
THSON S1: Professor, Stop Avoiding Me!!!

Volume 1 of 'The hollow song of that nightfall' , Professor, stop avoiding me!!!- What did I do so evil to make him avoid me so badly?! **** eventually free from my overbearing mom-dad's restrictions when I came to my dream university to fulfill my dreams of finally tasting freedom and becoming the best classical musician, approximately, 1000 miles! "No chance of any interference in my freedom!" Finally breaking the cage of that 12-year-old incident! Nevertheless, "She's still a child... That six-year-old child..." What if it still follows me?! Those amber eyes- gorgeous but terrifying, crying for blood?! My BLOOD! "You, stay away from me!" he, the young beautiful sculptured man out of marble so cold yet why do I keep on thinking out him?! shrieked in distaste, Why?! What did I do?! I don't even know him! And he acts as my mortal enemy! "Can I help this enchanting girl like you?!" the wolf- alpha, a loner one, always put me first since the day I met...protecting me- "She's my girl!" and also, how could I forget?! marking me as his 'girlfriend' even on day one! But...he's not the only protector... "Wisteria...Glad you are here..." a flirtatious professor of literature who is a vampire, and the cold rude guy is his vampire brother- Who can be anything- a protector or... "You're always falling, falling as prey, If you want to get hunted so badly, then just tell me, I have been a predator for some time! " Or...perhaps A predator?! "Stay away from me and my brother!" "He's the most- gentle soul..." "Give me your hand..." "Don't forget, You carry the most tressured drink to a vampire!" "Professor! " "Wisteria...so fondant yet...fatal..." "Stop avoiding me!!!" "Death!" "I rarely know you..." "His eyes..." "Am I the only one who could feel this weird sensation from that girl?!" "...are familiar..." "Are you even human?!" "Your destiny...." "Agh! Ahhhh!" "This peculiar blue-headed girl is taming you brook!" "Death!" "Vampire..." *Howl!!!* "Don't trust anyone will..." "I trust you with everything I have!" "Then... Die!!!" "....Wisteria so fondant yet fatal... Gaze with care, or your heart will lose a thud... And fall into a hitch of endless rest " "Are you ready to face your worst fear, Willy?!"

Thedarkhattie · Fantasy
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92 Chs

'PROFESSOR' Tyler!!!

I was kind of enjoying his icy cold touch which was making butterflies flying in my stomach...it was different and difficult to leave...

He took me in his arms and carried me like in princess style.

Not only his fingers were cold but when he placed my head over his chest, it was like I was placed on an ice slab so hard and cold that had already chilled my head.

How could someone be so cold like ice???

And then his heartbeat...


I could feel his heart hammering inside his chest just like me louder.

With his every single heartbeat, I could feel a beat rising in my chest molding it in a form of music very familiar music...it felt like I knew it forever...which I called 'Enfance'.

I never knew the meaning of enfance but I Know this song in my heart somehow since my childhood, I used to hum it when I used to feel fear or ever felt alone without even knowing of its origin...But how could that even resemble it...


My mind wandered for the answer for a long but I was already tired from the flight so it didn't take much time to take me into the magic of his rhythmic heartbeat...

I wanted to stay like this for eternity...close to his heart in his cold embrace.


that didn't continue for much longer...

Soon, that coldness started to vanish and I was sliding from his embrace slowly....leaving me agonizing. I didn't want to leave his embrace...it was like my heart was pulled out of my chest.

"Please don't!!!!" I screamed vigorously wrapping my arms around his cold broad chest without unlocking my eyes or I would say it felt like my eyes were glued.

As soon as my arms wrapped around him, his movements were restricted as expected. I could feel his heart pumping out energetically spoiling the beat.

"Let me go..."

He whispered painfully into my ears like he was also not ready to let me go but had to...soon he loses me from his grip and laid me down on something soft warmer but it wasn't much convenient to me.

I wanted to hold him to my heart but before I could have made any other effort to stop him, I was sucked into the anonymous silence and darkness...far from his rhythmic heartbeat, his coldness, and his electrifying touch.

And slowly...my mind stopped working...and soon I was lost in a very unfamiliar but pleasant sleep with no vamp nightmare or any kind of sleep breaking...

I never had such a delightful nap...

In that still silence and darkness, an unexpected low-pitched fainting voice echoed inside my skull.

"I'm...sorry, Willy"

Listening to such a confusing unexpected apology, my mind was back to light...and absolutely, breaking my most pleasant sleep for sure...

Sorry for what???

I opened my eyes to Anonymous.

And as soon as my eyes open...my mouth fell open...

"What the..."

Unforeseen, I was in someplace that looked like an infirmary ward lying on a stretcher...


What happened to me at the entrance??? where is that icy cold man??? Was that just a dream???

And most important....where I am????

"You awake???" suddenly a gentle voice interrupted my questions.

I turned my head around in the direction of that voice...

It was of a woman who looked not more than thirty clothed as a nurse...

Sure, she will give me answers to my questions I thought. I tried to stand from the stretcher. When she rushed to my side helping me to stand from the stretcher...

"...Where am I???..."

She smiled politely with a pinch of surprise in her eyes while helping me stand from that stretcher.

"The University of New Orleans"

That was much more shocking... I thought that I would tell everyone about my first moment when I step inside the gate of my dream university but all the good and witnessable moments were either bad or skipped...

Ugh!!! What is happening to me???!!!! I cursed myself...

Still, after that much cursing, Unawares the thought about the man who brought me here unconscious strikes in my head. I asked in curiosity...

"Who bought me here???"

She again smiled with her clear deep eyes sparkling.

"Professor Tyler bought you here when you were burning in the fever ..."

'PROFESSOR' Tyler!!!!

(Hey readers,

I am sorry that I had been busy with some work that I almost forget about writing this story further....please stay tuned...

Thank you for reading my novel...don't forget to rate, support, and comment on this novel for sure.... because this matters .....please .....

Also, *World's most wanted*

another beautifully written novel sci-fi, romance, and mystery...

Also, another book...

*Where the wolf roar: falling for the future alpha* A beautiful werewolf-human mating story...

Please do try it

