
Through His Eyes - Ryan Rees (Twin Paranormal)

Kalani Foster recently had her twenty seventh birthday though sadly it was nothing to celebrate. It had been almost six months since, through no fault of her own, she was involved in an accident which had left her blind. Now left out on the streets after she was cruelly disowned by her parents she tries to find her way in the world with her guide dog Jax by her side. Little did she know that she would soon meet a certain person would change her life forever.

SnowWolf2001 · Others
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26 Chs

Twenty Three

Now I was thirty-two weeks pregnant and feeling a mix of emotions.

As I navigated the world with Jax at my side and relied on Ryan on my other side holding my hand I listened for the sound of traffic and footsteps and relied on my sense of touch to identify objects and obstacles in my path.

Despite these challenges, had always been independent and determined. As I fell pregnant and my pregnancy progressed, began to worry about how I would care for my baby once it was born. I knew that I would need to rely on Ryan and my support network, and I began to research with help from Ryan resources and strategies for blind parents.

I could hear the birds chirping in the trees above us and the sound of a gentle breeze

rustling the leaves. it was peaceful and calming, and I felt grateful to be able to experience it all with the man I love by my side. As we walked, I couldn't help but think about the baby growing inside of me. I had always dreamed of becoming a mother, and now it was finally happening.

I was filled with anticipation and a little bit of fear, as I knew that having a baby as a blind

person would present its own set of challenges. But I was determined to rise to the occasion and give my daughter the best life possible.

Ryan squeezed my hand reassuringly, sensing my thoughts. "We got this," he said. "We'll figure it out together."

I smiled and squeezed his hand back. He was right. We were in this together and we would

face whatever challenges came our way as a team.

I took a deep breath and let out a contented sigh. was so lucky to have such a supportive

and loving partner by my side as we embarked on this journey of parenthood.

When we arrived at the park, I could feel the grass beneath my feet and the cool breeze on

my skin. It was a beautiful day. We

walked hand in hand, taking in all the sounds and smells of the park birds chirping, and the smell of freshly cut grass.

We found a quiet spot under a tree and sat down to rest. I felt Ryan wrap his arm

around me while his free hand came to rest on my belly rubbing it softly while I rest my hand on top of his intertwining them together, and we sat in silence, enjoying each other's company. As I listened to the sounds of the park and the warmth of Ryan's embrace, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment.

Pregnancy can be a challenging experience, but moments like these make it all worth it. I

may not be able to see the world around me, but I feel it in ways that sighted people could

never understand. As I sit here with Ryan I can't wait to meet the little one growing inside me and experience all the beauty and wonder of the world together.

But in all honesty, even though I was only in the thirty-second week of my pregnancy I can't help but feel deep down, overwhelmed and scared even though I was trying to be positive.

I start to talk, and I can feel the words coming out of my mouth in a shaky voice

"I'm scared," I confess. "I'm scared of what giving birth will be like for me. I won't be able to see what's going on. I won't be able to tell what's happening or who's around me

Ryan is quick to reassure me, "You're going to be fine. You're strong and capable. We'll get you through it, I will be there with you and I'll never leave your side I promise you."

I take a deep breath and try to calm my racing heart. I know he's right. I can do this. But I can't help but feel anxious about the unknown. I'm not sure what to expect, and that's what scares me the most.