink muffler from my bag pack, and coil it around my scruff covering the mark.


It reminds me of the graduation day when all of our teachers and classmates were in tears...I guess I never cried that much before or maybe only I cried that much...because I was the only one in my group to leave the city for studies...it was when my whole group of friends gifted me this smooth silky muffler as a token of love.

I am really gonna miss my girls...Yes, only GIRLS!!!

Because there was not a single boy on this list and talking about any kind of Boyfriend or something then the answer is 'a clear NOoooo...' because he never existed. For this all the credit goes to My parents...oh Yes, I had a night curfew after 6 pm plus no parties or pub, etc.

Ufff...my parents!!!

By the end of high school, I was the only girl who didn't get a boyfriend. Sometimes, it felt so embarrassing that you are surrounded by so many hot and sweet boys but can't have any of them as a boyfriend because your parents are always checking on you...

Most of the boys had already lost hope but the chocolate boy of school "Den Berg"...

Well, I was feeling very sorry for Den Berg, the chocolate boy from my school who didn't lose the hope whole year...that he will make me his girlfriend but he too didn't make it...

But still, I don't feel like I had goofed something much important in my life because my parents always give me lots of love and care....and that's important to me, I guess for now...it's good!!!

But sometimes,

I really think...

Maybe my life would be much different like going to a universal school (Where human, vampire and werewolf study together under the same roof) and going out with my boyfriend may be of a different clan if that incident never occurred... but it was destined....which was out of my control of course...

But for this, I feel really bad every day every second...

And then abruptly...

Unaware of the silence and the sorrow of my room my dad drop into the room flying my door open.

And of course,

Making me freak out!!!

"Dad!!! You gave me a heart attack!!!"I scream with my eyes widen. Actually, he every day give me this kind of heart attack several times day and I am really going to miss it too...

Control, Willy!!!

I was filled with sorrow and he almost made me freak out.

"Sorry for that but, Do you want to miss your flight???" he said in a very low-pitched heavy voice....of course, he is also going through this like me.

One part of me wanted to stay here but the other part wanted to go away and start a new life...

I have to go and I will go...it's now or never, Willy!!!

I stubbornly shake my head in 'No'.

No, never!!!

"Come..." he smiled softly an oblivious simper- arduous to determine for its cause.

He simply turns and started to move out of my room.

Controlling my tears,

I started walking behind him following him taking slow and low steps...

Once I heard that...

A very great person said-

'If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want will be a sacrifice...'

I don't use to understand the meaning of this quote but now I understood that I had to make a sacrifice for both my freedom and my dreams. Sacrificing my parents, family, and friends...

It was just to say but it meant so deep that my controlled tears splash out of my eyes like a fountain...It felt like losing my hold...

OH MY GOSH!!!Control Willy!!!