
Through the Wings of Timeless Love

The strong connection within the three (3) guardian angels ( Godem, Seb and Nomin) put the evil Demido into a mind-wrecking confusion. Demido, the right hand of the dark had a vengeful mission to Gante and Psyda, the two (2) immortal spy and parents of Karla, who deceived and betrayed the dark shadows. The antagonist Demido used Gloria, Seb's mother, who believed too much on luck and superstitious beliefs, and who unbelievably sold her son's soul to the dark shadows in lieu of wealth and in order to separate Karla and Seb. One day, when Karla was abducted, she was saved by Nomin whose immortal body was lodged by the wandering soul of Seb. Since Nomin was the guardian angel of Karla, so he allowed Seb's soul in his body. In contrary, Godem, as Seb's guardian angel tried to rescue the empty human body of Seb whose death was not registered in heaven. In a way, Godem's soul entered Seb's body and lost his identity as angel while playing the role of Seb - the drunkard and the said widower foreman. After eight years, Seb in Nomin sought a way that his body through Godem in Seb can make his wife bear a child. Eventually, Karla and Godem in Seb met and the acquaintance led the way that Banli (one of the elders in heaven) mercifully freed Godem out of punishment and revealed, that Karla, was his wedded wife for three consecutive centuries in the past life. When Godem in Seb was forgiven by heavens, Banli gave him a mission to fight against Demido. With this, in order that his marital life and mission will not be hindered, Banli sent the soul of Nomin to lodge temporarily within Karla wherein later, Nomin's soul used Godem's immortal body to coexist and backup Godem in Seb, Seb in Nomin and the rest of the angels at war with the demons. Due to the deceiving triangulated presence of the three angels protecting Karla, Demido fell in the angels' unplanned trap and finally vanished. The faithful, shameful Seb in Nomin was totally forgiven and was sent to heavens together with Nomin in Godem while Godem in Seb was put into trial. But fortunately he won and finally celebrated the freedom in a lifetime with his wife, Karla.

fraulein1423 · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Sparks in the Party

Sunday came on and Seb entered Nomin and Karla's room. She's a perfect fit of the exquisite cocktail dress where she lovely shines. The long black hair were braided in centipede, circling on her head. She's got pinky lips so Nomin told her not to put anything on it. Her eyes were dolly and tantalizing, her nose was naturally and beautifully carved and her lips was truly amazingly pouty, kissable and seductive while she's got a stunning body shape and stands levelling to Nomin's shoulder. Her mole beside the nose was striking too but for Nomin and Seb, those were never the issue.

" Wow! our girl looks so dazzling today, it's just that the shoulders are bare." Seb immediately went out and took some shawls on Karla's pile of it in his cabinet yet he sighed at the corner for a while and closed his eyes.

" Banli, she's really someone who seduces my heart this much. Please protect me always and make my mission fulfill faster. "

While they were left standing Nomin was smiling.

"Most cocktails usually exposed the shoulder parts, this man is trying to cover you with long sleeves I guess like going to a farm harvest." He sighed.

Seb entered their room and extended to Nomin a long piece of cloth.

" A shawl, bring this when it's cold out there and you may cover up. Wow! it's Nomin's work, right? your hair is well-braided, Nomin's a genius, we'll gonna register a saloon and make Nomin as our Chief hairdresser." He smiled. But after a while Nomin made his lips filled with apple red lipstick, thick eyebrows and eyeshadows, heavy foundation and a hip-hop styled hair.

Karla suddenly laughed out loud and made Gloria curiously went inside the room looking at Seb with livid shock.

" What happened to you, idiot!" Gloria frustratingly ran outside to catch some fresh air. Rodolfo asked her if why and she described what she had seen. But Rodolfo also laughed and boarded inside the car.

"Come on in, it's already 5 o'clock, let's get started. I packed some biscuits for you and Mama Tere made you some sandwiches there, go grab some. Forget those kids, sometimes they need fun." Rodolfo smiled.

While in the room, Seb got out from the bathroom neatly while smiling and patting Nomin's shoulder.

" I'll never make you the chief hairdresser anymore Bro, haha." Let's go! we might be late." Then they all left laughing.

At the venue, Seb could feel that there were dark shadows around the area, but he saw some angels around he assumed sent by Banli to protect them. Karla's hands were wrapping Nomin's left arm while the jealous Seb just stayed beside Nomin. On their walk inside, Camille welcomed the three of them while raising her brow to Karla. In a way, Karla then held Nomin's right arm.

" Hi Seb, excuse me Miss." Camille said.

" Hmm...Camille, I'm Nomin, not Seb. Seb's there, that one chatting with your Dad. I'm just..."

" ...he's our relative, Seb's younger cousin." Gloria intervened, smiled to Camille but quickly left following the man distributing some glasses of wine..

" But how come he knew me and Dad...he looked like Seb way back in college too. Though, hmm..it's long time ago and to squarely say, I'm already 28. So you're Mr. Nomin, and she's your..."

" She's my wife Arzelene." Nomin smiled to Camille.

" This isn't fair, at your mature well-built physique you're that young but is sadly married. That's something to envy to Arzelene, but hey, enjoy the party!" She smiled and left. Meters away, she grabbed the blazer of that tall guy standing.

" Ow, Camille, how have you been? thanks for inviting us here." Seb smiled at her while holding a glass of wine.

" So this is Seb, interesting, you've got the same aura with that handsome young guy over there. If I were that lady Arzelene, I should have loved two, haha." Then she grabbed Seb's hand, tagging with him going up to the rooftop. Seb occasionally turned his head towards Nomin and talked to him in thought.

" Don't leave Karla. If I disgust this woman your name will be torn apart, remember that. Just support me all the way."

Nomin just nodded to him and winked his eye.

" So you're a widower now, aha! Do you remember what you've done to me before?"

" You left me inside the Student Council room and you ran like there'd be no tomorrow, isn't that weird. You avoided me just because I loved you." Camille sipped another wine again

" Ah! haha! that one...it was a rare situation, I was young way back then, still young, and ...when you're younger..." He stuttered and stopped talking as he disappointedly moved backward since Camille was pushing his chest harder, seducing him till he felt that he was already leaning on the rooftop's wall.

" I'm still single, you know." Camille whispered on his ears.

" Yeah, me too, but you're not my type. I only loved once." He accidentally blurted it.

" Ah, to your wife?" Who the hell was your wife, she's dead and gone!" Camille was stressed and slapped his face right to left.

" Ows, I never thought you're a saddist, that right to left slapping hurts, really."

Then he smiled at Camille covering his face. She was on sideways enveloped by so much shame while sitting down.

" Come on Camille, find another man, I'll go find you a better one. Wait here." After pacing a little away, Seb smiled sarcastically.

" What a woman...you deserve a bad story with Seb rejecting you in college, whew! I just knew it." As he trudge on stairs, contemplating.

Without the knowledge of Seb Nomin went up to the rooftop, following him. Somebody from the catering crew whispered him to go up alone because a certain guest named Seb has instructed him to go up. At the rooftop, Nomin saw no one and fortunately Seb got back to look and fetch Karla for safety. "Come on lady, and he hid her inside his pocket - as a spider and Seb quickly went up to ensure if Nomin was okay.

"Nomin, stay here for a while. I need to check someone downstairs." Seb said.

When Nomin was left alone, he sensed nothing so he decided to go downstairs to follow Seb but on his way going down Camille blocked his way.

"Nomin? yes, its you. You may go back now and let's have a little chitchat at the rooftop." She smiled while blocking Nomin's way as he moved slowly in backwards going up.

Camille started to seduce him, he started to touch his face but Nomin threw her hand away.

" Hmm, I'm a married man. You can't do this by just following someone's interest. Please put a little respect to yourself, Miss."

In a moment, Camille transformed into Demido, grabbed Nomin's body and threw it forcibly in the air but Nomin immediately transformed into an angel with big wings. The fireworks started as the two fought above using forces that was unbelievably extraordinary. Due to some dark shadows joining in their fight, Nomin was weakened and hit by a flare of light like stray bullets. He fell on the tree and an angel caught him on hold. When Demido was laughing, the people were shouting and applauding. They thought its just a show and part of the party's fireworks drama when Seb suddenly stood beside Demido and finally cut half his black wing. The evil Demido was gone again together with the dark shadows. Seb immediately proceeded to Nomin and resembled him to a spider. He was placed in the same pocket of Seb's slacks where Karla was also located. Both were sleeping.