
Through the Wings of Timeless Love

The strong connection within the three (3) guardian angels ( Godem, Seb and Nomin) put the evil Demido into a mind-wrecking confusion. Demido, the right hand of the dark had a vengeful mission to Gante and Psyda, the two (2) immortal spy and parents of Karla, who deceived and betrayed the dark shadows. The antagonist Demido used Gloria, Seb's mother, who believed too much on luck and superstitious beliefs, and who unbelievably sold her son's soul to the dark shadows in lieu of wealth and in order to separate Karla and Seb. One day, when Karla was abducted, she was saved by Nomin whose immortal body was lodged by the wandering soul of Seb. Since Nomin was the guardian angel of Karla, so he allowed Seb's soul in his body. In contrary, Godem, as Seb's guardian angel tried to rescue the empty human body of Seb whose death was not registered in heaven. In a way, Godem's soul entered Seb's body and lost his identity as angel while playing the role of Seb - the drunkard and the said widower foreman. After eight years, Seb in Nomin sought a way that his body through Godem in Seb can make his wife bear a child. Eventually, Karla and Godem in Seb met and the acquaintance led the way that Banli (one of the elders in heaven) mercifully freed Godem out of punishment and revealed, that Karla, was his wedded wife for three consecutive centuries in the past life. When Godem in Seb was forgiven by heavens, Banli gave him a mission to fight against Demido. With this, in order that his marital life and mission will not be hindered, Banli sent the soul of Nomin to lodge temporarily within Karla wherein later, Nomin's soul used Godem's immortal body to coexist and backup Godem in Seb, Seb in Nomin and the rest of the angels at war with the demons. Due to the deceiving triangulated presence of the three angels protecting Karla, Demido fell in the angels' unplanned trap and finally vanished. The faithful, shameful Seb in Nomin was totally forgiven and was sent to heavens together with Nomin in Godem while Godem in Seb was put into trial. But fortunately he won and finally celebrated the freedom in a lifetime with his wife, Karla.

fraulein1423 · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Deception and Betrayal

In a well-protected room, Gloria has performed a demonic ritual, she started to make a smoke from an incense in order to invite the soul of Demido. She deeply hailed and prayed to the evil of all evils to protect his only son and provide Demido more financial guts to shower on their business and so they would prosper in just one shot or gargantuan way unlike the latter where Demido just shed her thousands of hundreds. Moments later, Demido appeared.

" Come on Gloria, I was hit badly by your human son's sacred stab that brought me so much embarrassment in the dark world. Isn't that incredible?"

" Spare my son, whosoever between them, and if they've really split into two, please spare on them. I already exchanged my soul to the dark just to leave my son a good future, it's the thing a mother like me can give to her son. But please, provide me more money for him to flourish further and so he could attract more women and a wealthy wife fit for him. Instead of rushing to seize him, better go and get that unbelievable Karla and help me find a wealthy woman for Seb, please, I'm begging. Let's put it this way, perhaps, if we'll present a beautiful woman to test whether who, from among them is my Seb, I'm sure, the first to get attracted to our bait among them isn't really Seb. It's how you have to do I guess since Seb has only loved that bitch woman so obviously, he will never be attracted so it would be someone else. Demido, please help me, don't touch my son, don't harm him." Gloria knelt and begged to Demido before he was gone.

"Hmm, she got the point. I will find a very good bait, fitted to her suggestion, bwahaha! but after all, the point here is, Seb became an angel, we killed angels interfering the plans of Demons in the destruction of human lives, you scum money - lover Gloria. Your soul was on fire. Hmm, but the Angel's portal! I was out of the Musda Corp. now. I wasn't able to find ways that day, all angels have thickly surrounded the place though, I should have ruined that sacred place. Damn that day where I was injured by the sacred stab of a virgin male angel! you scum sacred angel man! the two of you! crazy morons! Damnnnnn!" He shouted that caused a gaudy sound from nowhere.

In a distance, Seb has heard a strong thunder while he was standing by the window and was looking at the good weather up high.

" It's Demido getting excited to catch us." Seb whispered himself then knelt right on that spot. He opened his arms, closed his eyes and silently implored to God the Father. He prayed to the God of Abraham and Isaac to help him fight against the devil's right hand.

Eventually, Nomin and Karla saw him as they also knelt while solemly prayed. She was praying that these angels before him would not be in vain. She knew it would be difficult for them to sue the evils headed by Demido. Her presence too, makes the angels' mission a little uncomfortable, just like what she had witnessed with Seb years ago in the body of Nomin had suffered a lot from the painful punishment just to do it for Nomin. Memories were lost that unknowingly sacrificed living in the body of Nomin so Seb could protect her that much. She prayed for the shield to all of them. Meanwhile, Nomin prayed hard to God the Father that he be given freedom with his wife and revive the real Nomin as the most loyal guardian angel of Karla. He also prayed to help him understand why they were a carbon copy of the bravest guardian angel Godem.

On the other side of the house was Gloria and tried to feel better. She told Rodolfo to drive him to Lemuel, a family friend who was a well-known owner of the City's best local soda brewery. She had known of his daughter liberated Camille and been eyeing of her for his son Seb.

" Hi Lemuel, it's been a long time since we met. I've heard that the annex will be opening soon, is that true?" She queried.

" Hi Glo, yup! it's nice to see you, will you be getting stocks for the annex?" She smiled.

" Yes of course and just dropping by for that." She added.

" We'll be having a thanksgiving party, you and your family is invited, of course. So take this invitation for good." He excitingly invited Gloria in advance then they chat.

While they were having their business transaction, a petite and a fashionista lady came in.

" Hi everyone." She seated beside Lemuel.

" She's Camille, my daughter. She will be supervising the annex soon." The proud father said.

" Hello Camille, I'm Seb's mother. I guess he was once your collegiate classmate way back in the university. Do you still remember him?"

" Oh, I see. Yes of course, everybody in school knew him. He's been our handsome active Student Council President for years, and he got married, right?" She curiously asked.

" Yes, he got married eight years ago but days after that he became a widower." Gloria sadly explained.

" Oh sorry to hear that Ma'am."

" It's okay, just call me Aunt Glo. But anyway, gratis for this invitation in your thanksgiving party on Sunday, we will surely attend."

" That's nice, it's a cocktail party and many have confirmed already. There'd be fireworks, mascots, few jokers with disney characters around and a lot more surprises that night. See you there with your family aunt Glo." She smiled and then quickly left because somebody just called her on the phone.

" So there, let's finish the deal and looking forward for a fruitful partnership Glo." Lemuel smiled as they stood up and had some handshakes.

While on their way back home, Gloria informed Rodolfo about the business partnership and the party. They agreed to attend and even dropped by to an elite party dress shop and picked out a gorgeous cocktail gown for Nomin's wife. She also picked out an expensive men's fit suit to the two guys that Demido had been seizing of. They spent two hours for selecting their attires for sunday's party.

" The one who will never be tempted to Camille shall be my foolish son." Her reassurance.

When she reached home, she called Seb and gave him the invitation. The five of us will go. Bring your friends and here's the attire you must wear. No need to refuse, I come to see you once a year, you hate and blame me every minute and we fight every week so give me this favor to just bring my son and his friends. Is that odd?" She breathlessly enumerated.

" Hmm, it isn't odd mom, just this once, why not. When you allowed my friends to go with me is already enough. Okay, I'll inform them too."

" Wait...just asking if when, when were you when there was that inexplicable incident at the hotel that went viral yesterday..."

" I was just within Nomin and Arzelene's room, chatting. Why Mom?" Seb asked.

" No, nothing. I was just worried that time and forgot to tell you in the morning because I've got a headache, you know, since I have this medication too."