
5. An International request for help.

It had only been a day since the last incident at Oxford University. And Sir Integra already called Apollo for a new mission. "The captain of the KSK Kommando Spezialkräfte from germany has requested the assistance of the Hellsing Organisation. Apparently the Vatican's section XIII has it's hands full at the moment with the increasing numbers of supernatural sightings.

A lot of tourists and hikers had been killed in the Schwarzwald. (Black Forest). Huge claw and bite marks had been found on the victims bodies. The police and the KSK had send people in the forest to find the source of the deaths however they never returned. The same bite and claw marks found on their bodies.

The captain of the KSK called the Vatican's Section XIII however they had no members to spare and reluctantly told them that the Hellsing Organisation could help them. And so here we are. Alucard and Seras are out on another mission so that leaves you to take care of it. A plane will take you to Flughafen Stuttgart where the KSK will be awaiting your arrival. A team of special agents will accompany you on your mission. We have prepared special weapons and ammunition for them. M4 carbines and pistols along with bullets created from a silver alloy.

Assist them and make sure they come back alive. We need to keep up the name of the Hellsing Organisation. Now off you go Apollo." Sir Integra said.

"Yes Ma'am." Apollo said and then walked out of Sir Integra's office. A private jet was waiting for Apollo. The last supply crates filled with guns and ammo being loaded in the cargo hold. The pilot stood in the doorway waiting for Apollo. "Sir Apollo, it is a pleasure seeing you again. Please come in." The pilot said.

"You're the same pilot from yesterday right? What is your name? We might as well get to know each other." Apollo said. "The name is Lance sir. Sir Integra has asked me to be your pilot as long as I am not out on other missions. If that is alright with you." Lance said. "No problem Lance. Nice to meet you. Shall we get going now? The KSK is waiting for us?" Apollo said. "Yes sir of course." Lance said as he stepped back in the plane and went to the cockpit. Apollo entered the passenger area and was surprised how luxurious it was. There was a lounge area at the front and a bed was placed in the rear of the plane. A door was next to the bed probably leading to the bathroom. Another nice touch they added to the plane was that all the windows were UV resistant. Not that Apollo could get burnt by the sun or anything but it was still more pleasant for a vampire.

Apollo went ahead and sat down on the couch and turned on some music. He then did some research on his phone about the forest they were heading to as well as the KSK. Trying to prepare himself as much as he could for the upcoming mission.

The plane landed one hour later on the runway of Flughafen Stuttgart. A black SUV was already waiting for their arrival. A man in military gear stepped out of the car. The KSK badge on his arm made it clear Apollo was at the right place.

"You must be Apollo from the Hellsing organisation am I right? The name is Jürgen Adler. Captain of the KSK. Sir Integra told me you were coming." Jürgen said. "A pleasure to meet you Jürgen. Let's talk in the car. We better head to the Schwarzwald and find out what has been causing these incidents." Apollo said.

The drive to the forest took about an hour. While they were on the road Apollo and Jürgen discussed their plans for the upcoming mission. Most victims were found on the edge of the forest close to a town nearby. So that's where they are headed now. The rest of Jürgen's team is waiting there for them to arrive.

They will enter the forest from that village. Most victims had been killed at night during a full moon. And today was the second day of the full moon this month. They only had 2 days to find the culprit or culprits. They were confident however that they would find them or that they would be found and attacked.

The moment they arrived the members of Jürgen's team introduced themselves and geared up. 2 men were waiting for them and 3 woman. One of the men was called Leo. He is a heavy weapons expert. From LMG's to bombs he was the guy that handled those situations in their team. He had a large build however his english was okay but it had a heavy german accent.

The other guy was called Noah. He was the second in command and had a normal build for a soldier. Not big but also not small. Muscles in the right places but nothing exaggerated. The girls were impressive as well. Emma was the medic. A blond haired girl in her late twenties. Hannah was the technician of their team a dark haired girl in her early thirties and Mia the long range expert of the team. Mia had her hair painted in a dark shade of red. She was also in her early thirties.

They were all soldiers belonging to the special forces so their fighting skills were definitely up to par. "Okay so before we head out I want to warn you. We are fighting inhuman creatures. They are faster than you, stronger and possibly immune to bullets. We do not know what we are dealing with here. I know you are all confident in your skills but this is not a normal criminal. So be alert at all times. And if you see something that is not human and looks aggressive… shoot it. Do not let it get near you am I clear." Apollo said.

"Apollo we know, we will be fine. Don't worry." Emma said. More confident then she should be. The others laughing at Apollo's warning as well "You do not understand what we are dealing with. I will show you what kind of monsters we are dealing with. Shoot me!" Apollo said as serious as he possibly could. They all stood rooted to the ground with a questioning look.

Apollo did not waste any time and looked Emma into her eyes again "Shoot me, I order you." Apollo compelled her with his vampiric abilities. Emma now charmed raised her m4 and emtied the clip into Apollo. The others were even more stunned now. "Emma what are you doing" Jürgen screamed at her. Emma snapped out of her daze and stared at Apollo.

"Do you understand me now girl. There are monsters out there that can not be killed that easily. Monsters like me, however I do not prey on the weak. I prefer to hunt monsters and live my life like humans do." Apollo said as the blood reversed back into the holes the M4 rifle caused. It was as if he was never shot at all.

"So the stories were true. The Hellsing organisation does have vampires fighting for them. I didn't believe the stories. I didn't even believe vampires were real." Jürgen said.

"Yes there are a couple of vampires in the Hellsing Organisation. But don't compare us to these vampires in the outside world. You can kill them if you have enough men and know their weaknesses. However I suggest you do not try and attack the Hellsing Organisation. 100 men are not even enough to make us break a sweat. Now let's get to it. We have wasted enough time. The sun will set soon." Apollo said.

"Yes… yes, sir." The members of the KSK said breaking out in a cold sweat. Now actually alert for the danger they were facing. This was good however. Fear made humans more alert. And now they took this mission serious. And after this mission they would know what it truly means to fight monsters. Should they survive this mission that is.

So guys what do you think. do you like the field trip or should I stick to only England? I feel like going Internation would be nice too right. There can be more different monsters to hunt. stronger ones. and more interactions with other characters.

btw I just looked up all the info. for the german special forces as well as the Schwarzwald. so if there are any mistakes please feel free to point them out. And let me know if you have any good ideas for the story.

Mr_Ink2065creators' thoughts