
4. The battle at Oxford University

"Hey Alucard. Do you have a plan?" Apollo said. "Yes, amuse me Apollo. Show me what you are capable of. I want to see how strong you truly are. I will sit back and enjoy the show. These weaklings are not worth my energy." Alucard said in his usual tone.

"Hey weird guy with the glasses. What nonsense are you spouting? You think this guy alone can take all four of us? You must be out of your mind. We have killed vampires like you before." The guy with the green eagle said. He appeared to be the hotheaded type.

"Believe me kid. There aren't any other vampires like us. Apollo take care of it. And don't be too fast. I want to see what they are capable of." Alucard said.

"Leave it to me." The moment Apollo said this he disappeared from view. Already standing behind the young man with the eagle still on his shoulder. He however noticed it too late. Apollo grabbed the bird and strangled it. The energy dissipated and the eagle disappeared. The young vampire spat a mouthfull of blood.

Not giving the young man any time to recover Apollo sliced his head off with his hand. "I should probably get a blade or something. I don't like getting my hands dirty." Apollo muttered under his breath. Eyeing his next victims.

"Noooo!! Jacob!! I will kill you for this." The man with the red bull screamed. " stay calm Dan. Do not rush into things. We need to work together. This guy is strong." The man with the lion said.

However Dan did not listen and rushed into things along with the bull made of red energy. Apollo was already waiting for him. A silver pistol aimed at Dan's head. Apollo pulled the trigger and a bright bullet shot towards Dan. Burning him in an instant. There was no sign Dan had ever lived. No blood, no ashes no nothing. The red bull disappeared along with Dan. Not longer having a source of energy to keep itself in this world.

"Tsk, that idiot. He just had to rush into his death. However Alex I do not think this is a battle we can win. I hate to say it but we have to run." The man with the shark said. " You are probably right Jack. But how far do you think we can get. This guy is a lot faster. And his gun can burn us to death in an instant." Alex said.

"Then we just have to fight our way out." Jack said. "I am afraid so." Alex said. " Why don't you guys both come at me at the same time. I will fight you hand to hand, no gun." Apollo said with a sarcastic grin on his face.

The lion made its move first. Sprinting towards Apollo. The shark swam towards Apollo in the air. Alex and Jack close behind their familiars. The lion opened its mouth to bite Apollo. However Apollo grabbed the lions mouth with both hands and ripped the lion into two. Alex spat some blood however he had more control than Jacob and attacked Apollo with his hand in the form of a spear. Trying to pierce Apollo's heart.

However Apollo dodged and pierced Alex's heart first. He than drank his blood and absorbed his soul. Another vampire with a lion familiar would be a good familiar to stsrt with. He will try to keep the other vampire alive. Or at least bring most parts of the body back.

This all happened in a couple seconds. And soon the next victim made his attack. The shark bit towards Apollo but Apollo simply dodged. And retreated a bit. This was a good time to test his new familiar. Although he said he would fight them hand to hand. They did not stand a chance anyway. Might as well see what his familiar can do.

Apollo then summoned Alex to fight for him. A blond man with long hair appeared from the black with red energy released from Apollo's body. Along with his blue lion.

"Kill him for me" Apollo said. And Alex ran towards Jack. The lion going for the shark. Jack was emotionally distressed at the moment. Seeing his old companion now fight him. He was usually quite the ruthless and bloodthirsty guy. But him and Jack went way back. They had been friends for years. Even before they became vampires.

Jack made mistakes due to his emotional state and Alex pierced his heart. The shark disappearing along with Jack's life. Apollo was watching this with a nonchalant expression. As if this had nothing to do with him. Alex then turned back into black with red energy and merged back with Apollo's body. Apollo was looking at the body of Jack. They would bring his body back for research.

"An excellent performance Apollo. And on such a beautiful night. A shame however that I can not get a bite to drink tonight. Call the pilot and we will head back to the base. There is nothing here for us anymore."

Apollo called the pilot to come over and that the area was clear. It took only a minute for the pilot to arrive over the roof of the university. Apollo grabbed the body and jumped into the helicopter. Alucard jumping in after them. They closed the door and headed back to the Hellsing mansion.

Apollo went back to his room to rest for the night and think about his future plans. The Hellsing manor was nice and all. But he wants to live in the city. Having a penthouse overlooking the entire city. A helicopter pad so he can easily move around when necessary. But that was for later first he needs to save up a bit. It will not take too long. The Hellsing organisation and the British government should pay him well for his services.

Alucard was sitting opposite of Sir Integra in her office. "So how did Apollo fare on his mission Alucard?" Integra asked. "He is an interesting subject my master. And he wields a holy weapon despite being a vampire. Truly a wonderful subject that you created. He is great asset for the Hellsing Organisation." Alucard said.

"And what about the vampires that you fought? Any peculiarities?" Integra asked. "Besides their familiars that were not even that strong from what I saw. They were just regular vampires. Not even worth my energy. We need to make sure that the new Hellsing soldiers can take care of them." Apollo said.

"You are right Alucard. More and more vampires are showing up. Among other mysterious creatures. We need to make sure our soldiers become elite vampire hunters. I will make sure Seras will oversee their training once in a while. To get them used to fighting against vampires." Integra said.

"That is a great idea master. That was all I had to report." Alucard said and bowed a little. "You are dismissed Alucard. Go have some rest. I will call upon you when needed." Integra said. Lighting a cigar and turning her chair towards the window. Gazing into the rainy night.

So we finally have a new chapter. I hope you guys liked it. I will try to become more consistent but I found out it is harder than I thought. I dont know what you guys think about the combat dialogue but I will try to continue improving my writing along the way.

thanks for everybody’s support so far. I appreciate it.

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