
THSON S1: Professor, Stop Avoiding Me!!!

Volume 1 of 'The hollow song of that nightfall' , Professor, stop avoiding me!!!- What did I do so evil to make him avoid me so badly?! **** eventually free from my overbearing mom-dad's restrictions when I came to my dream university to fulfill my dreams of finally tasting freedom and becoming the best classical musician, approximately, 1000 miles! "No chance of any interference in my freedom!" Finally breaking the cage of that 12-year-old incident! Nevertheless, "She's still a child... That six-year-old child..." What if it still follows me?! Those amber eyes- gorgeous but terrifying, crying for blood?! My BLOOD! "You, stay away from me!" he, the young beautiful sculptured man out of marble so cold yet why do I keep on thinking out him?! shrieked in distaste, Why?! What did I do?! I don't even know him! And he acts as my mortal enemy! "Can I help this enchanting girl like you?!" the wolf- alpha, a loner one, always put me first since the day I met...protecting me- "She's my girl!" and also, how could I forget?! marking me as his 'girlfriend' even on day one! But...he's not the only protector... "Wisteria...Glad you are here..." a flirtatious professor of literature who is a vampire, and the cold rude guy is his vampire brother- Who can be anything- a protector or... "You're always falling, falling as prey, If you want to get hunted so badly, then just tell me, I have been a predator for some time! " Or...perhaps A predator?! "Stay away from me and my brother!" "He's the most- gentle soul..." "Give me your hand..." "Don't forget, You carry the most tressured drink to a vampire!" "Professor! " "Wisteria...so fondant yet...fatal..." "Stop avoiding me!!!" "Death!" "I rarely know you..." "His eyes..." "Am I the only one who could feel this weird sensation from that girl?!" "...are familiar..." "Are you even human?!" "Your destiny...." "Agh! Ahhhh!" "This peculiar blue-headed girl is taming you brook!" "Death!" "Vampire..." *Howl!!!* "Don't trust anyone will..." "I trust you with everything I have!" "Then... Die!!!" "....Wisteria so fondant yet fatal... Gaze with care, or your heart will lose a thud... And fall into a hitch of endless rest " "Are you ready to face your worst fear, Willy?!"

Thedarkhattie · Fantasy
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92 Chs


"Come to the front..." Director Lauren beamed in satisfaction with her lips as thick and dark, setting her back to the leather back of her throne-like chair,

And, the mass of wolves in human form, who stood on to the front, withered away creating a clear path, as if welcoming a respected guest, or rather a traitor?

Because leaving the director or her secretary(okay, also leave Gabriel, who has kind of having spice here! ), the rest all were seriously ticked off, and I don't see any 'why not' in this!

The path was vacated in a lag of few seconds and I who stood at the end was now facing the

director face to face, wow, my third day is so doomed!

Abruptly, Vibe yanked me back to Gabriel, who was kind of enjoying herself with the drama that was about to prolifer inside,

"Shroud-" left me muddied and...again close to falling,

"Stay back! "

But, before I could even completely curse this wolf, he growled in a whisper to me with his eyes that have lost their shine which also ceased my heart another thud,

And he in contrast took my standing position, of course, he is still trying to protect me...but...

"Soulless! Soulless! " my hand grumbled my muffler that wrapped around my neck, tightening one side,

How can I let..it happen again?

"Good morning director, I am Brook Viber, the captain of the Rugby team--"


"Let that girl speak" fear the worst, because I had caught the director's eyes,

"But, she--"

"I said ' the girl ', Brook Viber!" and she's obstinate!

And I'm an effortless quarry!

Without wasting a second more, I strode taking the thing I started overtaking Viber whose gazes were beseeching to not say a thing Well, it is better if I speak otherwise, Viber will get a Judas mark or something from his clan to protect a worthless human like me,

Also... How can I tell him- I am doing this to protect him, at least that is what I can do for the sake of anything we have,... I grinned at him and then forwarded my feet without any deflection or uncertainty towards the infamous director,

"Introduce yourself" She declared raising her skull to an angle,

" I'm Willow Stone, from the House of Music"

"Oh, Stone, I have heard that name plenty since few days"

Am I that famous?!

"Miss Schlaz has recently resigned from your custodian post, didn't she because of the nuisance you were to her?"

Of course, only because of Miss Sussane Schlaz! Still hanging on me like a ghost!

"Yes," I declared at the brink of busting, still catnap my head in the force of gravity, cursing myself and that bunch of wolves standing by the medieval table, who were pushing to coat their exposing teeth under their palm,

"But... You are not a werewolf..."

"I'm a human, ma'am"

"Now, I see the nuisance-What is a human doing within this bunch of wolves?!"

Uhho, why does this sound like checkmate?!

The checkmate to my freedom(of the whole 3 days)!


"I drag her with me in leverage" Viber announced, certainly blasting my mind- why does this wolf so hard to quit? And why is he making it sound like he had kidnapped me?!

" Shut up!" I growled rotating my head away from the director's fun-craving face, but he wasn't quitting to take my fault on himself.

"And to prove that, Sam, Hans, Sebastian... All can testify here"

"Please shut up!" Although it entreaty him to quell his lips, has lost all its hope and battle, still, I appealed stoutly in my agonizing soul that quaked through my tongue ...for one last attempt, comprehending it with difficulty that now...

"Stone, whatever he is saying is it true?" with an eagerness that lurked on her face, Director raised a question to which-

I can't lie, It was all true as 24k gold,

Now, it's called Checkmate!

"Why don't you tell the truth, willow stone?"

Huh? Professor?!

At the most unforeseen moment, he, the paragon of magnificence, stood with his iconic fashion- left hand in the pocket of his tailored pants and the other hanging to his side, surprisingly standing at the opening of the huge portico

"Professor Tyler, do you have any objection?!"

"Forgive my bluntness, Director but I can't witness the injustice happening in your chateau, without a say"

"Injustice? And here?! In my presence, I have solely dedicated to not letting injustice creep into this institution, how can you condemn something without proof?!" indignant as she looked, She banged her both palms to her table,

However, the coldness, at the door didn't fade a bit,

"I have proof, this girl here..."

Wait, who is he pointing towards?!

Veering my skull and eyes around I don't see any ghosts moving around me, but why he's still pointing towards me?! He certainly didn't mean me, does he?!

"She is a defaulter herself, a human in a pack of wolves, violating the night curfews against the college policy"

"I acknowledge the policies that are made for the betterment of all, but nothing has happened against policy because under the guidance of 207, I had assigned this project on ' the Native werewolves- civilization and melody ' to this young lady standing here, and for the fulfillment of the task, she had gone out for research study with... (he took a wuick glance on my face and then continued) with my consent at night time to understand more of their culture between them..."

Wooh....someone pinches me or slaps me!

Is it me or has the rude professor just lied to the face of the director?!

And all this for what?!

I couldn't understand but drive in bafflement and amazement, he is... taking my side?!

Still, those goosebumps are surging all over my body! Questioning my reality!

"That may clear her name from this list but the brawl last night, doesn't it seem a little coincidence?" the director questioned settling down again and raising her eyebrows,

But, it's high time to take the ledge that the professor has so far dragged,

"It's a game between wolves by which wolves determine their dominance, and this has been there in their genome for longer than their evolutionary fitting in the society, it's something that can't be changed and last night was... One that goes wild, and I guess that is where we all standing here deserves punishment, but how can you kill something that's inside someone before it was the dawn of time?"

"So you are saying they all are wild?!" she chuckled

"Why not count the vampires in?!" challenging, I said gazing directly into her red eyes leaving stunned and even every single person in the room, eyes rolling- wondering only after a second-

Wait, what did I just say to the director?!

(Hey readers,

And the light has gone! Seriously what the heck is my life, I did blame it, but I can't say why not,

Also, before anyone says, that chapter is short but sweet! And full of biology!

Your, author)



"You a**hole!" yup blames are still not stopping on me but... Also,


"You don't have to act polite all the time when you don't want to!"

U,gh the rudeness is back!